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Post 18 Aug 2020, 4:06 pm

I’ll bet you didn’t expect to hear from me so soon, eh? I didn't expect to be writing, either. But for some reason, when I set the deadline a week away, everyone answered in 24 hours without prodding. Maybe I need to sett all deadlines to 7 days and we’ll finish in record time! Thanks to you all for the record response.

Dave runs the 100 at 100 for free and takes the line.

Mario takes the 120 at 120 for free.

Cody takes the 100 at 120 for 1w and passes Mario for P2.

Claudio stays outside at 120 in the looooooong space.

Bruce spins around at 40 onto the exit 60.

Jim takes the 80s at 120 for 2w and drives around for P5.

Don takes the 80s at 100 for 1w and pulls behind Jim for P6.

Chris takes the 60/80 at 60 for free.

Mike wants that 60 path, and so force-passes Bruce (blocking) at 100 with 3 sk and slides by (4, dice were 5 and 2) without touching Bruce or causing damage to either car, and takes P7.

Tim runs into the corner at 100 over the 60 for 1w and 2sk, hoping to save some wear with dice - but he has the same “fun” as Bruce, spinning in the 60 space, and we get to do this all over again! Tim has a 60 SS and 60 Acc, so he will be able to do 60 next turn.

Fabio, Jeff, and John pull up to the corner at 100, 140, and 160 respectively, and face a similar (but not quite the same) dilemma as Jim, Don, Chris and Mike just did.

I will be unavailable starting tomorrow, so the deadline for the next turn is still MONDAY, 24 August @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 24 Aug 2020, 5:51 pm

Dave takes the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Cody goes outside at 100 for free.

Mario grabs the line at 80.

Claudio dives inside of Mario at 100 for P3.

Jim runs onto the 120 at 120.

Don runs at 140 to the inside in front of the 100.

Mike also runs at 140 and takes the outside then 100 for 2w to pull into P5.

Chris pulls outside of Don at 120 with a slip.

Bruce slams the GO pedal, testing his Acc to go +60 (4, OK) to get to 100.

Tim straightens out and does 60.

John gets the jump at 140, dives into the 80s for 2w and 3 skill - but the car doesn’t stick (7, SPIN) and spins in place.

Fabio is next, and with the 80s blocked he takes the 60s at 100 for 2w, pulling into P10.

Jeff also takes the 60s at 100 for 2w and takes over P11.

Next plot due Wednesday, 26 August @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 25 Aug 2020, 4:01 am

Kellison gained some ground with the fastest lap 2
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Post 26 Aug 2020, 4:54 pm

Dave takes the next line at 120.

Cody stays at 100 for 2w over the 60.

Mario takes the line at 80 for 1w.

Claudio stays inside at 60 for 1w.

Mike dive into the inside 40 at 100 for 2w and 2 sk, and he makes the car stick (Chance = 3 OK).

Jim runs to the inside at 100.

Don takes the 120 at 120 for free and grabs the line.

Chris takes the 100 at 100 for free and goes outside.

Bruce takes the 100 at 100 for free and grabs the line.

Jeff powers through the 100 at 140 for 2w and moves into P9 on the inside.

Fabio takes the 120 at 120 for free.

Tim takes the 100 at 120 for 2sk and slides the car through (Chance = 4 OK) then with the slip pulls into P11.

John gets pointed the right way and is stuck at his SS of 20.

Next plot due Friday, 28 August @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 28 Aug 2020, 11:38 am

Dave takes the line at 100 for free.

Cody also takes the line for free at 100.

Claudio gets the jump by testing his Acc (-3 sk, Auto Pass) to get to 120 and grab the line.

Mario dives inside of Claudio at 120 for P3.

Mike speeds up to 140 (over the 80, already paid) and grabs the line behind Claudio.

Don runs the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Jim stays inside at 60 over the 40 for 1w.

Chris goes outside at 60 for free.

Jim slams on the brakes to get to 80 form 140, but hears a crunch (2sk = 10, Fail, 1w) and has to burn some tire to slow, then spends 2w on the 40. He moves into P8.

Tim slows to 80 and takes the 40 space inside for 2w.

Fabio goes outside on the 100 at 100 for free.

John is winding his car back up, gets to 80 and takes the 80 space for free.

Next plot due Monday, 31 August @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 31 Aug 2020, 1:15 pm

Dave takes the line at 100 for 1w.

Cody runs up to the line at 120.

Mario takes the 80 space at 100 for 1w.

Claudio and Mike both take the line at 100 for free.

Don gets the jump by going 140, then late braking before the corner (1sk = 5 OK) and grabbing the line.

Jim mashes the gast (test ACC for +60, 2 sk based on defaults = 7 OK) and dives inside Don.

Jeff grabs the line behind Don at 120.

Chris runs at 120.

Bruce completes the line at 80.

Tim speeds up to 120 (already paid) and pulls outside of Chris for P10.

Fabio takes the outside at 60 for free.

John takes the 100 at 120 for 1w.

