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Post 07 Feb 2021, 9:43 am

Ha! I never actually submitted this post - it was distributed via email yesterday.


No comment.

Turn 29 Summary

Peeples, at 80, takes the line to East Terrace then goes outer rail. Tatum and Rund both run the line at 80 for free.

Long and Fritz go inside rail onto Wakefield at 80.

Harley slows to 100, running the chicane on the line for a wear. Swaine runs the Senna line for free at 80.

Kay topples 2 wear at 100 in the chicane. Baker burns a wear on the Senna line.

Brandt pulls up to Senna on the line at 100. Beckman, at 140, grabs the inside lane.

Ghost: 140 + bonus

Turn 30 Deadline: Tuesday, February 9th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 07 Feb 2021, 2:16 pm

Turn 30 Summary

Peeples clogs the turn onto Hutt Street at 80.

Tatum is pushed to the outside and gets hung at 80. Rund patiently sets up the next racing line at 80.

Long & Fritz are on East Terrace with Harley making the turn right behind them, all at 80.

Kay goes outer rail in the bend at 100 and opts for inside position. Swaine, also at 100, rounds the bend for free and grabs the line.

Baker keeps the pace at 100.

Beckman drops 2 wear in the Senna 60's before clipping another in the bend. Brandt burns a wear on the chicane line at 100 and also drops one in the bend.

Ghost: 100 (2w)

Turn 31 Deadline: Wednesday, February 10th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 08 Feb 2021, 7:06 am

Turn 31 Summary

Peeples gets the separation he planned for at 120.

Tatum finds his way to Hutt Street at 80. Rund rounds the corner at 100 for a wear to take 2nd place.

Long clears the corner to Hutt at 80. Fritz will get left behind, also at 80.

Harley plots 60. No comment.

Kay goes outer rail at 80 and stays to the inside. Swaine, at 80, runs the line then gets pushed outside.

Baker gets the line at 80 for free.

Beckman runs the line at 80 for free. Brandt, at 60, ducks inside.

Ghost: 80

Turn 32 Deadline: Wednesday, February 10th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 09 Feb 2021, 10:29 am

Turn 32 Summary

Peeples cruises onto Rundle Road at 100. Rund and Tatum follow, also at 100.

Long grabs the line at 120. Fritz bumps a wear making the turn at 100.

Harley makes no mistakes at 80. Swaine clears the turn onto Hutt at 80.

Baker gets the initiative at 100 and burns 2 tires, the first on the line to Flinders and the second on the outer rail to Hutt. Kay, at 80 goes outer rail onto Flinders and grabs the next line.

Beckman and Brandt take the left turn on the line for free at 80.

Ghost: 80

Turn 33 Deadline: Friday, February 12th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 09 Feb 2021, 8:16 pm

You guys are quick. I have a feeling you just want to get this travesty of a race over...

Turn 33 Summary

Peeples rounds the Brewery at 100 for free.

Rund bottles up the Brewery line at 100. Tatum pokes his nose into the Brewery corner at 120 for a wear.

Long turns onto Rundle at 100 for free. Fritz drops a wear at 120 to catch the green machine.

Harley takes the right turn from Hutt at 120 for a wear.

Baker has the initiative at 140, if he can get there. He uses 1s on the roll (modified 9) and while the engine sputters & complains, it gets the job done. Two tires get left in the corner. Swaine, pulls up the corner at a more modest 120.

Beckman goes outer rail onto Hutt at 80. Kay takes the line at 80 and is forbidden to pull in front of the #12. Brandt, also at 80, snags the open bumper.

Ghost Intimidator: 80

Turn 34 Deadline: Friday, February 12th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
T33 copy.png
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Post 10 Feb 2021, 7:00 pm

Turn 34 Summary

Peeples races down the Brabham at 140 and will soon have company. Rund pushes to 160 (natural 6) and taps the bumper on the #7. Tatum finishes out the Brewery at 120.

