- Cundiff
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03 Nov 2019, 2:58 pm
Howdy Gents,
I wonder how many of the members here hope to find opponents for their older games ... such as AH TRC or FE, or any of the old classics?
Tom Cundiff

- bbauska
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03 Nov 2019, 9:23 pm
I play Vassal and many AH and VG games. Which were you thinking?
- Cundiff
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03 Nov 2019, 11:08 pm
Personally I've had a hankering for the AH version of Fortress Europa (2nd Edition).
I just purchased a 3rd copy of it at a local flea market ... for $2. Reminded me how much fun I had back when I played it via snail mail and stock results.

- bbauska
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04 Nov 2019, 5:30 am
I was a big Squad Leader playerr. I will look at FE and see if remember. I also like War and Peace or VG's Civil War. I also have Vassal!
- Brad
- Cundiff
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04 Nov 2019, 9:56 am
The new W&P is being published with two new scenarios designed by me. I also liked VG's Civil War. In fact I even bought blank boards from AH and mounted the maps. But I am sure I never played the game well, and there's now enough errata to make up an encyclopedia.
I do Vassal design work now and again for companies such as Legion, Quarterdeck, and Revolution Games. I'm not up to the standards of the Vassal greats, but I am adequate for simple games that don't use card decks or chit draw systems. I haven't figured those out yet.
My game collection these days numbers something close to 250 games, so I have tons to choose from including many I've never played at all. But I expect I'm not in the minority there. Nearly every wargamer I know has more games on his shelves than he's ever played.
I know one game that I always wanted to play that requires a GM, and it's a simple game, but requires hidden units ... KPG's old Sand in the Whirlwind. I once bought a friend a copy so he could GM for me and another opponent. They both flaked on me. That was enough of a bummer that more than 10 years later I remember that one.
I'm a well known Gunslinger GM. Jim Marvin, who is on these boards invited me to come here because he wants to revive his interest in Gunslinger. I usually run a 20+ player game every other year. Our last game finished last spring just before I had 2 heart attacks. So that came at just the right time for me to take my year off between games. My normal practice is to run 2 games in a row and then take a year off. Running games with such huge numbers of players can be trying and time consuming. It can take as long as 10 days to resolve everything in the correct sequence in games with that many players. Dedicating 10 consecutive evenings these days my health doesn't allow.
Hmmm this has turned into something of a dissertation.
Perhaps we should have a thread where players list an inventory of the games they have so we can more easily hook up players with similar interests.

- bbauska
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04 Nov 2019, 1:32 pm
I have about 20 games now, down from my 150 or so. The military moves pared that down. I LOVE the idea of being a connection site for players. Archduke Russell John (on this board) and I would play VG The Civil War.
I like where this is going. I will print out a list of my games and open a forum of players looking for players. I am glad you are coming on board. I have not played Gunslinger in 20+ years. Looking forward to being on the board and shooting the "Peacemaker".
- Cundiff
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04 Nov 2019, 7:37 pm
Working on my list of games. Ran out of laptop battery power before I was 2/3 done. I tried replying to that thread in Players Looking for Opponents. It wouldn't allow me to reply. No big deal right away as I need to let my laptop recharge overnight. Got to game #137 before it was down to 15%. only have three more bookcases and one shelf to go :)

- SLOTerp
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04 Nov 2019, 7:42 pm
Permissions fixed. You ought to be able to post in the 'Looking for Players' thread now.