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Post 20 Jan 2021, 11:11 pm

Due to delay in reporting. Turn 1 deadline is soft. 6pm on Friday. Hard Dealine is Saturday.

With a qualifying time of 1:44:576, Federico beats out a close running Tony and Guiseppe by under a quarter second. Tony ends up along size Federico, with Guiseppe and Bruce on the second row!

The field lines up with it's places, and the lights come on. Spoon the race will go greeen! Heeeeere weeee goooo!

RM: Lemme know if anything is off on builds, and good luck to all drivers.
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Post 22 Jan 2021, 6:27 pm

Turn 2 Deadline is 6pm Monday. Thank you to all for getting moves in!

And the lights go out, as drivers hit their launch boost and sprint towards Corner 1. Federico leads the group, as cars go 3 wide behind them!

Further back, Marshall jumps past James and Justin and makes up two spaces, and David cuts inside of Jack.

RM Notes:
Guiseppe: No position called, so went with RLL Default. Thus inside.

Standings as policy will be brought up at Turn 3. Also, due to the dropping of a player in a higher circuit, promotion relegation is now 4 up, 3 down.
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Post 25 Jan 2021, 6:28 pm

Turn 3 Deadline is 6pm Wendesday

Cars pile through Corner 1 in a racheous F1 like start as they dive 2 and 3 wide! Guiseppe and Bruce take the most of it as they carve inside and challenge Federico for the lead 3 wide!
The Field squeezes into the corner behind them, surprisingly without any break smoke!

RM Notes:
James gains slip due to defaults.
Driver Standings(including Pro/Rel) will be up next turn.
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Post 27 Jan 2021, 5:12 pm

Turn 4 is due 6pm Friday

Guiseppe and Bruce drag race into Corner 2, with Bruce electing to the outside as Guiseppe blocks the line and holds the lead. Behind them the chaos continues as drivers pile in 2 and 3 wide on the lead up to the corner.

RM Notes:
Tony: No Slip cause no request, though I don't think you wanted to end up in the corner as is.

As it is Turn 3, Live Standings are now posted with Promo/Rele. Note due to a dropout in higher leagues(related to the news from earlier today.) there is now 1 less Relegation. So as right now it will be 4 Up, 3 Down.
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Post 29 Jan 2021, 6:35 pm

Turn 5 is due 6pm Monday

Guiseppe pulls ahead slightly as the field navigates through Corner 2, drivers taking different angles through the corner, with varying results. Of the drivers, Marshall and Justin make the most of it, as hard carves lead to positions gained.

At the back there is some smoke as Rando locks it up to dive inside of the crowded corner, making up a place in the process.
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Post 01 Feb 2021, 5:14 pm

Turn 6 is due Wendesday at 6pm

Guiseppe dives into the 3-4 chicane with Bruce hot on his tail. Behind them the field continues to move large as a mass as they pile at the chicanes entrance 2 and 3 wide. Brent and Rando just trail behind them, and David and Jack do their best to keep up as they navigate through 2.

RM Notes:
Federico: Blocked from completing 160, so LB to 140 w/1 W per defaults. Ending position was line as that was finishing preference had turn had been fully completed.
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Post 03 Feb 2021, 5:07 pm

Turn 7 is due Friday at 6pm

Guiseppe dives into the 5-6 Chicane with Bruce hot on his tail. The field behind them squeezes down into 2 wide packs, with Tony getting squeezed and drops back behind Justin and Marshall, as the back end works through 3-4.

RM Note:

Tony: Corners are 60 w/Red arrows, so it only cost you 1 Wear.
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Post 05 Feb 2021, 6:40 pm

Turn 8 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Guiseppe sets up for Corner 6, as the field squeezes its way through the 4-5 Chicane, some drivers pushed off line as they go.

RM Notes:

Federico - NPR(Warning). Corner was entered at 80 due to the ability to complete the corner(Had Tony gone slower). Movement is then based on Minimal Wear cost after block has happened.
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Post 08 Feb 2021, 5:10 pm

Turn 9 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Guiseppe leads the field through Corner 7, as he takes it easy gliding through adn setting up for the gap.

