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Post 14 May 2021, 1:51 pm

Turn 1 notes:

Segment 1:
Barkeep aim: 0 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +0 2H skill, +3 Shotgun bonus = 3
LEG becomes MISS: Buffalo Bill Cody has MOVE target status
NOTE: Barkeep fired one barrel. The R10s remains cocked with 1 shell remaining.

Segment 2:
Buffalo Bill Cody aim: 0 Aim Markers, +2 card 5, +0 1H skill = 2
Mountain Man aim: 2 SH50 W.F., +2 BR skill = 4

Segment 3:
John Henry aim: 4 C45 W.R., +2 BR skill = 6
Barkeep suffers GUN hit:
LIGHT 2: 1 delay, -1 endurance
GUN HAND: R10s to OH

Segment 4:

Barkeep draws 2 Delay cards for moving onto the bar: 2 delay

Segment 5:
Axe aim: 2 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +0 2H skill, +2 Shotgun bonus = 4
NOTE: Axe fired one barrel. The R10 remains cocked with 1 shell remaining.
Mountain Man aim: 2 SH50 W.F., +2 BR skill = 4
Buffalo Bill Cody takes a CRIT hit:
LIGHT 6: 5 delay, -5 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect
Barkeep Jab cancelled: delay

End of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody delay reduced from 5 to 2
Buffalo Bill Cody endurance reduced from 20 to 15
Border Rider has 2 aim on John Henry
Barkeep delay reduced from 3 to 1
Barkeep endurance reduced from 20 to 19

Teaching moment:
A player asked how aim is calculated on a brawling attack with a 2H weapon. The main question was: is 2H skill used? The answer to that is no. 1H & 2H skill are only used when shooting. When attacking or throwing the only skill used is BR. So aim is Wielding Factor + BR skill. Although not specifically stated for throws, since they are considered a brawling attack, I use the same method to calculate aim. The difference being a player may Aim a throw, which would add to the final aim. Also, remember, if a weapon is in the proper hand/s box, it MUST be used for the attack.

There was also a question of how to handle a cocked weapon used in a brawling attack. I can find no mention of this in the rules. Therefore, a cocked weapon will stay cocked in this situation.

Next deadline: turn 2 due Monday, May 17 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 17 May 2021, 2:11 pm

Wow, a lot of action including two characters doing a 3 Stooges routine exiting the back room

Turn 2 notes:

Segment 1:

Border Rider aim: 2 Aim Markers, +0 B3 card, +2 2H skill = 4
John Henry takes an ARM hit:
STUN 3: 11 delay, -11 endurance
OTHER HAND: SH50 drops from OH to hex HH-E20
SERIOUS 1: will draw 1 Fatigue card at the beginning of each turn
OTHER ARM 4: -4 from aim for shooting from BH or OH

Segment 3:
Border Rider aim: 2 H44 W.F., +0 BR skill = 2
John Henry takes a SIDE hit:
LIGHT 2: 2 delay, -2 endurance
Buffalo Bill Cody draws 1 Delay card for entering Mountain Man's hex: Wild Shot, C41 fires harmlessly
Mountain Man draws 1 Delay card for Buffalo Bill Cody entering his hex: 0 delay
John Henry Back Up cancelled: delay
Barkeep draws 2 Delay cards for leaving an obstacle (bar): 0 delay

Segment 4:
Andy Cock SH50 cancelled: 2H weapon must be in BH to cock, aim or shoot
Barkeep draws 2 Delay cards for DROP: 2 delay, DROP is no effect since he is already Down

Segment 5:
Axe aim: 2 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +0 2H skill, +2 Shotgun bonus = 4
Border Rider takes a GUN hit:
STUN 4: 4 delay, -4 endurance
GUN HAND: H44 moves to OH
SERIOUS 1: will draw 1 Fatigue card at the beginning of each turn
GUN ARM 4: -4 from aim for shooting from BH or GH
Buffalo Bill Cody draws 1 Delay card for entering Mountain Man's hex: Wild Shot, C41 fires harmlessly
Mountain Man draws 1 Delay card for Buffalo Bill Cody entering his hex: 0 delay
Border Rider Cock H44 cancelled: 2H weapon must be in BH to cock, aim or shoot
John Henry Hook cancelled: delay

End of turn:

