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Post 07 Dec 2020, 2:08 pm

The leaders form a line and the chase pack tightens up

Turn 25 summary:
Kennington blasts around the 80s at 120 for two wear and the clear lead.
Schulz slows to 100 dropping one wear around the 80s.
Peeples does the same and clears the corner behind Schulz.
Burnett sheds two wear through the 120s at 160 and opts for the middle lane.

Haskell runs the outer red racing line at 160 scrubbing off one wear.
Kennard saves wear on the green line at 140 and slots in the inside at corner entrance.
Baker also takes the green line at 140 and stays outside behind the wall in front of him.
Brandt is next through the green line at 160 spending one wear.

Brown flies the green line at 180 knocking off two wear and making up some distance on the group ahead.
Blizzard maxes his engine to approach on the green line.
Miller pushes his acceleration to reach his top speed, opting for the inside (?).

Next deadline: turn 26 due Wednesday, December 9 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Hockenheim turn 25.png
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Post 09 Dec 2020, 2:14 pm

The leaders maintain, 'Mater makes his first appearance this race.

Turn 26 summary:
Kennington is through the Parabolika at 160.
Schulz uses a slip at 140 to keep tucked in behind the leader.
Peeples pushes his acceleration to reach 160 and keep pace.
Haskell comes through first of the three-wide at 120 shedding two wear in the 80s.

Kennard is forced around the inside trading two wear for a 100 move.
Burnett is the more conservative of the group with a 100 through the 80s for one wear.
Baker forms the box with a 120 around the 80s scrubbing off two wear.
Brandt is two wear lighter as well mirroring Baker's move.

Brown continues his aggressive driving careening through the 60/80 at 120. His tires complain but don't break loose.
Blizzard completes the green racing line at 140, opting to finish in the middle lane.
Miller at 140 drops one wear around the inner red line, penence for his miscount last turn.

Next deadline: turn 27 due Friday, December 11 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Hockenheim turn 26.png
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Post 11 Dec 2020, 2:27 pm

A lot of big moves down the back straight

Turn 27 summary:
Kennington maintains 160 on approach to the hairpin.
Schulz at 160 uses the bonus to challenge the leader.
Peeples gets a slip off Schulz and tucks in behind the blue race car.
Haskell turns the rocket loose at 200 much to the delight of the fans and Burnett.

Kennard pushes his acceleration to reach 180 and settles on Haskell's wing.
Baker gets 180 out of his 160 machine and uses the double slip to pick up P5.
Burnett keeps within his car's ability, maxing at 160 and taking the two extra spaces to keep in the pack.
Brandt also grabs high gear but with "only" a single space slip he loses touch with the group in front.

Brown slams the gas exceeding both acceleration and top speed, blasting down the straight at 200.
Blizzard brakes to 80 around the outside of the corner for free.
Miller sheds two wear around the inside of the corner at 100 and makes it a fight for the final points position.

Next deadline: turn 28 due Monday, December 14 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Hockenheim turn 27.png
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Post 11 Dec 2020, 2:33 pm

Not sure how I missed this, but here are the lap 2 numbers. Sorry about that.
C2 summary.png
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Post 14 Dec 2020, 2:14 pm

The leaders will exit the hairpin three wide. Peeples has the wear advantage but he's on the outside

Turn 28 summary:
Kennington starts at 120 then brakes hard to 80 for one wear and dice, shedding another wear on the inner line.
Schulz hits the corner at 120 through the 80s then dives for the second line surrendering two wear.
Peeples uses two wear around the 80s to form the three wide.
Haskell gets the jump at 160 then late brakes at corner entrance on the racing line.

Baker does 140 choosing the outside approach.
Kennard plots 160, braking to 140 to hang on Haskell's wing.
Burnett gets a temporary advantage with the slip at 140, but he's inside entering the hairpin.
Brandt opens up to 180 to join the chase pack proper.

Brown slows to 160 and keeps to the inside one car length behind the pack.
Miller enters the parabolika at 160.
Blizzard follows the black machine at 140.

