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Post 05 May 2021, 1:28 pm

Mike, Dave, Jim, and Chris all link up, centipede-style, and do 60 for free through the heart of downtown Baku.

Jeff does 60 on the outside 60s and pulls to the insid

Mario does 60 over the 60 line for free and takes P6.

Claudio overbrakes by -60 to 40 (1w) and takes the 40 space for free.

Don runs onto the line at 80.

John pulls inside of Don at 100 and takes P9.

Next plot due Friday, 7 May @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 45.png
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Post 07 May 2021, 1:29 pm

Mike speeds off at 140.

Dave speeds up to 100 and gets a slip from Mike.

Jim spends the last of his tires at 80 on the 60 line.

Bruce takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

Chris also takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

Mario does 60 over the 60 space.

Jeff does 60 onto the 60 space.

Claudio (NPR2) does 60 then spins with no wear to pay for the NPR. However, it’s a moot point at this spot; he’s the only one in his row, and he’ll be able to do 60 again next turn. However, another NPR would cause a DNF; it would cost 2w, meaning a spin and brake damage (which would be the second brake damage and so a DNF).

John takes the 60s at 60 for free and pulls inside.

Don takes the line at 60 for free and takes over P9.

Next plot due Monday, 10 May @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 46.png
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Post 10 May 2021, 1:47 pm

Mike slows to 100 and enters the outside 100s for free.

Dave stays at 100 and come up to the corner.

Jim speeds up to 120.

Bruce mashes the gas (test ACC = 5 OK) and hits 140 to pull up behind Jim.

Chris speeds up to 100 and gets a slip.

Mario takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

Jeff (NPR1 - warning) also takes the line at 60 for free.

Claudio spins around and starts the line at 60.

Don does 80 over the 60 space for 1w..

John does 60 over the 60 for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 12 May @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 47.png
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Post 12 May 2021, 3:56 pm

Minor CORRECTION to Turn 47 - Jeff did send in a turn (well before deadline) and I missed it in my inbox. Fortunately, it was the turn I plotted (pretty much the only choice, really). So the only change is he is NOT tagged with an NPR. Since it was NPR1 it was a warning and no wear was deducted at the time.

Mike slows to 60 with the corner and exits for free.

Dave takes the 60s at 60 for free.

Jim slows to 80 and takes the 100s for free.

Bruce takes the 60s at 80 for his last 1w.

Chris slows to 80.

Mario does 100.

Jeff speeds up to 120.

Claudio takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

Don takes the outside 60s at 80 for 1w.

John takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 14 May @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 48.png
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Post 13 May 2021, 3:53 am

Rae has the fastest speed for the second sector in a row
C1 summary.png
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Post 14 May 2021, 1:33 pm

Mike and Dave take the 100 line at 100 for free.

Jim slows to 60 and finishes the corner for free.

Bruce stays at 80 (PAID) and pulls past Jim to the outside for P3.

Chris clears the 60s at 60 for free.

Mario pulls up to the corner at 100.

Jeff pulls outside of Mario at 120.

Claudio speeds up to 120.

Don hits the GO pedal to hit 140 (Test ACC = 7 OK) and pulls outside of Claudio.

John speeds up to 100.

Next plot due Monday, 17 May @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 49.png
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Post 17 May 2021, 1:05 pm

Mike lights the rocket and hits 180 on the 200 line for free.

Dave finishes the corner at 100.

Bruce and Jim both take the 100 line at 100 for free.

Chris speeds up to 100 and starts the line.

Mario spends his last wear at 80 over the 60s.

Jeff stands on the binders (Test DEC = 7 OK) and slows to 60, taking the 60s for free.

Claudio slows to 100 and pulls to the outside 100s for free.

Don stays at 100 and pulls through the 60s for 2w, taking over P8.

John speeds up to 120 and pulls up to the corner.

Next plot due Wednesday, 19 May @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 50.png
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Post 17 May 2021, 1:51 pm

Minor correction:

Jeff asked to be OUTSIDE and so is in the outside lane, not the inside lane.
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Post 19 May 2021, 1:19 pm

Mike stays at 180 and races towards Start/Finish.

