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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 18 Sep 2020, 10:08 am

T40: Rando also fails at showing off then uses his big chip to late brake, because he can. Kathryn burns her last wear to drop into 4th position.

T41: Kathryn edges out Renaud as they both pass their engine tests. Russ pulls even with Kevin with one more chance roll.

T42: Both Kevin & Russ push their engines. Kevin damages the engine, giving Russ initiative. Russ passes the engine test but must now late brake in front of the corner. A failed test puts him in a spin. Kevin grabs 6th, finishing before the spun car.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 18 Sep 2020, 10:10 am

Finish order 3.png
Order of finish: Mike; Rando; Stephen; Kathryn; Renaud; Kevin; Russ
Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
Posts: 100
Joined: 07 Jan 2019, 8:42 am

Post 18 Sep 2020, 1:30 pm

2 Action shots from last nights race:

Turn 26: Mike takes the lead with a risky naked late brake with his 20 brake car. Stephen makes a mistake not spending the wear to get thru the corner.

Turn 34: Mike stretches out his lead while the field catches Stephen. Nice view of the whole field.
T26 - Mike's go ahead move.jpg
Mike makes the final lead change in Lap 4.
T34 Field catching up to Stephen's beleagured machine.jpg
Last Lap! Can Stephen finish?