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Post 02 Sep 2020, 1:19 pm

Wear getting thin, will the remaining skill produce any passes?

Turn 39 summary:

Peeples gets to 120 down the straight.
Brandt is through Alta at 80 for free.
Schulz follows in Brandt's tire tracks and clears the corner.
Burnett burns the rest of his wear in the 80s at 120.

Baker gets a slip from Burnett at 120 and also surrenders his last wear in the 100s.
Haskell follows on with a slip of his own and keeps in touch for now.
Miller finishes the line at 80 and drops to the inside.
Bauska gets his car going again at 20 but it will put him at the back of the field.

Kennard travels the line at 80 for free.
Brown rounds the inside at 60 then slides out behind the green race car.
Kennington's tires wear out at 80 around the inside 60.
Blizzard conserves his precious wear at 80 on the line.

Next deadline: turn 40 due Friday, September 4 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Imola C2 turn 39.png
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Post 04 Sep 2020, 1:10 pm

The back half of the field forms up at the entrance to Variante Alta

Turn 40 summary:
Peeples approaches corner 14 on the line.
Brandt hits top speed to put most of the straightaway behind him.
Schulz's 20 acceleration gets him to 100 out of the chicane.
Burnett holds a steady 120, finishing the 80s and pulling even with Schulz.

Baker finishes the 100s at 120.
Haskell drops one wear in the 80s at 100 and catches the light green race car.
Miller is at the head of the pack entering the chicane.
Kennard makes it two wide at 100.

Kennington plots 120 but with no room to finish that move he leans on the brakes. His bald tires lose grip and around he goes.
Brown's 100 move keeps him in step with the group.
Blizzard also thought there was room for 120. He throws his 3-skill chip (by rule) to automatically pass the brake test.
Bauska pushes to 100 to try to keep up with the pack in front of him.

Next deadline: turn 41 due Monday, September 7 (soft), Wednesday September 9 (hard) at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
NOTE: Monday is a holiday in the U.S. (Labor Day). If I have all moves I will adjudicate.
Imola C2 turn 40.png
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Post 07 Sep 2020, 1:05 pm

Peeples clears corner 15 to seal the victory, but plenty of positions yet to be decided

Turn 41 summary:
Peeples slows to 60 and runs line to line preserving his last wear.
Brandt runs into corner 14 at 60 on the line for free.
Burnett starts at 140 for the initiative then brakes to 120 for the line.
Schulz's 120 keeps him inside of the orange machine.

Haskell planned on 160 but there's no room for that move so he brakes onto the line behind Burnett.
Baker at 140 remains inside Haskell.
Miller is through the 80s at speed.
Kennard follows Miller also at 80.

Baker is through the 80s as well to keep on Miller's wing.
Kennington recovers from his spin at 60 through the 80s, losing a length to Baker.
Blizzard speeds into the 100s at 100 and clears the chicane.
Bauska follows Blizzard at 100 for free but end up locked in the corner for next turn.

Next deadline: turn 42 due Wednesday, September 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Imola C2 turn 41.png
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Post 09 Sep 2020, 3:18 pm

The chase pack has plenty of potential to get ugly in the final three corners

Turn 42 summary:
Peeples covers most of the straight at 100.
Brandt rounds the corner 15 line at speed.
Schulz gets the initiative at 80 dropping one wear in the corner 14 60s.
Burnett slows to 60 around the racing line then to the outside of Schulz.

Baker moves to the outside at 80 but his tires break loose and he spins.
Haskell planned on 80 but there's not enough room for the move so he brakes to 60 for a wear and takes the line.
Kennard outguns Miller at 140 down the back straight.
Miller at 120 tucks in behind the green race car.

Brown gets the slip from Kennard at 120.
Kennington maxes his acceleration to 120 and keeps in touch with the group.
Blizzard follows on at 120 and a bonus.
Bauska finishes the 100s at 100.

Next deadline: turn 43 due Friday, September 11 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Imola C2 turn 42.png
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Post 10 Sep 2020, 4:36 am

Several spins this race have kept overall speeds rather low.
Imola C2 summary.png
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Post 11 Sep 2020, 1:16 pm

As expected, lots of dice around corner 14 with two passes and one fail

Turn 43 summary:
Peeples' final wear comes off in the 60s at 80.
Brandt also uses the rest of his tires in the 80s at 100.
Schulz pushes his acceleration to 120 and gets a car length on Burnett.
Burnett is off corner 15 at 100.

