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Post 19 Sep 2020, 12:58 pm

Dave crosses the line at 120 for P1!

Mike takes the 60s at 80 for his last wear.

Cody takes the 60s at 60 for free.

Claudio takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Mario takes the 60s at 60 for free and pulls into P4.

Don runs over the first two 80s at 80 for free.

Jeff pulls into the first 60 at 80 for his last wear.

Jim pulls up to the corner at 100.

Chris pulls outside of Jim at 120.

Fabio takes the outside 60s and the the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Bruce takes the 60 line for free at 60 and then takes the outside 80 space.

Tim takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

John takes the outside 60s at 100 for 2w.

Next plot due Wednesday, 23 September @ 5 PM ET (US) - but if we can keep the plots coming I will keep us moving.

Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 1 Turn 44.png
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Post 21 Sep 2020, 1:20 pm

Welage picked up the pace in sector 2, running just over 1mph slower than Harrington.
Imola C1 summary.png
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Post 23 Sep 2020, 8:43 am

Mike crosses the line at 140 in P2.

Cody crosses at 120 with a slip for P3.

Mario takes P4 at 100 with a slip.

Claudio pulls out of the corner at 100.

Don maintains80 over the 60 for 1w and pulls behind Claudio.

Jeff comes out of the corner at 80 (paid) and pulls alongside Don.

Jim and Chris take the corner at 60 for free.

Fabio runs up to the corner at 120.

Bruce mashes the gas, hoping for 120 (test Acc = 9) and the motor misfires momentarily, then responds.

Tim takes the line at 80 for free.

John takes the line at 80 for his last wear and pulls outside of Tim.

Next plot due Friday, 25 September @ 5 PM, but if I get them all sooner I will process the turn. Still positions - and points - in doubt!

Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 1 Turn 45.png
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Post 25 Sep 2020, 11:23 am

In Which Dice Are Thrown and Engines Blown…

Claudio hits the gas to reach 140 (Test ACC = 12, FAIL) - instead his already-damaged motor spews parts out the back and he coasts across the line, ending up P8.

Don also mashes to GO pedal to hit 160 - but the same fate awaits his crippled engine (test ACC = 10, FAIL), and he too coasts across the line at 60, finishing in P9.

Jeff also pushes his car too get to 140, and succeeds (Test ACC, 2sk = 3 OK) and crosses the line in P5.

Chris tries to get the jump on Jim by pushing his ACC to hit 140 (Test ACC, 1 sk = 8 OK) and succeeds, crossing in P6 (sorry, forgot it on the graphic).

Jim also tests his ACC to hit 120 (Test ACC = 6 OK) and finishes in P7.

Fabio overbrakes to 60 (3 skill, AUTO) and takes the 60s for free.

Bruce drives into the 80s at 100, hoping his bald tires will hold - and they do (Chance = 5 OK).

Tim decides “That’s EASY!” and also dives into the 80s at 100 (Chance, 3 skill = 5 OK) and while sliding a bit, he is able to hold the car in the right direction.

John enters the the 80s at 80 for free - the only driver NOT to throw dice this turn.

Next plot due Monday, 28 September @ 5 PM, but as there are only 4 cars left (although positions still in doubt) I will process if I get them all sooner.

Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 1 Turn 46.png
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Post 26 Sep 2020, 11:03 am


Fabio mashes the gas to get to 120 (push ACC, 1 sk = 7 OK).

Bruce Also jams down the throttle, trying to reach 160 and grab that last point (push ACC = 6 OK, test Top = 6 OK) - and does, just nosing out Fabio for P10.

Tim and John maintain 100 and 80 through the 80s respectiuvely.


Even if Tim doesn’t roll, or fails a Top roll, John can’t catch him even by making an ACC roll so they finish in P12 and P13 respectively.

Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 1 Turn 47.png

Thanks guys, entertaining race!

Now I’m going to cheat and just post Will’s message to those of us in C3 about the next race.


With the race at Imola coming to a close, it is time for a info note on Race 2 for the season. For race 2, we will be running the modern course at Hockenheim, in and out classic track of the German Grand-Prix.

Track Map is attached. A few track notes for it's quirks:
1. There are 3 lines through Nordkurve: Red line through 120, Green and Red lines through 100. The Green line starts a space further back on the outside in comparison to the Red.
2. The first portion of Einfarht-Parabolika(The unnamed corner) is 2 lanes. Cars spaces are restrictive by entry and exit. The Curve also accelerates should I driver end on the 60 space.
3. The 60 line in the hairpin/Spritzkhere starts in the center of the corner, and can be entered from any lane.
4. The track goes from 3 lanes to 2 at Mercedes Corner(the other unnamed corner on the map) and thus spacing is limited.
5. Mobile 1 Kurve does not go back to parallel spacing until 1 space beyond speed limits, and thus, you cannot change lanes until a space beyond that.
6. Sudkarve goes from 2 lanes to 3, and the corner accelerates from 80 to the inside to 100 for all three lanes.

If anyone has any questions please let me know! Deadlines will be available soon, but it looks like build will be due October 5th.

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Post 26 Sep 2020, 11:36 am

Only 3 drivers managed to average 100+ through the last sector
Imola C1 summary.png
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Post 26 Sep 2020, 11:59 am

The full 49 car field along with the points from race 1
Race 1 full field.png
Full Field Points.png