Buffalo Bill Cody delay reduced from 3 to 1
Mountain Man delay reduced from 2 to 1
Border Rider delay reduced from 4 to 2
Border Rider endurance reduced from 20 to 16
John Henry delay reduced from 13 to 6
John Henry endurance reduced from 40 to 27
Barkeep delay reduced from 3 to 1

Next deadline: turn 3 due Wednesday, May 19 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 19 May 2021, 1:54 pm

Barkeep decides to lay there and catch his breath for a couple seconds (NTR)

Turn 3 notes:

Start of turn:

Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 2 delay, -2 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance

Segment 2:
Mountain Man aim: 0 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +3 2H skill = 3
Buffalo Bill Cody takes a LEG hit:
STUN 5: 6 delay/-6 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect
STAGGER: end in K22 facing off board
DROP: 3 delay
SERIOUS 3: will draw 3 Fatigue cards at the beginning of each turn
LEG 6: draw 6 Fatigue cards when changing hex while upright, -6 aim to Kick attack

Segment 4:
Buffalo Bill Cody Advance cancelled: delay
Border Rider draws 1 Delay card for entering John Henry's hex: 0 delay
John Henry draws 1 Delay card for Border Rider entering his hex: 2 delay

Segment 5:

Buffalo Bill Cody turn cancelled: delay
Axe Swing no effect: no target in range

End of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody delay reduced from 10 to 5
Buffalo Bill Cody endurance reduced from 15 to 9
Mountain Man delay reduced from 1 to 0
Border Rider delay reduced from 4 to 2
Border Rider endurance reduced from 16 to 14
John Henry delay reduced from 8 to 4
Barkeep delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: turn 4 due Friday, May 21 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 21 May 2021, 2:16 pm

Turn 4 notes:

Start of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody draws 3 Fatigue cards for SERIOUS 3: 3 delay, -3 endurance
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: Wild Shot, C45 and R41d fire harmlessly
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance

Segment 5:
Axe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +2 BR skill = 7
John Henry takes a HEAD hit:
DROP: 4 delay
LOSE AIM: no effect
John Henry aim: 0 Aim Makers, +1 card 7, +0 1H skill = 1
Axe takes a CRIT hit:
KILLED (Oops!!)

End of turn:

Buffalo Bill Cody delay reduced from 8 to 4
Buffalo Bill Cody endurance reduced from 9 to 6
Border Rider delay reduced from 2 to 1
John Henry delay reduced from 8 to 4

Teaching Moments: The Draw & Cock cards can be used to do both actions at the same time. There is no need to play a separate "cock" action.
We also saw a good reason to not carry cocked weapons that you don't intend to fire soon. A WILD SHOT causes all cocked guns you are carrying to fire harmlessly.
John Henry intended a LEG hit. Unfortunately the result card showed CRIT, not BE. It's the luck of the draw. He hit him leg, and likely the femoral artery. The danger of gunplay.

Next deadline: turn 5 due Monday, May 24 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 24 May 2021, 1:25 pm

Turn 5 notes:

Start of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody draws 3 Fatigue cards for SERIOUS 3: 2 delay, -2 endurance
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Segment 4:
Barkeep aim: 2 Aim Markers, +1 card 6, +0 2H skill, +3 Shotgun Bonus = 6/Range: 2, +1 Head = 3
John Henry takes a SIDE hit:
STUN 2: 6 delay, -6 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect

Segment 5:
Mountain Man aim: 2 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +3 2H skill = 5/Range: 2, +1 Head = 3
Buffalo Bill Cody Turn cancelled: delay
John Henry Leap cancelled: delay
Barkeep draws 2 Delay cards for Leap: 1 delay

End of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody delay reduced from 6 to 3
Buffalo Bill Cody endurance reduced from 6 to 4
Border Rider delay reduced from 1 to 0
John Henry delay reduced from 11 to 5
John Henry endurance reduced from 27 to 20
Barkeep delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: turn 6 due Wednesday, May 26 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 26 May 2021, 1:34 pm

Turn 6 notes:

Start of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody draws 3 Fatigue cards for SERIOUS 3: 1 delay, -1 endurance
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Segment 1:
Barkeep draws 2 Delay cards for Drop: 0 delay

Segment 3:
Barkeep gets 2 delay for Advance while Down
Barkeep draws 2 Delay cards for entering bar hex: 0 delay

Segment 4:
Mountain Man aim: 0 Aim Markers, +2 card 6, +0 1H skill = 2/Range: 2, +1 Head = 3

