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Post 19 Apr 2021, 11:32 am

Puddifoot blasts the field through sector 3 and posts the fastest lap
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Post 21 Apr 2021, 4:49 am

Turn 39 Summary

Kubala knocks down a wear at 100 via the 80's and 2nd line in the 3/4 complex. Harley tosses his last wear, also at 100. He uses the 1st line, followed by the 80's, and takes back the top spot.

Dygert pushes his engine to 140 with his last skill (modified 6). Puddifoot also plots 140 but says 'no thanks' to the bonus space.

Walling gets the initiative at 160 to pull even with Puddifoot. Caldwell is next at 120. Kay also runs 120 but pulls ahead of the orange car with the bonus.

Costa grabs the T2 line at 80. Harrington, at 100, dives inside.

Schipper makes no friends at 60 as he blocks the line. Hoyt late brakes down from 120 with 1s (modified 4) and runs the middle 60's, sans line, for 2 wear. He also demonstrates the value of having completed the personal defaults form.

*I mistakenly used a skill for Skip's brake roll last turn - he clearly asked for no skill usage - and have returned said skill to his stash.

Turn 40 Deadline: Friday, April 23rd @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 23 Apr 2021, 5:10 am

A new race leader and probably for good...

Turn 40 Summary

Kubala gets the initiative at 100. He late brakes to 80 w/ 2s (modified 3) and tosses his last wear onto the T5/6 racing line. Harley plots 80 before late braking to 60 (natural 6). He pulls onto the line but will lose pace to the #22 next turn.

Dygert runs the T3/4 complex on the racing lines at 80 for free.

Walling plots 120 before late braking to 100 prior to the corner (natural 3). He retains the dice cup for a chance roll in the middle lane (natural 7). A spin!

Puddifoot, at 80, clears T3/4 on the double lines, unhindered by the black machine.

Kay follows the #2 race into the corner on the same line, also at 80. Caldwell pulls up to the corner at 80 on the line with the uneasy feeling of staring at the grill of another car.

Harrington rounds T2 at 60 in the middle lane for free and ducks back inside, clearing the way for the next car. Costa runs the T2 line at 60 with a wave to his competitor.

Hoyt knocks down a wear at 80 on the T2 line. Schipper, also at 80, goes middle lane for free.

Turn 41 Deadline: Monday, April 26th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 26 Apr 2021, 4:38 am

Street level view going into the T5/6 complex (thanks, Google maps!).

T5-6 gmap sm.png

Turn 41 Summary

Kubala sets up the T7 line at 100. Harley finishes out T6 at 60.

Dygert tosses his last wear at 80. Puddifoot readies the line at 80.

Kay, at 80, uses the T4 line and gets into the next queue.

Walling recovers from his spin at 20. Caldwell passes the #46 on the inside at 80.

Costa pushes to 140 with his last skill chip (modified 4). Harrington loses pace at 120.

Hoyt pulls even with the #32 at 120 and the bonus. Schipper throws caution to the wind at 80 on the chance table (natural 9). Around he goes!

Turn 42 Deadline: Wednesday, April 28th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC).
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Post 28 Apr 2021, 6:37 am

Turn 42 Summary

Kubala rounds T7 at 60. Harley goes into T7 at 80 and, with one roll of the dice, puts himself smack into the concrete barrier (natural 10). The race is over for the intrepid #27 car.

Dygert finishes T6 at 80. Puddifoot and Kay clear the T5/6 complex at 60 each.

Caldwell was hoping to clear at 80 but is forced outside for a wear.

Walling picks his speed up to the limit of 80. Costa clear T3/4 at 80 on the consecutive racing lines.

Hoyt dives into the complex at 120 and burns 2 wear. He has to go outer rail but finds the exit row. Harrington is into T3 on the line at 80.

Schipper recovers from his spin at 60.

Turn 43 Deadline: Friday, April 30th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 30 Apr 2021, 5:02 am

Turn 43 Summary

Kubala is through T8 at 60. Dygert clears T7, also at 60.

Puddifoot has the line at 80. Kay pulls to the inside for 3rd place (and 1st in the series) at 100.

Caldwell finishes out T6 at 80. Walling runs the T5/6 line for free at 60.

Costa grabs the line at 60. Hoyt goes inside at 80.

Harrington finishes T4 at 80 on the red line. Schipper uses his big engine to hit 140.

Harley's heap of smoking metal is returned to the paddock by Mater, the celebrity guest tow-truck.

Turn 44 Deadline: Monday, May 3rd @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 03 May 2021, 4:34 am

Turn 44 Summary

Kubala clears T12 at 60. Dygert stays out of T8 at 60.

Puddifoot has initiative at 80 and takes the T7 line for a wear. Kay rolls around the outside at 60 for free.

