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Post 31 Jul 2020, 3:36 pm

Justin stands on the breaks as he coasts his way into Rivazza as the chase back closes on the corner. Guiseppe continues to battle with Marshall as he uses the slip to cut to his inside.

Back at Variante Atta, Rando out duels Tony through the chicane and picks up a place, as at it's entrance, James powers to Jacks outside, while looming in the distance, Jerome has begun to hard charge, ticking off fast times as he begins to close.

RM Notes

1. Make sure to be careful and post the correct speed, cause it dosen't matter how hard you say you can accelerate, if you don't post it, you ain't getting that.

Jerome: You can safely accelerate to 140 and complete the line from there.
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Post 03 Aug 2020, 5:19 pm

Turn 27 is due Wendesday by 6pm Eastern.

Justin rolls down towards Variante Bassa, as back at Rivazza the fight for third continues. Marshall uses an undercut on Guiseppe to squeeze past him in the first corner and slides to Brent's outside in the second.

Further back at Variante Atta, James puts himselfin the points and a power run through the chicane gets him past Federico and Jack!

RM Notes:
Guiseppe: You didn't have the line, so you couldn't take it for 1 wear. Ran you on a line that would have been able to.
Marshall: With where Guiseppe ended up, no FP was needed, but I ran you inside based on that request.
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Post 05 Aug 2020, 7:22 pm

Turn 28 is due Friday by 6pm Eastern

Just rolls through Variante Atta as the chase pack bunched up at it's entry, with Federico challenging Brent for 2nd.

Back at Rivazza, gasps are heard from the crowd as an aggressive dive into the first bend by Tony goes Awry, as he spins inside. David swings outside to dodge him, as the rear field piles in behind.

RM Notes;

Per Spin Rules, Tony must go 60 (60 Acc, 60 Start) next turn.
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Post 06 Aug 2020, 5:18 am

Weisen made up a lot of ground while Swaine in the top 3 again.
Imola C3 summary.png
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Post 07 Aug 2020, 3:43 pm

Turn 29 is Due Monday by 6pm Eastern

Brent and Marshall keep close reach on Justin's tail as the leader tags the line to begin the final lap.

Back at Rivazza, Tony straightens out himself and takes the inside line through the second bend, with David pulling to his outside. This leads to no space exciting the second bend, and the rear pack ends up bunching into it.

RM Notes:

Federico: Due to the blocked road, I ran you through the outside for 1W, and then the line.
James: Due to said blocked road, ran you line to outside.
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Post 10 Aug 2020, 4:31 pm

Brent closes on Justin's tail as they approach the chicane, as Marshall seems to have a minor hiccup.

Back at Variante Atta, Bruce darts past Guiseppe and takes over 4th as at its entrance there is tire smoke and drivers misanticipate the driver ahead.

RM Notes:

Federico: Went off your default which notes wear before dice rolls.
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Post 12 Aug 2020, 4:18 pm

Turn 31 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern.

Brent wheels it through Traguardo, and pulls outside of Justin, challenging for the lead!

Back on the main straight, Randy blasts past Guiseppe for fifth, and pulls alongside Bruce to challenge for the next. Further back coming out of Variante Bassa, James joins David and Tony for a three wide run through the line!
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Post 14 Aug 2020, 6:34 pm

Turn 32 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Brent cranks it and dives to the inside on the run up to Villenauve as he retakes the lead by a nose!

Entering Traguardo, Bruce find the corner closed and has run wide to burn speed.

On the main straight, James cranks it into the red, as he vaults down the staight with a powerful speed and pulls outside of Guiseppe at the entrance of Traguardo. David follows, with Tony behind him.

Jack cranks it as well as he pulls past Federico and pulls to Tony's outside.

RM Notes:

Jerome: NPR Warning #2. 1 Wear Penalty
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Post 17 Aug 2020, 5:00 pm

Turn 33 is due Tuesday at 6pm Eastern

Brent holds the lead as he completes a cross-over with Justin as they turn twoards Tosa.

