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Post 22 Jan 2021, 4:06 pm

Turn 16 notes:

Segment 1:
Dude loses his aim on hex GG-P21: no longer in aim zone

Segment 3:
Quiet Man aim: 4 Aim Markers, +0 card B3, +0 2H skill = 4/Range: 8 hexes, /4 W44 = 2
John Henry takes a LEG hit:
Stun 3: 7 delay, -7 endurance, SH50 fires harmlessly
Stagger: Same hex, face Back Right (EE-O4)
Drop (from Stagger): 3 delay
Serious 2 (Draw 2 Fatigue cards at the beginning of each turn. Draw 1 Delay card at end of showdown)
Leg 4: Draw 4 Fatigue cards whenever changing hex while upright.

John Henry Back Up cancelled: delay

Segment 4:
Innocente Sprint cancelled: did not execute Run on previous turn.

Segment 5:
Fast Draw draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay
Innocente Turn cancelled: delay
John Henry Aim cancelled: delay

End of turn:
Fast Draw delay reduced from 1 to 0.
Innocente delay reduced from 2 to 1.
Ike has 6 Aim on hex GG-Q22.
John Henry delay reduced from 10 to 5.

The original resolution allowed Innocente to Sprint. As noted above, he was not eligible to do so. The card drawn for Innocente's Sprint (65) is considered drawn. Read on and you'll see why.

One of the issues with the Vassal module is how it stacks the result cards on the legend. I lost track of the card draws and inadvertently drew one extra card (48). Since there is no way to put it back into the deck, it is considered drawn but won't show up in the results. (I wish that last Malfunction would show up so I can reshuffle)

Next deadline: turn 17 due Monday January 25 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 25 Jan 2021, 2:03 pm

Turn 17 notes:

Segment 0:
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 2 delay, -2 endurance

End of turn:
Ike has 4 aim on hex DD-G15.
Dude has 2 aim on hex GG-S19.
John Henry delay reduced from 7 to 3.
John Henry endurance reduced from 33 to 31.

Gentlemen, please be careful with your plots. Two players mis-plotted hexes this turn. I was able to execute (what I believe to be) their moves only because other actions indicated only one possibility. If I can't determine your intention, then defaults will be used. And if there is no default, I will try to continue your previous move or, if not possible, make some logical move indicated by the action card. (Remember, for example, that you can only "do nothing" with shoot and attack cards. So if I have a move card with an unclear plot, I WILL move you. If that happens, you will have to accept my move with no recourse. And I really don't want that to happen.) One possible way to avoid issues would be to plot the direction with the hex (e.g. turn AR face XX-1). If the direction and the hex disagree the direction will be used.

Next deadline: turn 18 due Wednesday, January 27 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 27 Jan 2021, 2:08 pm

Turn 18 notes:

Segment 0:
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 1 delay, -1 endurance
John Henry's first card draw was card 103, the last Malfunction card, so the deck was immediatly reshuffled.

Segment 2:
Ike loses his head counter: no longer in aim zone
Ike loses his aim on hex DD-G15: no longer in aim zone

Segment 4:
Quiet Man draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay

Segment 5:
John Henry Advance cancelled: delay
Quiet Man Sprint cancelled: delay

End of turn:
Fast Draw has 4 aim on hex GG-P17
Innocente has 6 aim on hex GG-S17
Dude has 6 aim on hex GG-R18
John Henry delay reduced from 4 to 2
John Henry endurance reduced from 31 to 30
Quiet Man delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: turn 19 due Friday, January 29 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 29 Jan 2021, 2:12 pm

Turn 19 notes:

Segment 0:
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 0 delay, -0 endurance

Segment 1:
Dude loses his aim on hex GG-R18: no longer in aim zone

Segment 2:
Fast Draw loses his aim on GG-P17: foot action other than Turn
Quiet Man listed 3 possible aim locations. He has LOS to none. His aim is placed as close as possible to his first target.

