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Post 05 Nov 2019, 3:12 am

Howdy Gents,

The earlier discussion about creating an Opponents Wanted Column has me thinking of other ways we might improve Redscape.

1. Invite the game companies to maintain their own threads here the purpose of which is to advertise their wares of course, but also to boost membership here. When people know they can get news about companies and new games here they will be interested in coming by here for that information.

2. Begin some Community Participation threads something like this:
2.A. A Game Trader's Thread where players list the games they are willing to trade away and what they are willing to trade for (what they are looking for in return)

2.B. A Second sort of Pay it Forward Give Away Thread: Here a player offers a game which he is placing up free for the first person who wants it, paying for shipping himself, with reasonable restrictions due to foreign postage being so high from the US. The person who takes said game then has to list one of his own games he is willing to give away. The process continues indefinitely, each person taking a game they want sort of in trade for a game he is willing to give away.
2.B.1 This needs to be divided into two, or maybe three categories.
a, Games worth up to $25
b. Games worth up to $70, and finally
c. Games worth over $100.
There are multiple means for tracking the value of such things.

2.C. a Games For Sale Thread. Players list the games they have and are trying to sell. Disclose the price and condition and make arrangements to calculate shipping.

Thoughts or Improvements?
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Post 05 Nov 2019, 3:21 am

In short, begin taking steps to create a Wargame Specific home away from BGG and the horribly indexed CSW. At BGG they are really very hostile toward wargamers. To them, we're just warmongers, hateful people who discuss warfare and the military arts and have views of the world they simply cannot understand over there. To BGG we are in today's modern parlance, conservative Neanderthals while they are "Enlightened Woke Humans". They don't get us and never will, which leads to clashes that simply cannot be repaired. And as for CSW, well that place has always been something straight out of one of those hoarders shows. Stuff Strewn all over the place that only the computer gurus who run the place can find, but are annoyed when you don't understand their particular "genius".
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Post 06 Nov 2019, 6:07 am

Very cool ideas. We're pretty niche here so I don't know if it will take off but sure, let's give it a try. I'll consider how to organize it in the forums and I may give you some moderator control. Me and Brad won't necessarily have time to stay on top of it.
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Post 06 Nov 2019, 3:13 pm

Good enough. I'll try to organize some of the controlling language for the trade threads so people know what's expected.
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Post 06 Nov 2019, 10:36 pm

What kind of capacity do we have for posting pictures? Game companies will want to post pictures of their coming games and will need to know the limitations, bit size, dimension size (if any).

They will also want to know about moderating their own forums. Right off the bat I'm thinking of contacting: Legion, Revolution, Last Stand, Acies Edzioni &, Quarterdeck because I know the owners behind all of them.

If we can provide them with better service in some way they may have incentive to maintain company dedicated threads here.
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Post 07 Nov 2019, 6:08 am

I can't speak to our capacity (Brad)?) but the dimension limitations can be changed. I believe it's currently set to 1.5 Mb files with max size of 3000p x 2000p.

Not to dissuade you from any of this but keep in mind that we are running these forums on an unsupported old platform. Nobody here is a programmer - we are caretakers only. The original programmer handed this over many years ago. If for some reason everything goes sideways, we won't be able to fix it.

I'm not sure we want game companies marketing their wares here. Nothing against them but that's not really the purpose of the site. Have to get back to you on that one.

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Post 07 Nov 2019, 6:44 am

I gave you two forum categories to start with under a Wargames category (after Gunslinger forums). You can create the separate threads for Trading, Selling, & PiF forum. Organize as you like. I can create sub-forums, just let me know.

I'm limiting the forums to two right now on the top page. It can be expanded if warranted but the current focus is on actual games being run through the forums (CFR & now Gunslinger). I wish to avoid clutter at the top level.

Brad, I left the 'Looking for Player's' forum at top since this seems like a reasonable one to have for general gaming. If it seems redundant, we can disappear it.
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Post 07 Nov 2019, 7:09 am

SLOTerp wrote:Not to dissuade you from any of this but keep in mind that we are running these forums on an unsupported old platform. Nobody here is a programmer - we are caretakers only. The original programmer handed this over many years ago. If for some reason everything goes sideways, we won't be able to fix it.

Just to give you an idea of how little we know, I can't even change the title of the forums at the top (Redscape: Resurrection Forums), much less the wallpaper, graphics, etc...
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Post 08 Nov 2019, 1:07 pm

Our absent founder "The Chad" is nodding in approval somewhere I think.
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Post 08 Nov 2019, 1:14 pm

Cundiff wrote:...conservative Neanderthals while they are...

Lets's not throw the term 'Neanderthals' around loosely.