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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 1:11 pm

Put your thoughts here about the race or the process.

As for me...

My build seemed appropriate but, as usual, I find myself rolling the dice one too many times in these one-off races. I beat up the brakes early so had to play a little bit more conservatively but going from 60 to 40 brakes is not a game-ender. There was a little cat and mouse play with Don in the first two laps (he's always a threat in any race so throwing off the Pinulator is usually a good idea) and I felt really good going into lap 3.

It was late in the 2nd lap when I noticed how much Rando had moved up and with lots of wear still to burn. By the time lap 3 started, I felt like I was driving for 2nd place, behind Rando - his wear advantage looked overwhelming (along with a strong car). I made a mistake by not plotting 100 in that first corner after the S/F line - I shouldv'e just burned the extra wear. Ah well... hindsight is 20/20. I'm ok going out with another brake check. I figured there would be a few more of those before the finish so if not then, my chances for finishing were still not that high. I suppose I could have slow played and probably come in mid-pack but that's not typically my style in these one-offs.

It was a ton of fun and I look forward to the next time!
Last edited by SLOTerp on 05 Apr 2020, 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 1:43 pm

I've been poking around teh inter webs and found out that hand zone can be disabled - so that none of their functions work but they still act as seat positions: ... yer-hands/

I think that might help - those hand zones are royal pain, esp. when someone accidentally drops something in there and it suddenly pops in front of you giant-sized with no obvious way to get rid of it.

Other than that I thought it went pretty well. I will need to play around with it a bit more before offering to host I think but I'm getting there. I was trying to see if there was some way to turn on trails or easily leave a marker as to where a car was while moving as a couple of times I know we had questions as to if someone moved enough spaces. Or maybe we dump a chip or something instead of moving the car until we're sure that's the right spot.
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 1:50 pm

Also, apparently we can have 10 players and more can join as spectators (no access to anything but can watch). This could eliminate the need to share a screen via Zoom and out just use it communication:

"There is support in the game to allow 10 Players at once. You can change an in-game setting to allow more people to join, but they will only be able to spectate."
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 1:58 pm

jcbeckman wrote:Also, apparently we can have 10 players and more can join as spectators (no access to anything but can watch). This could eliminate the need to share a screen via Zoom and out just use it communication:

That would be helpful. I was pausing the screen-share every time I pulled a speed card and then unpausing. Not that I think anyone would willfully perform espionage but someone may accidentally see my pull.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 2:00 pm

And there's the fact that I won't be at every race to offer a Zoom meeting. I'm sure others have premium access but some employers may frown upon using it this way. Although, as far as I'm concerned, better to ask for forgiveness than permission :angel:
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 2:43 pm

I think the main time saving area as a few people said would be in the initial setup. At the end of the chat I briefly outlined an option that could help here. There might be a slicker way of doing it but something along these lines could work.

All players send their builds in 2 days prior to the race to person X who will not be racing this race.

After the deadline person X publishes the builds/sends them to the person hosting the race for distribution or something along those lines.

All players then have until 1 day before lights out to submit their pole bids, again to person X. Again after the deadline these are then sent to the person running the game/other players or whatever has been agreed.

The game host then has a day to pop everyone's remaining chips and car builds on the table and the cars on the grid.

Obviously the time limits could be adjusted as needs be. It would probably mean a little extra work for the host, but save that initial hour of set up, and to be honest probably wouldn't take the host as long as an hour so still save them time overall too.
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 2:53 pm

For the race itself it was clear I have much to learn in live races where I can't see everything laid out in an email with everyone's car builds in a nice table.

I had a direct comparison with Mike starting with the same build and pole bid and I was some way behind after 2 laps.

Actually that makes me think, if you can copy things into TTS could the race host copy in 10 of the spreadsheet type builds covering every car like the email games rather than laying out 10 sets of 6 cards? Not sure if that's possible but would be another time saver as wouldn't need to navigate around the table while planning moves looking at everyone's build cards? Again just spit-balling as not sure if that's even possible?

Edit - Thinking some more this might not be possible as the sheet would need editing when someone fails a brake test etc.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 3:06 pm

Some good ideas here. I'm collecting them under the 'Tabletop Simulator' thread in the generic 'Virtual Racing' forum:

The idea is to develop guides for hosts & players in TTS.
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Rally Racer (Pro III)
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 3:12 pm

My thoughts are that it would be really good enough to use Discord for chat. It would reduce overall bandwidth because nobody would be tempted to use video. This works best if we can have a 'dummy' account be the one that shows the overall game situation rather than having one of us screen share.

I had a complete blast playing the game. I'll see about getting my rookie friends to play a game of it so maybe they can add to the fun.

My biggest error was in poor management of being in the lead. I used way too much wear trying to stretch out the lead when it just wasn't necessary at that point.

Still, I'm pretty pleased with the car I set up and how I ran it. I look forward to the next one.
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Post 05 Apr 2020, 3:20 pm

RogueMonkey wrote:For the race itself it was clear I have much to learn in live races where I can't see everything laid out in an email with everyone's car builds in a nice table.

I had a direct comparison with Mike starting with the same build and pole bid and I was some way behind after 2 laps.

Actually that makes me think, if you can copy things into TTS could the race host copy in 10 of the spreadsheet type builds covering every car like the email games rather than laying out 10 sets of 6 cards? Not sure if that's possible but would be another time saver as wouldn't need to navigate around the table while planning moves looking at everyone's build cards? Again just spit-balling as not sure if that's even possible?

Edit - Thinking some more this might not be possible as the sheet would need editing when someone fails a brake test etc.

On the Cards, I was attempting to use Jerome's build and have the game function like that with CFR. if the race was pre-set with a RM, an image of builds could be dropped onto the table as a board. There are also note card components (Which I used originally) but I kinda would prefer if I am hosting to use the cards, even if builds are preset.

Also thanks for the tips guys, definitly will keep such in mind for later.