Dave speeds up to 160.

Bruce aslo speeds up to 160.

Jim gets up to 140.

Chris stays at 100 and takes the 100 line for free.

Mario takes the 100 line at 100 for free.

Jeff dives inside on the 80 at 100 for his last wear and takes over P6.

Don uses his last wear to do 120 on the 100 line and pull behind Mario.

Claudio slows to 80 and attempts to navigate the 60 space, but his worn tires give out, and he careens into the armco and bounces back across the track as a DNF.

John does 100 over the 60s for 2w and expertly weaves around Claudio’s spinning car (Crash-avoidance Chance, -1 for ending 3 spaces away from crash row = 1 OK) and inherits P9.

Next plot due Friday, 21 May @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 51.png
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Post 21 May 2021, 1:18 pm

Mike streaks across the finish line at 180, waving to the crowd and he finishes P1.

Dave, in an attempt to make it into the the finish picture and get a few more looks for his sponsors, mashes the gas to hit 180 - but instead hears a *thunk* and feels a shudder (Test Top = 11 FAIL). He does 160.

Bruce and Jim both do 160 down the straight.

Chris also slams down the GO pedal to hit 160 and does (Test ACC = 7 OK).

Jeff does 160 without thew drama.

Mario also sweat-talks his car to 160 (Test Acc = 5 OK) and stays outside of Jeff.

Don completes the line at 120 (PAID).

John takes the 100s at 120 for his last wear.

Realistically (correct me if I am wrong) the only spots still in question are 6th and 7th. 1-5 can’t change, even with optimistic die rolling, and neither can 8-9. If anyone sees where I am wrong, please let me know. Otherwise I only need plots from Jeff and Mario for this turn and next; I can plot the rest based on top speeds.

Again, if I have missed something, please let me know, otherwise I will process after getting Jeff and Mario’s plots. These are due Monday, 24 May @ 4 PM, but if I get them sooner I will process the turn.
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 52.png
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Post 22 May 2021, 8:02 am

I have enough data to finish the race.

Turn 53:

Dave crosses the line in P2 at 140

Bruce and Jim cross at 160 in P3 and P4.

Chris stays at 160.

Jeff mashes the gas to stay in front (Test Top = 3 OK) and hits 180.

Mario pulls behind him at 160.

Don speeds up to 160.

John runs at 140.

Turn 54:

The cars all finish in order - Chris P5, Jeff P6, Mario P7, and Don P8, all at 160. John maintains 140.

Turn 55

John finishes in P9 at 140.

Thanks all for participating.


Dave is the C1 Champion with 58 points.

Mike is 2nd with 43.

Don is 3rd at 31.

Bruce and Jeff are tied with 26 points. But Bruce wins the tiebreaker and 4th by having the best finish on the season (P3 vs P5).

Jim is 6th with 22 points.

Chris is tied with John at 20 points. John wins the tiebreaker at 7th with the best finish (P2 vs P5).

Mario is 9th at 19.

Cody is 10th with 15 points.

Tim is 11th with 12 points.

Claudio is 12th with 10 points.


Dave has decided to leave the series - hopefully, we’ll see you back again at some point. So there will be 4 new drivers in C1 (and possibly a different Steward - Mike has not yet made the assignments).

Cody, Tim, and Claudio will be moving to C2.
Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 3 Turn 53.png
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Post 22 May 2021, 10:35 am

Polcen with a comfortable lead at the line and also the fastest lap at 123.616 on lap 2
C1 summary.png
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Post 22 May 2021, 10:46 am

RROC Qualifiers

D. Ling/C1 champion/58
S. Peeples/C2 champion/65
J. Beckman/C3 champion/41
T. Kay/C4 champion/48
D. Schulz/C2 wild card/58
R. Kubala/C4 wild card/ 47

M. Polcen/C1/43
J. Benham/C3/40
C. Brandt/C2/40
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Post 26 May 2021, 8:20 am

The full field results from Baku along with the final points. There were 3 dead heats for the top ten at Baku. Points are split.
Race 3 full field.png
Full Field Points.png