Caldwell pulls up on the T7 line at 60. Walling takes the inside lane at 100.

Hoyt dives into the T5 40's at 80 w/ 1w and 1s on the chance table (modified 7). Spin! Costa takes an RM plot of 60 and has to skirt the spun vehicle. His last wear goes to the NPR penalty (#2).

Harrington also has to avoid the #24. He goes outside at 60. Schipper takes an RM plot of 80. His third of the race comes with a 2w penalty.

Turn 45 Deadline: Wednesday, May 5th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 03 May 2021, 4:58 am

Speeds a slightly slower than lap 2 as drivers are more careful with remaining wear
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Post 05 May 2021, 5:51 am


Due to expected retirements from the league, It is possible that five drivers may be advancing to C3 next season.

Turn 45 Summary

Kubala races through T13 at 140.

Puddifoot decides to burn his last 2 wear to clear both T8 and T12 at 80. Dygert runs T8 at 60 for free.

Kay clears T8 at 60.

Walling goes outer rail in T7 at 60 and keeps the line open for the #99. Caldwell runs the T7 line for free at 60.

Costa finishes out T6 at 60. Harrington does the same, keeping to the 60's.

Hoyt recovers from his spin at 20. Schipper enters T5 at 60 for free.

Turn 46 Deadline: Friday, May 7th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 07 May 2021, 10:45 am

Turn 46 Summary

Kubala, at 100, burns off some speed in the T15 outer lane. Puddifoot gains some space on the leader with his big engine at 160.

Dygert clears T12 at 60. Kay does the same but with a nice pile of wear.

Caldwell and Walling chug past the castle walls at 60 each.

Costa pulls up to T7 on the line at 60. Harrington, at 80 takes the inside.

Hoyt grabs the dice cup and asks his engine for a little more (natural 12). The engine is not happy, has a tantrum, and shuts down . Schipper finishes T6 at 60.

Turn 47 Deadline: Monday, May 10th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 10 May 2021, 6:49 am

Wicked, evil dice...

Turn 47 Summary

Kubala slows to 60 to finish T15. Puddifoot plots 100 on the same line as the yellow machine.

Dygert gives it all he's got at 120. At 140, Kay asks his engine for a little extra with 2s (modified 10). The dice gods are in a foul mood and say 'NO!'. He only gets to 120 and takes some engine damage.

Caldwell clears T12 at 60. Walling does the same, also at 60.

Costa has the initiative at 60 and runs the T7 line. Harrington lets him pass at 40.

Schipper runs T7 at 80 for a wear.

Turn 48 Deadline: Wednesday, May 12th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC).
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Post 12 May 2021, 4:25 pm

A bold move in the back goes awry!

Turn 48 Summary

Kubala clears the penultimate corner at 100 on the line. Puddifoot, at 60, sets himself up to do the same next turn.

Dygert takes the outer rail of T15 at 100. Kay follows him in at 120 for a wear.

Caldwell's smallish engine gets to 100. Walling's biggish engine pulls even with the orange car at 140.

Costa and Harrington weave their way through old town Baku at 60 each.

Schipper plots 100 and attempts a forced pass on the purple car with 1 skill (modified 9). Had he made it, a 2-skill chance roll would have ensued, however, he must now brake down to 60 with his last wear and a dice roll (natural 8).

Turn 49 Deadline: Friday, May 14th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 14 May 2021, 6:40 am

A new series leader!

Turn 49 Summary

Kubala pushes to 200 with his last skill... because why not? Puddifoot clears the left-hander at 100 on the line.

Dygert slows to 60 to complete T15. Kay scrapes off another wear at 100 and takes over 3rd place in the race and 1st in the series!

Caldwell & Walling pull up to T15 at 100 apiece. Fortunately, Phil is going the same speed at Estoril because that's the plot he sent me.

Costa, Harrington, and Schipper stay in formation at 60 each.

Turn 50 Deadline: Monday, May 17th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 15 May 2021, 7:33 am

With wear waning it's not surprising that this is the slowest of the three trip through sector 2.
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Post 17 May 2021, 7:27 am

The checkered flag comes out!


Turn 50 Summary

The grandstand erupts as Kubala pushes the engine one more time and reaches 220 (natural 5)! That puts his nose across the finish line for first place.

Puddifoot is through the final corner at 180.

Kay bumps off his last two tires at 140 on the T16 line. Dygert clears the corner at 100.

Caldwell dumps two wear in the T15 60's. Walling eases through the corner at 60.

Costa pushes the engine to 140 (natural 2). Harrington keeps the pace at 120 and the bonus.

Schipper successfully ends his race in T12 by rolling dice at 80 (natural 11). Is Skip running from his fiery car or his pit manager?

Turn 51 Deadline: Wednesday, May 19th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)