Segment 5:
Andy aim: 2 Aim Markers, +1 card (6) = 3/Range: 2, +1 Head = 3
Andy draws a Hex card to see where the SH50 lands: SAME (HH-K21)
Barkeep Run cancelled: delay

End of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody delay reduced from 4 to 2
Buffalo Bill Cody endurance reduced from 4 to 3
Border Rider delay reduced from 1 to 0
John Henry delay reduced from 7 to 3
John Henry endurance reduced from 20 to 18
Barkeep delay reduced from 2 to 1

Note: Although Andy's SH50 was cocked, the rules do not say it fires. I know, that doesn't make sense since if it were dropped it would. For now we'll stick with the rules as they are. (Remember there was a question earlier about attacking with a cocked weapon, which the rules also don't cover.) However, I have been discussing this very thing with Tom Cundiff lately (for those that don't know Tom, he is probably the ultimate authority on GSL) and he assures me (being a gun enthusiast as well) that the rule about a gun firing when dropped is not realistic. In future showdowns, that rule will be ignored. We will continue to use it for this showdown.

Also, for planning purposes, Monday is a holiday in the U.S. so the turn 8 deadline will be soft and no reminder will be sent that day.

Next deadline: turn 7 due Friday, May 28 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 28 May 2021, 1:13 pm

Turn 7 notes:

Start of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody draws 3 Fatigue cards for SERIOUS 3: 4 delay, -3 endurance (he is now at 0 endurance)
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Segment 3:
Mountain Man drops his empty SH50 and C45 to pick up the SH50 that Andy threw earlier
Andy draws 1 Delay card for entering Mountain Man's hex: 2 delay
Mountain Man draws 1 Delay card for Andy entering his hex: 1 delay
Barkeep draws 2 Delay cards for leaving an obstacle: 2 delay (Note: when card 103 was drawn the deck was reshuffled)
Barkeep gets 2 delay for executing Advance while Down

Segment 5:
Mountain Man aim: 0 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +3 2H skill = 3/Range: 1, +1 Head = 2
Andy takes an ARM hit (MOVE target status):
STUN 4: 3 delay, -3 endurance
OTHER HAND: no effect
LOSE AIM: no effect
SERIOUS 2: will draw 2 Delay cards at the beginning of each turn
OTHER ARM 6: -6 to aim for OH or BH shots and LOCK or BEAR HUG attacks
Andy Chop cancelled: delay
Barkeep Jab cancelled: delay

End of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody delay reduced from 6 to 3
Buffalo Bill Cody endurance reduced from 3 to 0
Buffalo Bill Cody more delay than endurance (first turn, he will pass out at the end of next turn)
Mountain Man delay reduced from 1 to 0
Border Rider delay reduced from 1 to 0
Andy delay reduced from 3 to 1
Andy endurance reduced from 25 to 22
John Henry delay reduced from 4 to 2
John Henry endurance reduced from 18 to 17
Barkeep delay reduced from 5 to 2

Note: Another interesting anomoly of the rules showed up this turn. Even though Mountain Man and Andy are in the same hex, since Mountain Man has a Head counter on the board his range MUST be counted from his Head counter. That's why his shot was Range 2 (although it didn't matter in this case), 1 hex from Head to Andy, +1 for Head counter. Also, if Andy had shot/attcked this turn he would have had range 0 since he does not have a head counter on the board.

Since Monday is a U.S. holiday I have decided to skip the Monday turn. Also, the Wednesday and Friday turns will likely be about 2 hours late (around 6pm EDT) however the deadline will still be the same.

Next deadline: turn 7 due Wednesday, June 2 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 02 Jun 2021, 2:02 pm

Turn 8 notes:

Start of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody draws 3 Fatigue cards for SERIOUS 3: 0 delay, -0 endurance
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance
Andy draws 2 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 2: 1 delay, -1 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Segment 3:
Mountain Man releases his SH50 to OH and picks up the C45c and cocks it

Segment 4:

Mountain Man loses Head counter: no longer in aim zone
Andy Sidestep no effect: Mountain Man next action Turn

Segment 5:
Mountain Man aim: 0 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +0 1H skill = 1
Barkeep Duck no effect: John Henry next action Cock 45
Andy Hook cancelled: delay
John Henry Cock C45 cancelled: delay

End of turn:
Buffalo Bill Cody delay reduced from 3 to 1
Buffalo Bill Cody more delay than endurance (second turn, passes out)
Border Rider delay reduced from 1 to 0
Andy delay reduced from 3 to 1
Andy endurance reduced from 22 to 20
John Henry delay reduced from 4 to 2
John Henry endurance reduced from 17 to 15
Barkeep delay reduced from 3 to 1