Behind him, an aggressive Justin roars his way into the corner and wrenches it around the outside, pulling to Bruce's outside with a powerful show of skill!

The midpack fills in on the run up to 7, with Brent sliding past the off line Guiseppe.

Back in the 5-6 Chicane Rando hogs the apex, and forces David to slide wide.

RM Notes:

Federico: NPR #2, 1 W Penalty. Please note, any more NPRs this lap and you will be DSQed.
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Post 09 Feb 2021, 1:19 pm

Incorpora and Collins were hot through sector 1
C3 summary.png
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Post 10 Feb 2021, 5:44 pm

Turn 10 is due Friday 6pm Eastern

As the cars come out of 7 and power towards 8, Justin steps on the gas, racing up to Guiseppe with a full head of steam! Guiseppe tries to cut him off, but with a squealing of tires Justin threads the needle, squeezing passing into Corner 9 and pulling into the lead!

Bruce doesn't have as much luck behind them, and eases it up to the edge of the corner.

The Chase pack piles up in the run behind them, drivers preventing drivers from using the apex.

Back on the run to 7, there are Gasps as Federico's car slowly comes to a stop, as he pulls off, with reports of electrical failures, ending his race.

The Rear pack navigates the 5-6 Chicane, with some pushing and blocking.

RM notes:

Justin/Guiseppe: As noted, FP w/Blocking roll was 1,4. Justin looses a Wear due to the 4 rolled.
Federico has requested to retire from the race. We give him good luck in later ventures.
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Post 10 Feb 2021, 5:52 pm

Turn 10 is due Friday 6pm Eastern

As the cars come out of 7 and power towards 8, Justin steps on the gas, racing up to Guiseppe with a full head of steam! Guiseppe tries to cut him off, but with a squealing of tires Justin threads the needle, squeezing passing into Corner 9 and pulling into the lead!

Bruce doesn't have as much luck behind them, and eases it up to the edge of the corner.

The Chase pack piles up in the run behind them, drivers preventing drivers from using the apex.

Back on the run to 7, there are Gasps as Federico's car slowly comes to a stop, as he pulls off, with reports of electrical failures, ending his race.

The Rear pack navigates the 5-6 Chicane, with some pushing and blocking.

RM notes:

Justin/Guiseppe: As noted, FP w/Blocking roll was 1,4. Justin looses a Wear due to the 4 rolled.
Federico has requested to retire from the race. We give him good luck in later ventures.
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Post 12 Feb 2021, 5:10 pm

Turn 11 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

The leaders pull through turn 11, Justin squeezing just ahead of Guiseppe and Bruce who run neck and neck.

Behind them, the chase pack bottlenecks at the 8-9 Chicane, as Tony and Marshall give no room to those behind them. This causes brake smoke from Brent and James as they squeeze in and up. As this happens, radio reports are heard from James' car, as his crew chief reports possible damage to the braking system.

The rear pack navigates through Corner 7 without much trouble.
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Post 15 Feb 2021, 4:54 pm

Turn 12 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

And the leads go three wide as engines are pressered out of 12 as Bruce and Guiseppe pulls aside.

Back at 11, Brent roars through the corner as he shoots past Marshall, and onto the apex.

Back at 8-9, Rando eases up as James squeezes through, and hr takes the fast line behind him, with the reare pack pull up and towards the complex.
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Post 17 Feb 2021, 5:30 pm

Turn 13 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Tons of smoke is seen out of the tires as the leaders barrel into Corner 13. With space too tight, Giuseppe is forced to give way to Bruce and Justin as he falls in behind Justin on the tighter line.

COming through Corner 12, Brent uses fast launch out of 11 to pull up and past Tony and into 4th on their way down to 13.

The rear chase pack mostly stays in line as they navigate out of the 9-10-11 Complex.

RM Notes:
All: Made an edit to notes. LB amount will now to recorded in notation.

Giuseppe: due to no space, you had to slow an additional 20 mph due at the cost of a wear.