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Post 02 Jan 2011, 8:13 pm

Hi all,

As suggested, I'm opening up this Redscape thread so people can post problems they're experiencing, as well as other questions/comments/criticisms/witticisms.

A couple remarks to start with:

* Medals WILL be returning later this month; the scripting is already in place, just need to think about the styling some more before it's ready for release.

* There are places where the font sizes are too small or text is difficult to read due to overlaying/positioning problems. I'm still working on resolving these issues, but I have to address them one page at a time.

* All (or almost all) avatars will be threading their way back into the Redscape galleries. In between website updates, I'll be recreating a suite of avatars at least once a week.

* The old forums will be up until ??? I won't deliberately pull the plug on them without warning, but if anything goes terminally wrong with the server or the old account is disconnected, any data there will be permanently lost.

* Edit/Quote/Alert etc. buttons for posts are missing. I'll be restoring those either tonight or tomorrow. Lots of little details like those will be resolved this week. ***Done***

* I haven't tested the site in Internet Explorer yet (ran out of time). I'll be looking into IE fixes this week as well. Most likely there will be no more support for IE6. ***Done***

* People can change their usernames at their leisure. Please notify me though if you are transferring over from the old website and have a new nickname in this forum.

* I will be adding a redirect for "" to this page "www.redscape/forums" for anyone who has the old link bookmarked tonight. Thanks for the reminder! ***Done***

* I DID make this site graphic-heavy. If it was a commercial website, I would have restrained somewhat. But since the game/website is about ambiance, I went with favoring high-speed connections only. That said, you may experience having to download some of the same graphics over again as I'm not done with them (like the background, forum posting section, etc) and I will need to clear the board cache in order for people to see the changes. So, just be patient if you have to wait a little for a graphic re-population into your browser's cache. ***Background graphic weight reduced 50%***

* I DO like the suggestion that the new mascot be referred to as "Ares". It's fitting. ***Nickname adopted***

So far the comments on the new look have been positive! :D :D :D ...and yes, I did take a dark turn for this new site. Maybe I've been watching too much Dexter; either way, my "dark passenger" has been unleashed. As for Diplomacy and other games, I will be leaning towards a "Steampunk"-ed, alternate history interpretation of events instead of a strictly historical theme. Perhaps there was no trench warfare stalemate, or Central Powers alliance (there aren't - or lasting - in the games of Diplomacy anyways). Maybe H.G. Well's Martians don't actually invade Earth, but there might be mechanized, three-legged machines rampaging through city streets and naval fleets of giant airships that sail the skies instead of patrol from the oceans. It's a new Redscape steered by imaginative and improbable dreams...hope you enjoy!
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Post 02 Jan 2011, 8:21 pm

I thing I have noticed is the remember me on this site isn't working. I have to log in everytime I come visit.

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Post 03 Jan 2011, 3:25 pm

A post reply button at the bottom of the page would be awesome. It never stops getting on my nerves that you read all the way down the thread only to have to scroll right back up again if you want to make a post. It's not the end of the world I guess, but it is very annoying.

***Quick Reply added to the bottom of every page***
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Post 03 Jan 2011, 5:47 pm

Not a complaint, just a preference. The old forums had about 15 posts per page, the new only 10. I think the former works better though I can't really say why - it just does (for me anyway).

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Post 03 Jan 2011, 6:21 pm

Archduke Russell John wrote:I thing I have noticed is the remember me on this site isn't working. I have to log in everytime I come visit.

Trying to resolve this issue.

As for a Reply button at the bottom of the page, it'll be there; just need time because: well, you'll see; it's better than just a button.
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Post 03 Jan 2011, 6:22 pm

SLOTerp wrote:Not a complaint, just a preference. The old forums had about 15 posts per page, the new only 10. I think the former works better though I can't really say why - it just does (for me anyway).

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Post 03 Jan 2011, 8:06 pm

Great work Chad. You may note that I also took the liberty of turning on BBCode...hope that is ok with you. The return of the edit feature is great.

How about posting attachments? :)

*** Open ***
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Post 03 Jan 2011, 9:31 pm

When replying to a thread, the title is listed above in a purple color. The beginning of that title runs in front of the image of Ares (I agree, awesome name). If you also attempt to click on the title on top of Ares, instead of taking you back to the thread it returns you to the index (it's registering that you clicked on Ares as opposed to the title).

I've also seen that within the Topic Review the option to quote the previous posts is shown as a URL saying "Quote [username]" with the quote icon (the talk bubble) being centered behind it. Wouldn't it be better to have one or the other (most probably the symbol)?
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Post 04 Jan 2011, 3:26 am

Alpha wrote:When replying to a thread, the title is listed above in a purple color. The beginning of that title runs in front of the image of Ares (I agree, awesome name). If you also attempt to click on the title on top of Ares, instead of taking you back to the thread it returns you to the index (it's registering that you clicked on Ares as opposed to the title).

I've also seen that within the Topic Review the option to quote the previous posts is shown as a URL saying "Quote [username]" with the quote icon (the talk bubble) being centered behind it. Wouldn't it be better to have one or the other (most probably the symbol)?

Working on these issues... ;)
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Post 04 Jan 2011, 7:11 am

1)I have tried to edit a post; I was lead to a panel with overlapping graphics; I can take and send a screen shot if needed. ***Should be fixed***

2)A post can be edited, but not eliminated. I can reduce the text to a single character, but submitting an empty text is not allowed ***Only Admins/Moderators can delete a post***
Last edited by andreaz on 06 Jan 2011, 3:57 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post 04 Jan 2011, 7:28 am

Orange has the forums locked; I'll let him unlock and post them when he's ready. I'm not privy to the games he's hosting, so I don't want to reveal them and be in error for doing so prematurely.
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Post 04 Jan 2011, 3:49 pm

I've noticed that the "Mark Forums Read" button seems to do no such thing so far. Just saying. :)
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Post 05 Jan 2011, 2:44 pm

Chad, looks like you changed something and now the forum posts aren't properly aligned anymore. The text starts under the player avatar instead of being all in the white area previously reserved for it. Should be a simple fix I'd imagine.
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Post 05 Jan 2011, 2:49 pm

Does it still look that way to you, Javelin? Looks fine to me.
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Post 05 Jan 2011, 3:26 pm

Javelin wrote:Chad, looks like you changed something and now the forum posts aren't properly aligned anymore. The text starts under the player avatar instead of being all in the white area previously reserved for it. Should be a simple fix I'd imagine.

Yes, unfortunately what it means by "in beta" this time is I'm still designing the website, rather than just worrying about feature fixes. There will be a LOT more problems if you are viewing the site in IE; as I make corrections for this browser last. Indeed, there is a problem with the topics page and several other elements in IE. I'll see if I can do a "catch up" addressing of IE tonight or tomorrow.