Segment 4:
John Henry gets 2 delay for Advance while Down

Segment 5:
Ike starts down the ladder. His head counter is at Roof level, his body is on the ladder.
(Since no one has LOS to either this is in the interest of completeness and education)

End of turn:
Fast Draw has 2 aim on hex GG-P17
Innocente has 2 aim on hex GG-Q17
Dude has 2 aim on hex GG-U17
John Henry delay reduced from 4 to 2
Quiet Man has 4 aim on hex GG-P16

Next deadline: turn 20 due Monday, February 1 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 01 Feb 2021, 2:16 pm

Turn 20 notes:

Segment 0:
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 0 delay, -0 endurance

Segment 2:
Fast Draw loses his aim on GG-P17: foot action other than Turn
Innocente loses his aim on GG-Q17: foot action other than Turn
Quiet Man loses his aim on GG-Q16: foot action other than Turn

Segment 3:
Innocente aim: 0 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +2 1H skill = 3
Ike loses Ladd and Head counters: no longer on Ladder
Dude loses his aim on GG-U17: no longer in LOS
Dude loses his Head counter: foot action other than Turn

Segment 5:
Fast Draw aim: 2 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +0 2H skill = 2
Innocente aim: 4 C45 Wielding Factor, +0 BR skill = 4
Fast Draw suffers a Side hit:
Light 1: 2 delay, -2 endurance
John Henry releases SH50 to OH while grabbing his C45

End of turn:

Fast Draw delay reduced from 2 to 1
Fast Draw endurance reduced from 20 to 18
John Henry delay reduced from 2 to 1
Quiet Man has 2 aim on Innocente

Next deadline: turn 21 due Wednesday, February 3 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 01 Feb 2021, 2:35 pm

Well now you've done it... you made me angry.
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Post 03 Feb 2021, 2:17 pm

Probably the best shot of the showdown and the weapon misfires!

Turn 21 notes:

Segment 0:
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 0 delay, -0 endurance

Segment 1:

Innocente and Fast Draw each draw 1 delay card for Innocente entering Fast Draw's hex.
Quiet Man loses his aim on Innocente: no longer in LOS

Segment 2:
Fast Draw drops his H44 as he draws his C45

Segment 4:
Fast Draw wanted to aim at Innocente. He's not in his Aim Zone and there is no logical/closer hex for his aim.

Segment 5:

Quiet Man aim: 4 Aim Markers, +0 card B3, +0 2H skill = 4/Range: 6 hexes, +1 Head, /4 W44 = 1
Quiet Man's weapon misfires. Second draw has no effect on the weapon.

End of turn:

Fast Draw delay reduced from 1 to 0
Fast Draw has 2 aim on hex GG-P17
Dude has 2 aim on hex GG-P17
John Henry delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: turn 22 due Friday, February 5 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 05 Feb 2021, 2:35 pm

Turn 22 notes:

Segment 0:
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 3 delay, -3 endurance

Segment 1:
Innocente aim: 0 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +2 1H skill = 3

Segment 2:
Dude loses his head counter: moved to new hex

Segment 4:

Fast Draw aim: 2 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +1 1H skill = 4
Innocente suffers a Vital hit: DRT (Dead Right There)
Ike draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay

Segment 5:

Ike draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay
John Henry draws 4 Fatigue cards: move hex with 4 Leg: 4 delay, -4 endurance

End of turn:

Ike delay reduced from 1 to 0
John Henry delay reduced from 7 to 3
John Henry endurance reduced from 30 to 23
Quiet Man has 2 aim on hex GG-Q17

Next deadline: turn 23 due Monday, February 8 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 05 Feb 2021, 3:04 pm

El Kabong was here!
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Post 08 Feb 2021, 2:04 pm

Turn 22 notes:

Segment 0:
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Segment 1:
Quiet Man loses aim on hex GG-Q17: no longer in aim zone

