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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 30 May 2020, 11:09 am

T39: Mike closes on Don. Brent & Paul clear C10.

T40: The pack gets strung out on the long straight.

T41: Michael uses his bounty of skill chips to catch up.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 30 May 2020, 11:15 am

T42: With the wear bank empty, Don has to slow. Mike has inside position for 1st place with wear to burn.

T43: Phil presses for a podium spot... or will he?

T44: Phil errs by not using his 3-chip on a chance roll. He must brake to 40 and w/ no wear, spins his car (note: he had already rolled on the brake table to plot 60 thus he could not roll again to get to 40).
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 30 May 2020, 11:19 am

T45: Mike clears C25 with his last wear. Don and Rando are shoe-ins for 2nd and 3rd, respectively.

T46: Mike takes the checkered flag!

T47: Don is in with a solid 2nd place.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 30 May 2020, 11:22 am

T48: Rando and Paul cross in 3rd and 4th. Phil makes a chance roll w/ his big chip.

T49: A photo finish as Phil, Michael, and Brent cross in that order.

The order of finish...