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Post 29 Dec 2010, 9:56 am

I fully realize that Chad has a lot on his plate already, with getting all the bells and whistles of the new site ringing and whistling; however, I can't resist making a suggestion or two regarding useful forum categories for the new site. Please read these as mere suggestions and nothing more.

1. How about a tech forum? I would love to be able to get advice on computers, wireless communication, and so on from some of the tech-savvy members of the site.

2. What about a forum for books, movies and TV? I'd have just said "Entertainment Forum", but then I suppose the whole site would belong in something that broad. :)

3. What do people think about a separate forum for each of Science, Religion and Philosophy?

I assume that the old history and money forums will return, so nothing else comes to mind.

[Testing edit function]
[2nd edit: cool!]
Last edited by Heck Tate on 02 Jan 2011, 9:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post 29 Dec 2010, 10:05 am

Someone had a suggestion for Music as well. Maybe lump them in a more general entertainment group with subcategories???
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Post 29 Dec 2010, 11:03 am

We'll need forums for the three active fantasy leagues:

Redscape Keeper League (RKL), moderator: Uhtar, when he registers
Redscape Football League (RFL), moderator: SLOTerp
Redscape Baseball League (RBL), moderator: SLOTerp


p.s. Tom, you got anything for the RFL, logo-wise? We've just crowned out champion.
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Post 29 Dec 2010, 12:09 pm

I suppose this is as good a time as any to decide what categories etc we'd like to see. I notice Politics is up there (and is so far barren, refreshingly). For my part, I think the following would seem to cover most things:

Dip Variants (perhaps people could copy across favourite ideas during January)
Gaming (as in non-Dip)

Culture (Art, Literature, Music, Etc) - perhaps subdivided?

Admin & Moderators ('meet your GMs with more use?)

New Game requests (manual for now)
Replacement requests
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Post 30 Dec 2010, 2:46 am

Minor suggestion. The red text on the red background... under the winged skull with forum info on the top left, is a tad extremely hard to read. Maybe a larger and fatter and whiter font?
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Post 30 Dec 2010, 11:31 am

I for one would quite like to see a science/tech section where people could discuss the random non-politically associated scientific results that they Stumble upon. But it might go in the subforumk of entertainment if you are doing subforums...
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Post 30 Dec 2010, 1:16 pm

One thing that annoys me greatly is the fact that the 'post reply' button is only found at the top of the page. It would be much more handy if there was also a button at the bottom because I hate scanning all the way down a thread only to have to scroll right back up just to click the reply button when I want to make a post. I can live with it, but it gets me every time....
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Post 30 Dec 2010, 1:28 pm

One suggestion for that nit, Sass, would be to make use of the forum's ability to sort posts in "descending" order. That way, the most recent post in any thread is the first thing you see when you click on a thread title, and the reply button is right on top of it. Maybe not perfect (and maybe a bit confusing for some), but it does prevent scrolling back and forth.
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Post 30 Dec 2010, 1:30 pm

Oops, never mind. Just realized that it reverts to normal sorting each time you swap out of the thread.
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Post 30 Dec 2010, 9:31 pm

Slappy, if you're taking a poll, (which reminds me, is there a poll option here?) I like all your suggestions. I would read, but not post much, on a tech forum. TV and movies is probably a separate category (more pop culture) from books, and anyway history and politics gets their share of books so maybe 'fiction' would be the better name for a literature category?

I'm not much for Philosophy or Religion but would check out a science thread, too.
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Post 31 Dec 2010, 10:48 am

Great feature: setting my own date format (cannot remember that it was possible in the previous incarnation) I now have this format: 2010-12-31 (Fri), 05:31.

Obscure feature: word censoring. Set it to off, but what is censored?

Avatar dearth: can we please have more avatars? I pretty much liked the stiff non-humorous military guys ;) And my current avatar confuses me :D
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Post 31 Dec 2010, 10:50 am

The new topic guy that looks like Donald Sutherland would e.g. be fine.
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Post 31 Dec 2010, 10:53 am

And the private board display option descending for posts and topics is great too.

Post 31 Dec 2010, 11:04 am

machmstr, I think your wish will be granted. I believe Chad posted some place here that he intends on restoring all of the original avatar images, but he has to clean them up to fit the new board format. Happy New Year!
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Post 02 Jan 2011, 10:22 pm

machmstr wrote:Great feature: setting my own date format (cannot remember that it was possible in the previous incarnation) I now have this format: 2010-12-31 (Fri), 05:31.

Obscure feature: word censoring. Set it to off, but what is censored?

Avatar dearth: can we please have more avatars? I pretty much liked the stiff non-humorous military guys ;) And my current avatar confuses me :D

You now have the option to censor foul words (censored by default to "#@$!"). I may disable the option to filter altogether, but for now I'll leave it alone and see what happens.

Avatar galleries are coming back; just have to clean them up and the Macabre suite was just the one I started with because it fit the current theme the most (until I get more icons like the New Post/Reply Post WW1-theme ones ready).

Also, there will be a Reply button on the bottom of the page, just need to get to it. :ugeek: