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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:44 pm


Stephen burns his last 2 wear and Don does what Don does best... creeps ever closer.
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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:46 pm

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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:47 pm

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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:47 pm

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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:48 pm


Bruce goes in hot and spins.
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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:49 pm


James tries the same thing but the dice gods say no. Another crash out. Tim avoids the wreckage.
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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:49 pm


Will Stephen be able to hold off the wily veteran?
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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:54 pm


Stephen plays it safe and forces Don to roll dice if he wants the win. That one skill chip comes in handy!

Brian is the third car to crash & burn. Tim, once again, is able to avoid the debris field.
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Post 28 Mar 2020, 12:58 pm


A little bit of teasing as the yellow machine coasts across the line. Congratulations, Don!
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Post 28 Mar 2020, 1:02 pm


A nicely run race from Stephen for 2nd place.

Rando and Tim set up a shoot-out for the final podium spot.
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Post 28 Mar 2020, 1:05 pm


Rando's push to 140 is not enough to keep Tim at bay. He passes both an accel & top speed test to thrill the onlookers at 180 and nabs 3rd.

Rando is 4th
Bruce gets 5th
Jim rolls into 6th

Thanks fellas - it was fun running you around the track. Next time we'll find a faster way to do this (almost five hours was more than I anticipated).

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Post 28 Mar 2020, 9:21 pm

Thanks again Mike for running the race. You were pretty masterful with the multiple windows and quick turnarounds.

3 key points in the race from my perspective. Not really winning and losing, but just running a good race. I think my path to victory was hoping Don would have more traffic trying to catch up to me.

T29: I choose to push on at 100. I consider 60 and taking the line effectively blocking Don. However, if I continued and moved 60 the next turn, Don likely would have used a wear at 80 and kept me in the corner. I couldn't let that happen.

Turn 35-36: I was informed that I lost a space in this corner. Pretty sure I didn't, but maybe I'm missing something. I was 6 spaces out of the Wursteiner Kurve (sp?). 100 would put me in front of curve and 120 puts me in the curve. With no wear and two turns, I end up on the 3rd space out whether I go 100/100, 120/100 or 120/120. I chose 120/120 in case I wanted to test top speed at 160. Didn't think I would, but just in case.

Finally, at the end of the race: If I rolled naked chance, I had 42% win, 42% spin and finish 2nd, 16% crash and finish last. As it was, forcing Don to roll chance with 1s, I had 42% chance of winning (Don spins 34% and Don crashes 8%) and a 58% chance of finishing 2nd. So same chance of winning and better chance at 2nd and no chance of crashing. Seems like the right call.

Anyway, still new to this compared to many of you. Any comments or suggestions on how I could have handled any of these situations better, or something that I am missing in my analysis?

- Stephen
Last edited by srpray on 29 Mar 2020, 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post 29 Mar 2020, 7:57 am

Stephen, regarding the Wursteiner (sp) corner, you are right, you did not give up space. When it happened, my initial thought was that you did give up space simply because using the 120's is generally not an efficient route. I went back after the race and discovered that my impressions were quite wrong. If you take that route in one turn, it is inefficient but when breaking it up into two turns in the way you did, that inefficiency goes away.

That's one I'll file away for myself when I see what appears to be an obviously bad choice. Dig a little deeper...

I can't fault your choice in the last corner. I'm not sure I would have rolled dice if I were either of you given the crash potential. Then again, in live play, I tend towards riskier behavior. I live by the dice and die by the dice.

Let's hope we can make this a regular thing, even after we are released back into the world!
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Post 31 Mar 2020, 12:41 pm

SLOTerp wrote:Stephen, regarding the Wursteiner (sp) corner, you are right, you did not give up space. When it happened, my initial thought was that you did give up space simply because using the 120's is generally not an efficient route. I went back after the race and discovered that my impressions were quite wrong. If you take that route in one turn, it is inefficient but when breaking it up into two turns in the way you did, that inefficiency goes away.

I also thought he gave up a space. And I was wrong.

Mikey, thanks for running the race! It was fun.
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Post 31 Mar 2020, 12:44 pm

SLOTerp wrote:T33

Stephen burns his last 2 wear and Don does what Don does best... creeps ever closer.

GOSH -- you aren't calling Don creepy, are you? :)