Haskell is through the racing line at 80 for free.
Baker gets pointed in the right direction at 60.
Kennard leans hard on the brakes entering the corner, dropping one wear at 80 on the racing line.
Miller gets initiative at 80 on the line; his tires manage to stay planted on the asphalt.

Brown is the wear king at this point, even after shedding one in the 60s at 80.
Blizzard has designs on the pair at corner entrance, but after approaching at 120 doesn't find a gap to pass Brown.
Kennington slows to 80 and starts the line into the corner.
Bauska makes up two car-lengths at 120.

Next deadline: turn 44 due Monday, September 14 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Imola C2 turn 43.png
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Post 14 Sep 2020, 2:04 pm

The leader takes the checkered flag, but there are still battles in the field

Turn 44 summary:
Peeples pushes his engine to 140 and blazes across the finish line with a wave to the cheering crowd.
Brandt continues the 80s and finishes on the inside.
Schulz slows to 60 and works through the 60s for free.
Burnett hits the 60s at 80 and lets chance determine if he succeeds. (He does)

Haskell is wary of what the orange car will do so he takes the 80s at speed.
Baker shoots the short straight at 120.
Kennard rounds the corner 15 racing line for free.
Miller follows in the green machine's tire tracks.

Brown finishes the 60s wear already paid, and takes the line behind Miller.
Blizzard is distracted by Katy Perry bleeding into his radio, he zigs to the outside for the corner then zags back to the inside.
Kennington is the beneficiary of Katy's roar in Blizzards headset as he takes both lines for free.
Bauska hits the corner 14 line at 80 and passes a naked chance roll for the privilege.

Next deadline: turn 45 due Wednesday, September 16 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Imola C2 turn 44.png
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Post 16 Sep 2020, 1:29 pm

Schulz barely hangs on to P3; Bauska ends up sideways in corner 15

Turn 45 summary:
Brandt is easily across the line at 140 for P2.
Schulz pushes his acceleration and gets a slip from Brandt to hang on to his position.
Burnett pushes his engine also but can only pull even with the light blue machine.

Haskell reaches up to swat an 80mph killer hornet and goes left then right to shake it out of the cockpit.
Baker slows to 60 through the 60s and sets up a drag race to the line for 5th.
Kennard eases into the 80s at speed.
Miller holds a steady 80 on the approach to the final chicane.

Brown keeps on Miller's wing at 80.
Kennington covers most of the short straight at 100.
Bauska tries the racing line at 100 but his luck finally runs out and his bald tires rule.
Blizzard turns right to avoid the spinning car at 80 around the outside of the corner.

Next deadline: turn 46 due Friday, September 18 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Imola C2 turn 45.png
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Post 18 Sep 2020, 1:24 pm

Unless someone is not paying attention there's only one position still up for grabs.

Turn 46 summary:
Haskell pushes acceleration to reach 160 and take P5.
Brown also pushed just in case. He crosses behind Haskell.
Kennard slows to 60 and keeps to the inside to finish the corner.
Miller runs the 80s at speed.

Brown puts his final two wear to good use running the 60s at 100 and moving up two positions.
Kennington slows to 60 through the 60s to favor the inside of the corner.
Blizzard runs hard into the 80s at 120 and depends on his Pirelli's to grab the asphalt; they do.
Bauska recovers from his spin out of corner 15.

Next deadline: turn 47 due Monday, September 21 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Imola C2 turn 46.png
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Post 21 Sep 2020, 1:06 pm

A lot of dice but no position changes

Turn 47 summary:
Brown coasts across the finish line at 160.
Kennard pushes his acceleration and gets a slip, managing to keep pace with the yellow race car.
Kennington needs his crippled engine to give him acceleration and top speed, and it handles both.

Miller, surprisingly, does not roll dice despite having two skill remaining.
I will auto Blizzard and Bauska out for the speed charts.

Gentlemen, another fun race. Thank you all. Don't forget to post your comments in the post-race section of the forum.

As I noted earlier, expect the build deadline for Hockenheim to be October 5, but you may send them any time.
Imola C2 turn 47.png
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Post 21 Sep 2020, 1:28 pm

Only 4 drivers 100+mph through the final sector.
Imola C2 summary.png
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Post 26 Sep 2020, 11:59 am

The full 49 car field along with the points from race 1
Race 1 full field.png
Full Field Points.png