Coming out of Tragundo, Randy cranks the engine and blasts by Marshall as he pounds towards Villenuve, taking over the final spot on the Podium.

James uses his powerful breaks to slow down to a safe speed for the inside of the corner and burns rubber as he runs through and passes Guiseppe for 6th.

RM Notes:

Bruce: No Wear cost due to safe decel and having spent a wear entering the corner.
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Post 18 Aug 2020, 3:32 am

Swaine is not in the top 3 for the first time.
Imola C3 summary.png
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Post 19 Aug 2020, 4:00 pm

Turn 34 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Smoking tires and hot breaks are seen through the field, as Brent stretches his lead as he cuts inside.

Back at Villanueave, James blasts past Bruce and pulls to the tail end of the chase pack as he takes 5th.

Further back out of Tragundo, David uses his extra speed to pull ahead of Guiseppe, and Jack burns rubber as he runs the tighter line to pull in front of Tony.

RM Notes:

Justin: 120->60 is Excessive Dec, so HB based on defaults (Test before wear, break 3s, roll w/1 skill)

Jerome: 140->80 is Excessive Dec, so HB based on game default (1 Wear)
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Post 21 Aug 2020, 7:44 pm

Turn 35 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Brent presses his engine and maintains his lead on Justin.

Though Tosa James slams his breaks and runs inside, pulling a edge on Marshall to take 4th.

RM Notes:

I want to apologize for the map snafus again...and as we had an affected driver from it, I am going to make an adjustment for next time. Should that happen again, I will report it as a new email, instead of responding to previous. In either case, please remeber where you started when a move is being made, and know that the update turn is always posted on redscape.

Marshall: All moves 100 would have exceeded available wear. Due to this, by defaults used 3 chip to auto succeed late breaking to 80 and then followed line for 1 W.

Federico and Bruce: NPR #1 Warning. No penalty but do post turns before the deadline if not earlier
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Post 24 Aug 2020, 4:01 pm

Turn 36 is due Wendesday by 6pm Eastern

The fight for the lead heats up agian as Justin pushes his way through Piratella and pulls to the outside of Brent in the run up to Acque Miranelli.

Back at the entrance of Piratella, James and his monster car blasts down to challenge Rando for third, with Marshall pulling up behind them.

The rear of the field navigates or runs through Tosa, as an inside cut by David pulls him past Bruce. Jermone also removes himself from last as he cuts inside of Federico on the run up to the corner.
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Post 26 Aug 2020, 4:16 pm

Turn 37 is due Friday by 6pm Eastern

Justin completes the pass for the lead as with some swift breaking he beats Brent to the fast line and backs him up exiting.

On the run out of Tosa, Jack blasts down the short chute, and pulls past Guiseppe on the run up to Piratella. Jerome also burns rubber as he runs inside of Tony, putting himself into the points.

RM Notes:

Brent: As usual, you can accelerate from that place in Aqcui Miranelli. However you cannot slip as Justin is in a corner space.
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Post 28 Aug 2020, 6:29 pm

Turn 38 is due Monday by 6pm Eastern

Justin keeps himself one step ahead of Brent as the two barrel down toward Variante Alta.

At Acqui Miranelli, James cuts off Rando for the line leading him to run outside. Marshall takes some advantage of this and threads himself inside of Rando, challenging at least for the moment for the position.

Back at Piratella, Jack blasts through and pulls ahead of Bruce on the line as they approach Aqcui Miranelli

Running up to Piratella, Tony out guns Jerome into the corner, but his gains may be short lived as his aggressive driving backfires and he ends up spinning through the apex. Jerome runs the outside to avoid him.

RM Notes;

So I forgot to actually move Federico last turn. This has been corrected on Redscape and his move is as if he had been in the proper spot.

Tony's speed for next turn will be 60.

Marshall: You can safely accelerate to 100 next turn. Faster is available, but would activate a retroactive chance roll.