Next deadline: turn 29 due Wednesday, December 16 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Hockenheim turn 28.png
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Post 14 Dec 2020, 2:16 pm

Brown is fastest for the second consecutive sector
C2 summary.png
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Post 16 Dec 2020, 2:07 pm

The chase pack clears the hairpin

Turn 29 summary:
Kennington pushes for 160 and starts the line into the kink.
Schulz maxes his acceleration and top speed to keep up with the blue machine.
Peeples also maxes both and dives inside with the lead and a sizeable wear advantage.
Baker sheds half of his remaining wear at 120 through the 80s and moves up 2 positions.

Burnett follows up with a 100 move through the 60s for two wear as well.
Haskell slows to 80 and drops one wear in the 60s.
Kennard scrubs off two wear around the 60s at 100.
Brandt breathes a sigh of relief as his brakes bring him down to 100, taking the 80s/line for one wear.

Brown sails around the 80s at 120 knocking off two wear but clearing the corner.
Miller approaches the hairpin at 160.
Blizzard is also at 160, taking the bonus to pull even.

Next deadline: turn 30 due Friday, December 18 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC

Note: for advance planning, Friday, December 24 will be a soft deadline
Hockenheim turn 29.png
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Post 18 Dec 2020, 2:28 pm

four dice rolls, three naked, two pass

Turn 30 summary:
Peeples slams the brakes to get to 100 dropping two wear through the 60.
Kennington runs line to line at 100 shedding one wear.
Schulz also overbrakes to 80 taking the 80s for free.

Baker chooses the racing line entrance to the upcoming corner.
Burnett opting for the outside lane.
Haskell gets the bonus and slots in the inside lane for a two position bump at the moment.
Kennard is left with the wing of the red machine at 120.

Brown comes out of the hairpin hard at 160, braking at the last minute only to feel the metal scraping.
Brandt anticipates the buildup at the corner, covering the short straight at 120.
Blizzard says he wants to join that pack, hitting the inner line at 120 for two wear and dice, ending up facing the infield.
Miller follows on at 100 dropping two wear in the 60s as he dodges the spinning machine.

Next deadline: turn 31 due Monday, December 21 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC

Note: for advance planning, Friday, December 24 will be a soft deadline
Hockenheim turn 30.png
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Post 21 Dec 2020, 2:30 pm

A spin near the front shakes things up a bit.

Turn 31 summary:
Kennington starts at 140 then brakes for the corner becoming a blur as his brakes protest.
Peeples avoids the spinning race car around the 120s and start the Sachs line in the lead.
Schulz also dances around Kennington and runs the 120s for free.

Burnett blasts through the kink on the outside at 120 dropping two wear.
Baker sheds one wear on the line at 100 and ducks to the inside of Burnett.
Haskell conservatively rounds the 60 at speed.
Brown comes out of the second three way first at 100 trading one wear for the racing line.

Kennard takes the line at 80 saving his tires for later.
Brandt wants the line at 80 but there's no room. He's forced through the 80s.
Miller completes the hairpin on the outer racing line at 120 wear already paid.
Blizzard gets pointed in the right direction but he's limited by the corner to 40mph.

Next deadline: turn 32 due Wednesday, December 23 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC

Note: for advance planning, Friday, December 25 will be a soft deadline
Hockenheim turn 31.png
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Post 23 Dec 2020, 2:29 pm

Plenty of "late race dice" but everyone passes

Turn 32 summary:
Peeples plays his final wear perfectly dropping two on the Sachs line and the final one in the Sudkurve 100s.
Schulz saves his final wear for Sudkurve by taking the Sachs line at speed.
Kennington recovers his machine and heads for the next corner.
Burnett starts at 140 then brakes hard before Mobil 1, taking that line for free and shedding his final two wear in Sachs.

Baker runs the outside of Mobil 1 at 120 and sets up on the line for the penultimate corner.
Brown follows Baker through the corner and uses a slip to pull even on the inside.
Haskell plots 140 then brakes before the corner and runs the line for free.
Kennard had the same idea but the only way to make the move is to go outside through Mobil 1.

Brandt has room on the line for his 120 move, finishing inside the green race car.
Miller dips into his store of wear to donate two to the racing line at 120.
Blizzard presses his engine to get to 120. It grants his wish and he maintains the gap to Miller.

