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Post 10 Feb 2017, 3:31 pm

So this year I found myself getting back into following NFL after roughly 20 years or so when I didn't really watch the sport at all. Must say I enjoyed it and intend to be more active in following it next year. One thing I thought might be fun is to get involved in a fantasy league, which seems to be popular. I'm aware that there's one which runs here at Redscape every year. Is this something that I could get in on, and if so what's involved ?

Obviously this is pretty much the worst possible time to raise this question, what with the season only just concluding, but I'll probably forget otherwise.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 10 Feb 2017, 7:10 pm

There are two 14-team leagues run through Redscape. They're both at least ten years old and very stable.

I'll let you know if an opening comes up for next season in the RFL. I usually look for confirmations in May or June and I should know around then if anyone drops. We don't get much turnover, though.

Uhtar (Greg) runs the RKL. Also lots of stability in the ownership but he may consider expansion if there were two potential owners (RFL will not expand). I'll give you his email if you don't already have it.

A little bit about the leagues...

RFL: Live, online auction. Keepers with up to 3-year contracts. Standard scoring with yardage bonuses. Head-to-head format w/ playoffs. Nominal entrance fee pays for trophy & small cash payouts. Run through ESPN.

RKL: Live, online draft. Limited keepers. Standard scoring with PPR (points per reception). Head-to-head format w/ playoffs. Free. Run through Yahoo.

About half the owners play in both leagues. You could venture into the free public leagues at Yahoo or ESPN but from what I've heard, the experience can be less than satisfying. In the meantime, I've got you on the RFL waitlist.

It's not only fun but you learn a lot about the game via learning about the players.
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Post 06 Mar 2017, 2:15 pm

Yeah, I don't think I'd want to just venture into some random public thing, it'd be more fun to do it with people i at least vaguely know.

The 'keeper' thing I assume would put me at a massive disadvantage right ? All the top players would presumably be taken already and I'd be left scouring through the castoffs and new draft picks ?

Apologies for the late reply btw. In truth I totally forgot I'd made this thread. I'm definitely still up for it though.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 06 Mar 2017, 3:52 pm

If you get an expansion team, then yes, that's a bit of a dis-advantage. Greg may have some rules allowing new franchises to 'steal' some players from other teams. I can't recall, though. (RFL will not expand, but RKL may).

If you take over an existing team, then you're taking over a roster, so no disadvantage... necessarily.
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Post 07 Mar 2017, 12:36 pm

Ok, well look me up if anybody drops out of the RFL. I don't think the keeper thing would be right for me since I'd like the opportunity to pick my own guys.

Turns out that there's a guy at work who had a league running last year so I can join that one anyway.