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Post 23 Aug 2021, 1:43 pm

Mike speeds up to 140.

Stephen takes the 60 line at 100 for 2w.

Doug grabs the start of the line at 140.

Jeff pulls up behind Doug at 160.

Chris L tries to stay at 180 - the engine misses for a moment then keeps going (test Top = 9 OK).

Tim stays at 140 and thanks to 2 slips stays right behind Chris L.

Jim speeds up to 160.

Bruce also does 160 and with a slip pulls outside of Jim.

Mario speeds up to 120.

John mashes the gas and hits 180, pulling behind Jim for P9.

Chris B speeds up to 140 and thanks to 2 slips stays behind John and pulls into P10.

Don also spins his motor up to 180, pulling outside of Mario.

Next plot due Wednesday, 25 Aug @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 1 Turn 33.png
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Post 25 Aug 2021, 5:06 pm

Mike runs into the corner at 80 on the 80s for free.

Stephen closes the gap at 140.

Doug takes the 60 line at 100 for his last 2w.

Jeff stands on the brakes (Overbrake = 6 OK) to get to 80, then takes the 60 line for his last wear.

Chris L starts at 100, then late brakes just before the corner (Late brake = 5 OK) to 80 and uses *his* last wear to take the 60 line.

Tim takes the middle lane 60 at 100 for 2w.

Jim runs at 160 and takes the middle lane (but not the line).

Bruce dives inside Jim at 160 and pulls into P7.

John runs at 160 and with a slip pulls outside of Jim.

Chris B does 140 and gets a slip as well.

Don winds up to 180.

Mario (NPR1, warning) runs at 160.

Drivers, I will leaving for vacation early Friday, so the next plot will not be due until Wednesday, 8 September @ 4 PM ET (US), 2 weeks from today. I will not be able to process the turn while away.
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Post 26 Aug 2021, 3:22 am

Polcen sets the single lap record
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Post 26 Aug 2021, 6:29 am

JimOrlando wrote:Polcen sets the single lap record
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Post 08 Sep 2021, 1:16 pm

Mike finishes the first corner and enters the second on the 80s at 80 for free.

Stephen takes the 80s at 100 for 1w.

Doug runs the straight at 120.

Jeff speeds up to 140.

Chris L does 160 and pulls outside of Jeff.

Tim finishes the corner at 100 (paid).

Jim takes the outside 80s at 120 for 2w and pulls behind Tim for P7.

John takes the 80s at 100 for 1w and pulls behind Jim and into P8.

Bruce takes the 60s at 80 for 1w and pulls outside of John.

Don takes the outside 80s at 100 for 1w.

Chris B takes the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Mario plots 120, but sees his path blocked, and so late brakes (1w) and takes the 80s for 1w at 100.

Next plot due Friday, 10 September @ 4 PM ET (US).
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Post 09 Sep 2021, 5:55 am

Minor correction - Bruce should be on the inside, not the middle. Additionally, he should be shown in P8 and John in P9. No change to deadline.
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Post 10 Sep 2021, 12:57 pm

Mike finishes the corner at 80 for free.

Stephen takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Doug takes the outside 80s at 80 for free.

Jeff starts at 100, pulls up to the center space before the corner, and stands on the brakes (late brake = 4 OK) to get to 80, then goes outside for free.

Chris L runs to the inside, and also stands on his brakes - but they give way (late brake = 10 FAIL) and with no rubber left on his tires, he spins. He can do 60 next turn.

Tim pulls outside of Chris L at 120.

Jim pulls outside of Tim at 120 with a slip.

Bruce runs at 160, then sees no room at the inn and slams the binders (late brake = 4 OK) to get down to 140.

John does 140 and pulls outside of Bruce.

Chris B does 140 and pulls behind Bruce.

Don does 180 and pulls outside of John for P10.

Mario is stuck at 100 completing the previous corner - although looking at the next corner, that may not be all bad…

Next plot due Monday, 13 Sept @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 1 Turn 36.png
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Post 13 Sep 2021, 4:38 pm

Mike speeds up to 140 and takes the 140 line for free.

Stephen keeps up, testing his ACC (5 OK) to go +60 and also do 140 onto the 140 line.

Doug stays at 80 and takes the outside 80s for free before diving inside.

Jeff slows to 60 and grabs the inside 60 behind Doug.

Jim gets the jump in the front row at 100 and takes the outside 80s for 1w, then enters the next 80s for 1w but can’t clear the corner, but he does pull into P5.

Tim takes the outside 80s at 80 for free and ends behind Jim.

Chris L spins back around and goes through the 60s at 60 for free.

Bruce gets the jump at 100 in row 2, but seeing nowhere to go, late brakes to 60 (1 wear and 2 skill = 3 OK) then takes the 60s for free.

Don also starts at 100 and also slams on the binders (late brake = 3 OK) to get down to 80 and take the outside 80s for free.

John starts at 80 but now has no room at the inn, so he slams on the brakes (late brake, 2sk = 3 OK) to get down to 60 but is forced outside on the 80s for free.

Chris B starts off at 80 but has nowhere to go, so he also stands on his brakes (late brake, 2sk = 9 OK) and just barely gets his car down to 60 to take the first 60 space.

Mario runs up to the corner at 120.

Next plot due Wednesday, 15 Sept @ 4 PM ET (US).
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Post 15 Sep 2021, 4:12 pm

Mike slows to 120 to grab the next line.

Stephen also slows to 120 and completes the 140 line.

