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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 11 Jul 2020, 10:16 pm

T40. Stephen spends his last wear.

Turn 40 1/2: We seem to be missing the turn where the cars pile up in front of corner 6.

T41. Rando seals the win with a 2s chance roll. That effectively blocks anyone else releasing from corner 7.

T42. Thanks to Stephen for recreating this one. With little chance to move ahead, Don retires from the race. Car number 3 is out.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 11 Jul 2020, 10:21 pm

T43. Stephen sews up 2nd place. James spins on the outer rail.

T44. Chris K. becomes the 4th casualty, crashing out in the final corner. Mike passes the crash avoidance test.

T45. With the bigger engine, Mike pulls ahead of James for 3rd.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 11 Jul 2020, 10:28 pm

Nearing the end.png
An action shot from T40.

Order of finish: Rando, Stephen, Mike, James, & David.
Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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Post 12 Jul 2020, 8:19 pm

I was missing the same two screenshots that Mike was. Too intense I suppose.

I recreated Turn 40.5 in the first shot. (We were so intense we forgot to advance the turn counter.)

The next shot is an action shot from the race of the back straight on the final lap. All 8 cars on the track are on the back straight.

Finally I have 4 recreated action shots from Rando's 2nd chance roll, this one to seal the win in Corner 7. The first 3 show the leading pack of 4 cars coming into the Corner 6-7 combination. The third shows all 7 cars on the track. The fourth is a closeup of Rando ready to exit corner 7 and cruise to victory.
T40.5 - Recreate.jpg
T40.5 Cars pile up in front of the 6-7 combination with the race on the line
T36 - Back Straight Action.jpg
T36 Back Straight Action Shot
T40.5 - Recreate - Leading Bunch.jpg
T40.5 Rando, Stephen, James, Chris vying for victory
T40.5 - Recreate - Leading Bunch close-up.jpg
T40.5 Lead group close-up. Look closely and you can see the determination in Rando's eyes.
T40.5 - Recreate - All 7 cars on the track.jpg
T40.5 Same turn with all 7 remaining cars in sight
T41 - Recreate - Rando clinches win with 2s chance roll success.jpg
T41 Rando clinches win with 2s chance roll success