Segment 4:
Fast Draw draws 1 Delay card for entering the hex containing Innocente's lifeless body: 0 delay
Ike draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay

Segment 5:

Ike Sprint cancelled: delay

End of turn:
Ike delay reduced from 1 to 0
John Henry delay reduced from 5 to 2
John Henry endurance reduced from 23 to 21

Next deadline: turn 24 due Wednesday, February 10 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 10 Feb 2021, 2:11 pm

Turn 24 notes:

Segment 0:
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 3 delay, -3 endurance

Segment 4:
Quiet Man listed several targets for his aim, none of which are in LOS. Default:nearest hex to nearest target, lowest character number if tie (C3, C6).

Segment 5:
Ike aim: 0 Aim Markers, +0 card B3, +2 2H skill = 2/ Range: 1, +1 Head = 2
Dude aim: 4 Aim Markers (transferred), +1 card 7, +2 1H skill = 7/ Range: 1, +1 Head = 2
Ike suffer a CRIT hit:
STUN 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance
STAGGER: Long (GG-O23), Long (GG-N23)
DROP (due to STAGGER): 4 delay
SERIOUS 3: will draw 3 Fatigue cards at the beginning of each turn
Ike loses his Head counter: no longer adjacent

End of turn:
Fast Draw has 2 aim on Dude
Ike delay reduced from 4 to 2
John Henry delay reduced from 5 to 2
John Henry endurance reduced from 21 to 18
Quiet Man has 2 aim on hex GG-Q23

Next deadline: turn 25 due Friday, February 12 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 12 Feb 2021, 2:50 pm

Turn 25 notes:

Segment 0:
Ike draws 3 Fatigue cards for Serious 3: 4 delay, -4 endurance
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 0 delay, -0 endurance

Segment 2:
Fast Draw aim: 2 Aim Markers, +2 card 5, +1 1H skill = 5/Range: 1, +1 Head = 2
Dude suffers a Bulls Eye (VITAL): Killed
Dude aim: 0 Aim Markers, +0 card B3 Fanfire, +2 1H skill = 2:Range: 1, +1 Head = 2
Quiet Man loses Head counter: no longer in aim zone
Quiet Man loses his aim on hex GG-Q23: no longre in aim zone

Segment 5:
John Henry drops his C45 which fires harmlessly.
John Henry draws his SH50 to BH but it can't be cocked until it is loaded.

End of turn:
Ike delay reduced from 6 to 3.
John Henry delay reduced from 2 to 1.

Next deadline: turn 26 due Monday, February 15 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 13 Feb 2021, 4:38 pm

Don't mess with Quick Draw...
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Post 15 Feb 2021, 2:37 pm

Turn 26 notes:

Segment 0:
Ike draws 3 Fatigue cards for Serious 3: 4 delay, -4 endurance
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Segment 2:
Fast Draw loses his Head counter: no longer in aim zone

Segment 5:
Quiet Man draws 2 Delay cards for exiting via the window: 1 Delay, W44 fires a harmless wild shot

End of turn:
Ike delay reduced from 7 to 3.
Ike endurance reduced from 16 to 12.
John Henry delay reduced from 2 to 1.
John Henry endurance reduced from 18 to 17.

Next deadline: turn 27 due Wednesday, February 17 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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Post 17 Feb 2021, 2:47 pm

Can Ike get the bleeding under control before he bleeds out?

Turn 27 notes:

Segment 0:
Ike draws 3 Fatigue cards for Serious 3: 4 delay, -4 endurance
John Henry draws 2 Fatigue cards for Serious 2: 0 delay, -0 endurance

Segment 4:

John Henry draws 4 Delay cards for moving to new hex while upright with LEG 4: 4 delay

Segment 5:
Ike Spin Around cancelled: delay

End of turn:
Ike delay reduced from 7 to 3.
Ike endurance reduced from 12 to 8.
John Henry delay reduced from 5 to 2.

Next deadline: turn 28 due Friday, February 19 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
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