Doug enters the corner on the 140 line at 140 for free.

Jeff runs at 120 and with a slip pulls onto the line behind Doug.

Jim finishes the corner at 100 (paid) on the 80s.

Tim takes the 80s at 120 for 2w.

Chris L takes the inside 60 at 60 for free.

Bruce takes the 80s at 120 for 2w and pulls into P7.

Don also starts at 120, but his spotters warn there’s nowhere to go, so he decides to save some wear rather than go the long way, late-braking to 100 (1sk = 8 OK) then taking the 80s for 1w, pulling between Tim and Chris L for P8.

John speeds up to 80 and takes the 80s for free.

Chris B. continues at 60 onto the 60 space for free.

Mario takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 17 September @ 4 PM ET (US).
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Post 15 Sep 2021, 4:34 pm

Tatum covered the field well for the final pass through sector 1
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Post 19 Sep 2021, 3:50 am

Mike takes the 60 line at 60 for 0w.

Stephen stands on the binders to get down to 60…and they don’t hold! (Overbrake = 11 FAIL, 1w). He flat-spots his tires and slows enough to take the line at 60 for free.

Doug slows to 120.

Jeff stays at 140 and pulls outside of Doug.

Jim takes the line at 140 for free.

Tim also takes the line at 140 for free and pulls outside of Jim with a slip.

Bruce takes the 120s at 120 for free.

Don (NPR1, warning) takes the outside 140s at 160 for 1w.

Chris L takes the 140s at 140 for free and pulls forward with a slip.

Chris B runs to the inside at 140.

John grabs the line at 140.

Mario takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Next plot due Monday, 20 Sept @ 4 PM ET (US).
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Post 20 Sep 2021, 1:59 pm

Mike takes the 80s and then the 80 line at 80 for free.

Stephen takes the 100 line at 100 for free.

Doug starts at 80 then late brakes after starting the line (4 OK) and takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

Jeff also runs at 80, late brakes (4 OK) and runs into the 60s at 60 for free.

Jim runs onto the line at 100.

Tim ovebrakes to 80 (1sk = 6 OK).

Brice is able to take advance, at 140 swerving around Tim and diving inside of Jim for P5.

Don does 120 and pulls outside of Tim.

Chris L slows to 120.

Chris B takes the inside 120s at 140 for 1w and pulls outside of Chris L.

John is forced to the outside 140s at 140 for free to avoid late braking.

Mario takes the line at 120 for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 22 Sept @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 1 Turn 40.png
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Post 22 Sep 2021, 1:05 pm

Mike runs onto the next line at 120.

Stephen slows to 80 and takes the 80 line for free.

Doug takes the 100 line at 100 for free.

Jeff finishes the corner at 60.

Jim takes the line at 80 for his last wear and grabs the next line and P4.

Bruce slows to 60 and takes the 60s for free, then blocks the line.

Don stays at 120, runs to the corner, then slams on the brakes (late brake, 1 sk = 8 OK) to 100 and takes the outside 60s for 2w, swinging around Bruce and outside of Jeff for P6.

Tim takes the outside 60s at 80 for 1w and pulls inside of Bruce.

Chris B takes the outside 60s at 80 for 1 of his many wear.

Chris L takes the amazingly-still-available line at 60 for free.

Mario speeds up to 140 on the 140 line.

Next plot due Friday, 24 Sept @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 1 Turn 41.png
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Post 24 Sep 2021, 4:01 pm

Mike takes the 80 lines at 80 for free.

Stephen takes the first 80 line at 80 for free.

Doug takes the 80 line in front of him for free at 80.

Jim also takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

Don starts at 100, late brakes to 80 (2sk = 8 OK) and takes the 80s and 80 line for free.

Jeff takes the 80 at 80 for free.

Tim takes the 100 line at 100 for free, then late brakes to 80 (1sk = 3 OK) with a wall of cars in front of him.

Bruce takes the 100s at 100 for free.

Chris B starts at 120, but his spotters tell him there’s nowhere to go, so he late brakes to 100 (1w) and takes the 100s for free.

Chris L starts at 100, then his spotters let him know that won’t work, so he late brakes to 80 (8 = OK) and takes the 80 for free.

John (NPR1, warning) finishes at 80 (paid) and grabs the next line.

Mario dives into the corner on the 60 line at 80, but his back end breaks away (Chance, 1sk = 7 SPIN). His top speed next turn is 40.

Next plot due Monday, 27 Sept @ 4 PM ET (US).
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Post 27 Sep 2021, 3:47 pm

Mike mashes the GO pedal (test ACC = 8 OK) and hits 160 as he crosses the line for the win!

Stephen Takes the second 80 line at 80 for free.

Doug runs into the corner on the first line at 80 for free.

Jim runs onto the start of the line at 100.

Don dives inside of Jim at 120 for P4.

Jeff finishes the corner at 80 on the 80s for free.

Bruce tries the 80 line at 100 - but his worn tires won’t hold (Chance = 7 SPIN) and he spins.He will be able to start at 60 next turn.

Tim takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Chris B stays at 100 and slips by the spinning car of Bruce (force pass, unblocked, 2sk = 0 OK) and takes the 60 space for 2w. He pulls into P7.

Chris L stays at 80 and takes the 80s for free, taking over P9.

John takes the 100 line at 100 for free, the spends 1w on the 80s and pulls into P10.

Mario comes out of his spin at 40.

Next plot due Wednesday, 29 Sept @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 1 Turn 43.png