Next deadline: turn 9 due Friday, June 4 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 04 Jun 2021, 1:25 pm

Turn 9 notes:

Start of turn:

Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance
Andy draws 2 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 2: 0 delay, -0 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Segment 3:
Andy aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Mountain Man takes a CRIT hit:
LIGHT 3: 3 delay, -3 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect
Barkeep aim: 2 R10 W.F., +2 BR skill = 4
John Henry takes a CRIT hit:
LIGHT 6: 6 delay, -6 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect

Segment 5:
Andy aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Mountain Man takes a SIDE hit:
LIGHT 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance
Barkeep draws 1 Delay card for entering John Henry's hex: 0 delay
John Henry draws 1 Delay card for Barkeep entering his hex: 2 delay
Mountain Man Aim cancelled: delay
John Henry Shoot cancelled: no cocked weapon/delay

End of turn:
Mountain Man delay reduced from 3 to 1
Mountain Man endurance reduced from 30 to 27
Border Rider delay reduced from 1 to 0
Border Rider endurance reduced from 12 to 11
Andy delay reduced from 1 to 0
John Henry delay reduced from 12 to 6
John Henry endurance reduced from 15 to 7
Barkeep delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: turn 10 due Monday, June 7 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 07 Jun 2021, 2:16 pm

Turn 10 notes:

Start of turn:
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance
Andy draws 2 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 2: 2 delay, -2 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Segment 2:
Mountain Man aim: 0 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +0 1H skill = 1
Andy takes a CRIT hit:

Segment 5:
Barkeep aim: 3 LOCK, +2 BR skill, +8 Strength = 13
John Henry takes a HEAD hit:
STUN 2: 11 delay, -11 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect
DROP: no effect
Mountain Man Bear Hug cancelled: no live target

End of turn:
Mountain Man delay reduced from 1 to 0
John Henry delay reduced from 18 to 9
John Henry endurance reduced from 7 to 0 (He will pass out at then end of turn 12 if Barkeep leaves him alone)
Mountain Man gets 2 VPs: Kill enemy
Mountain Man gets -6 VPs: Kill enemy (showdown rule)
Andy gets -8 VPs: Killed

Next deadline: turn 11 due Wednesday, June 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 09 Jun 2021, 1:53 pm

Border Rider decides he's safe for now so he stops and tries not to bleed

Turn 11 notes:

Start of turn:
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance

End of turn:
Border Rider delay reduced from 1 to 0
Border Rider endurance reduced from 11 to 10
John Henry delay reduced from 10 to 5
John Henry will pass out at then end of turn 12
Barkeep has an open R10

Next deadline: turn 12 due Friday, June 11 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 11 Jun 2021, 1:41 pm

Border Rider decides he's safe for now so he stops and tries not to bleed

Turn 12 notes:

Start of turn:

Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance
John Henry draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance (pro forma card draw)

End of turn:
John Henry more delay than endurance (2nd turn, passes out)
Barkeep has an open R10
Border Rider gets the point for knocking out John Henry, he inflicted 23 of 40 points of endurance loss.

Next deadline: turn 13 due Monday, June 13 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 14 Jun 2021, 1:04 pm

Border Rider continues to rest while the other two get ready for the inevitable

Turn 13 notes:

Start of turn:
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance

End of turn:
A nice, simple turn

Next deadline: turn 14 due Wednesday, June 16 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 16 Jun 2021, 1:18 pm

Is Barkeep chasing Border Rider?
And, if so, does he have enough time to get to him?

Turn 14 notes:

Start of turn:
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Segment 4:
Mountain Man Does Nothing with Shoot: no target in LOS

End of turn:
Border Rider delay reduced from 1 to 0
Border Rider endurance reduced from 10 to 9

Next deadline: turn 15 due Friday, June 18 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 18 Jun 2021, 1:07 pm

There may be more blood

Turn 15 notes:

Start of turn:
Border Rider draws 1 Fatigue card for SERIOUS 1: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Segment 5:
Mountain Man and Barkeep Do Nothing with Shoot: no target in LOS

End of turn:
Border Rider delay reduced from 1 to 0
Border Rider endurance reduced from 9 to 8

Next deadline: turn 16 due Monday, June 21 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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