Next deadline: turn 33 due Friday, December 25 (soft), Monday, December 28 (hard) at 4pm EST/9pm UTC

There will be no reminder sent on the 25th.
Hockenheim turn 32.png
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Post 28 Dec 2020, 2:06 pm

The top 2 positions are sealed but there's still plenty of action in the mid-pack

Turn 33 summary:
Peeples exits Sudkurve and sees the checkers ready to wave.
Schulz is through the Sudkurve 100s at 120 for his final wear.
Burnett slows to 100 into the 100s and all but wraps up P3.
Brown rounds the Sachs 60s at 80 dropping his last wear.

Baker runs the line at 80 for free, saving that precious final wear for Sudkurve.
Kennington starts at 100 then asks his brakes for 80. They oblige and he's through on the racing line.
Haskell slows to 60 and also preserves his last wear.
Brandt (who will finish with at least 3 wear) sheds two wear in the 60s, picking up two positions late.

Kennard spends half of his remaining wear in the 60s at 80.
Miller takes the Mobil 1 line at speed.
Blizzard tries to save wear at 120 on the racing line but he falls just short of the needed skill.

Next deadline: turn 34 due Wednesday, December 30 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Hockenheim turn 33.png
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Post 30 Dec 2020, 4:21 pm

Some movement in the mid-pack will affect the final positions
(Sorry this is late. I've been clumsy today, kept bumping into reality)

Turn 34 summary:
Peeples waves to the crowd as he blasts across the finish line for the victory.
Schulz decides he won't need this engine again so he pushes it to 180 for P2.
Burnett finishes the corner at 100 and dives for the inside.
Brown chooses the fast way around with his bald tires.

Baker puts his last wear to good use, passing Brown and moving into fourth.
Brandt actually uses two wear this turn aruond the inside of Sudkurve and pulls even with Baker.
Kennington rounds the 100s at speed but can't pick up a partner for next turn (yet).
Haskell runs the 100s at 120 and the bonus moves him next to Brown and behind Brandt for the final turn slip.

Kennard clears Sudkurve on the outside at 120 for his last wear.
Miller drops half of his remaining wear on the Sachs line at 120.
Blizzard recovers from his spin at 60.

Next deadline: turn 34 due Friday, January 1 (soft), Monday January 4 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC

There will be no reminder sent on the 1st.
Hockenheim turn 34.png
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Post 31 Dec 2020, 9:45 am

Peeples made a big move through sector 2
C2 summary.png
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Post 04 Jan 2021, 2:29 pm

The dice get a workout on the last turn of the race, not everyone is happy
(The final two cars are "autoed" to the finish as noted below. Only the turn 35 map is shown.)

Turn 35 summary:
Burnett doesn't risk his damaged engine, crossing the finish line at 160.
Brandt is the first of six drivers to push, failing his acceleration roll he does 180 and holds P5.
Baker also fails his acceleration roll leaving him at 160 and even with the slip he drops two positions to 6th.
Haskell lights the rocket and wows the crowd at 220mph! After bulling through the 3 wide ahead, he goes from 7th to 3rd.

Brown only needs to roll acceleration to 180 and passes, but still loses a spot.
Kennington's double dice roll gets him to 180 with just enough room to take one slip space.
Kennard is the last to roll the dice reaching 200 and moving up to P8.
Miller sheds his last two wear at 140 around the outside of Sudkurve.
Blizzard runs Mobil 1 at 120 on the line and start the Sachs line.

Turn 36 summary:
Miller grabs a point as he finishes at 160.
Blizzard drops one remaining wear on the Sachs line at 100.

Turn 37 summary:
Blizzard rounds Sudkurve on the outside at 120 for his last wear.

Turn 38 summary:
Blizzard finally puts this nightmareish race behind him doing a safe 160 across the finish line.

Post-race comments can be posted at: viewtopic.php?f=283&t=4207
Hockenheim turn 35.png
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Post 10 Jan 2021, 7:06 am

Peeples finishes with a comfortable 3+ second lead
C2 summary.png