Long runs the Brewery line at 100. Fritz drops a wear on the line at 120 and sits on the side panel of the #19.

Harley burns two tires to clear the Brewery line at 140. Baker taps the brakes to 120 and sets up the line.

Swaine runs the line onto Rundle for free at 100 and tucks in behind the FedEx Toyota. Kay clips a tire at 120 as he makes the right turn onto Rundle.

Hancock releases a tire on the line to Rundle at 120. Brandt tosses one on the outer rail to clear the turn at 120.

Ghost: 120 (1w/6 remain)

Turn 35 Deadline: Monday, February 15th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 11 Feb 2021, 2:20 pm

Turn 35 Summary

Peeples takes the approach to Duquetteville on the line at 140. Rund taps to 120 and, with the bonus, also lines up the chicane on the line.

Tatem has a bubble around him at 140.

Long rolls down Brabham at 140. Fritz slows to 120 and tucks in.

Harley grabs the dice cup with a skill to hit 160 (modified 6) and pull even with the blue racer.

Baker and Swaine run the Brewery line at 100 apiece, bumper to bumper.

Kay burns a wear at 120 on the Brewery line. Beckman, at 140, was looking for the line but settles for the middle lane and an exhaust pipe, two wear down.

Brandt, at 120 and the bonus, is more than happy to take the Brewery line for a wear.

Ghost: 140, 2 wear (currently haunting Chris).

Turn 36 Deadline: Monday, February 15th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 12 Feb 2021, 1:20 pm

More car parts on the track...

Turn 36 Summary

Peeples rounds Duquetteville at 100 for 2 wear. Rund slows to 60 and takes the line for free.

Tatum knocks down his last 2 tires at 100 on the hairpin line. Long pulls up to Duquetteville on the line at 140.

Fritz slows to 100 and preps the line with the bonus. Harley stays even with the NAPA Chevy at 120 and also keeps the line in mind.

Baker pushes the beleaguered engine with 1s (modified 7) and rides down the straight at 140. Swaine pulls even at 140 and the bonus.

Kay pushes his engine w/ 2s (modified 2) to keep up with the Joneses at 160.

Brandt tucks into #43's bumper at 160. Beckman pushes his engine w/ 2s (modified 10) but I guess the dice gods felt like poking him in the eye. He stays with the Kroger car via the slip (personal defaults).

Ghost: Push to 180 (1s; 5=pass)

Turn 37 Deadline: Monday, February 15th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 14 Feb 2021, 12:32 pm

Another one bites the dust...

Meanwhile, the race leader is approaching the final turn in the Victoria Park portion of the track. Here is a rendering:


Turn 37 Summary

Peeples exits the sweeping round-a-bout with one corner to go.

Rund and Tatum clear the penultimate corner at 100 each.

Long fires off 2 wear in Duquetteville with two remaining in the chamber.

Fritz plots 100 before late braking to 80 (natural 6). He runs the line for his final wear. Harley, at 80, gets pushed to the outer rail, also burning his last wear.

Swaine gets the initiative by posting 140. He attempts a late brake (natural 11) before the corner but, already compromised, the brakes give out and the Dr. Pepper Toyota is out of the race. Baker, at 120, grabs the open line.

Kay pulls to the outside of the #11 at 120 and the bonus.

Brandt opts for the inside of the track at 140. Beckman chips in 2 skill to maintain 140 (modified 2), setting up the line for the hairpin.

Ghost: 160 (LB 4/pass)

Turn 38 Deadline: Tuesday, February 16th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
T37 copy.png
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Post 15 Feb 2021, 7:18 am

Plenty of dice tossed around this turn...

Turn 38 Summary

Peeples rounds the Mistral at 100 for his last 2 wear.

Rund pulls up to the hairpin at 140 on the line. Tatum rolls towards the final corner at 120.

Long is out of the big bend at 100.

Fritz and Harley both clear the big bend at 100.

Baker, at 120, tosses in 2 wear and a red chip into Duquetteville (modified 3). He successfully navigates the corner on the outer rail before diving into the bend for another wear.

Kay, also at 120, does the same thing - 2 wear and a red chip (modified 3). He takes his machine to the outside of the bend for a third wear.

Beckman has initiative at 120. He will also go outer rail for 2 wear and a red chip (modified 3) and pull in behind the #11 for his third wear of the turn.

Brandt, at 100, runs the outside of Duquetteville for 2 wear.

Ghost: 100 2s chance (1); LB (4), currently haunting Jack.

Turn 39 Deadline: Wednesday, February 17th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
T38 copy.png
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Post 16 Feb 2021, 1:29 am

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!

Stephen gets the Glen Dix flag wave...


Turn 39 Summary

To the thrill of the grandstand patrons, Peeples pushes the engine as he crosses the line for the checkered flag (natural 9/4). Rund burns his last wear at 80 in the Mistral.

Tatum plots 80 before late braking in front of the corner (natural 9). He gets through the hairpin for free. Long, at 100, gets pushed outside in the hairpin for his last 2 wear.

Fritz slows to 100 as he readies the final corner. Harley roars past at 140.

Baker exits the penultimate corner at 120. Kay pulls into his exhaust, also at 120.

Beckman pulls up on the side panel of the Air Force car at 120. Brandt burns a wear to keep the pace with the field at 120.

Ghost: 100, haunting Chris.

Turn 40 Deadline: Thursday, February 18th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 18 Feb 2021, 7:51 am

Well, that was interesting...

Turn 40 Summary

Rund gives the engine a little push to 140 (natural 9) and takes 2nd place. Tatum finishes the podium at 100 with the nose across the line.

Long comes up one space short at 100 and will plot next turn.

Harley plots 100 then late brakes to 80 (natural 6). He then dives into the hairpin on the line with his last skill (modified 9). He almost runs the car right off the track but is able to keep it on the tarmac with an acrobatic tailspin.

Fritz, at 80, careens around the hairpin on the outside, avoiding the yellow machine (natural 6).

Baker plots 120 but with all of his options closed out, he late brakes with 1s (modified 7) and 1 wear before entering the hairpin for his last wear.

Kay also plots 120 and finds his choices are non-existent. He late brakes to 80 with dice (natural 3) and a wear.

The theme continues with Beckman braking down from 120 to 80. He's fine with 2 skill (modified 2) and a wear.

Brandt plots 100 but with a full track, also late brakes. With no instructions otherwise, he defaults to using wear for the slow down.

Ghost: 120, LB(7)+1w

Turn 41 Deadline: Monday, February 22nd @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 18 Feb 2021, 3:50 pm

Two more cross the line, one more spins in the hairpin...

Turn 41 Summary

Long comfortably crosses at 120 for 4th place.

Fritz pushes his nose across the line at 100 for 5th.

Harley recovers from his spin at 60.

Baker continues at his pre-ordained 80 to pull even with the #27.

Kay, at 100, must go outside with the line essentially unavailable due to traffic. He takes his big chip and one wear to careen around the hairpin (modified 2) and set up a drag race for 6th place.

Beckman dives into the 60's at 100 for his last wear and 2s on the chance (modified 7). Oh, he just misses and puts the machine into a spin!

Brandt plays it conservative at 60 on the line.

Ghost: 100, LB2s(2), 1w line

Turn 42 Deadline: Monday, February 22nd @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 19 Feb 2021, 7:51 am

... and that's a wrap.

Thank you, again, for supporting Redscape!

Turn 42 Summary

6th Place: Kay gets the initiative by pushing to 160 (natural 9/8). He then has one more dice roll to avoid the chicane (natural 4).

7th Place: Harley also manages the double push to 140 (natural 9/4).

8th Place: Baker comes across at 140 with skill on the double (modified 5/9).

9th: Brandt crosses at 120.

Beckman drivers his car over to the pits to call it a day.

Ghost: 160, LB(4)