Next plot due Wednesday, 2 September @ 5 PM ET (US). Note that I have a dental appointment just before, so it may be later then usual before I get the report out.

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Post 02 Sep 2020, 4:40 pm

Dave runs to the corner at 140.

Cody takes the line at 80 for free.

Claudio gets the jump at 100 and takes the line for 1w.

Mario takes the line at 80 for free.

Mike takes the outside 80s at 100 for 1w.

Jim takes the outside 100s at 100 for free.

Don takes the line at 100 for free and pulls into P6.

Jeff takes the line at 100 for free.

Chris starts at 120 and late brakes just before the corner (2sk = 5 OK) then takes the line at 100 for free.

Tim takes the outside 100s at 100 for free.

Bruce takes the line at 100 for free.

Fabio mashes the gas (test Acc, 2sk = 4 OK) to get to 120.

John takes the 60 line at 100 for 2w.

Next plot due Friday, 4 September @ 5 PM ET (US).

Since the plot after Friday’s would be due Monday, the Labor Day holiday in the US, we will not have another deadline after Friday until Wednesday, 9 September. IF I get all the plots at some point after Friday’s result goes out, I will process the turn.

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Post 04 Sep 2020, 5:09 pm

Dave takes the 100s at 100 for free.

Cody runs to the corner at 100.

Claudio pulls outside Cody at 120.

Mario pulls behind Cody at 120.

Mike hits 140 and pulls outside of Mario.

Don takes the line at 80 for free.

Jim takes the outside 80s for 1w at 100.

Jeff takes the inside 60 at 100 for 2w and pulls past Jim and inside of Don for P6.

Chris takes the line at 100 for 1w.

Tim (NPR1, warning) runs onto the line at 100.

Bruce pulls behind Tim on the line at 100.

Fabio takes the outside 100s for free at 100.

John finishes the corner at 100.

Next plot is not due until Wednesday, 9 September @ 5 PM ET (US) due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday in the US. However, if all plots are received early, I will process the turn.

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Post 09 Sep 2020, 4:28 pm

Dave speeds up to 120.

Cody, Claudio, Mario and Mike all take the 80s at 80 for free and maintain their relative positions.

Jeff and Don run up to the corner at 140.

Jim runs to the corner at 140 as well.

Chris speeds up to 120 (already paid).

Tim and Bruce take the line at 80 for free.

Fabio takes the line at 100 for 1w.

John takes the line previous at 100 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 11 September @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 10 Sep 2020, 4:30 am

Polcen and Harrington made up some time through sector 1
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Post 11 Sep 2020, 1:22 pm

Dave slows to 80 and grabs the next line.

Cody speeds up to 140.

Claudio pulls in behind Cody at 120.

Mike gets the jump at 140 and pulls outside of Claudio for P4.

Mario pulls behind Claudio at 120.

Jeff mashes the brakes hoping they will take a -40 request without giving way (2sk = 9, ok) and they just barely hold on, letting him take the 80s at 100 for 1w.

Don takes the 80s at 100 for 1w without any drama…

Jim tests his brakes to get to 80 (1sk = 7 OK) and they hold, allowing him to take the 80s at 80 for free.

Chris takes the 80s at 80 for free as well.

Tim pulls to the corner at 100.

Bruce pulls behind Tim at 100.

Fabio finishes the line at 100.

John grabs the line at 120.

Next plot due Monday, 14 September @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 14 Sep 2020, 4:13 pm

Dave takes both corners at 60 for free.

Cody starts at 80, the late brakes before the corner (7, OK) and takes the line at 60 for free.

Mike slows to 100 and pulls around the outside 60s for 2w and take P3.

Claudio pulls behind Mike at 80 for 1w.

Mario runs onto the line at 80.

Don grabs the line at 140 and takes P6.

Jeff runs at 120.

Jim also does 120.

Chris speeds up to 140.

Tim and Bruce take the 8os at 80 for free.

Fabio takes the 80s at 100 for 1w and pulls behind Bruce.

John takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w.

Next plot due Wednesday, 16 September @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 16 Sep 2020, 1:04 pm

Dave speeds up to 100.

Mike gets the jump at 100, then late brakes to 80 (5 = OK) and gets the line and takes P2.

Cody takes the outside 80 at 80 for free and pulls inside.

Claudio slows to 60 and takes the inside 60 for free.

Mario and Don take the 60 line at 80 for 1w and then the outside 80 for free.

Jeff slams on the brakes (-3 sk = auto) to get down to 80, then takes the line for 1w.

Jim grabs the line at 80.

Chris pulls inside of Jim at 80 and takes P8.

Tim maintains 80.

Bruce speeds up to 120 and pulls ahead of Tim for P10.

Fabio speeds up to 140 and takes P11.

John takes the 80s at 100 for 1w.

Next plot due Friday, 18 September @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 17 Sep 2020, 1:20 pm

hanks for getting all plots in early.

Dave takes the 60s at 80 for 1w.

Mike stays at 80 and pulls up to the corner.

Cody pulls outside of Mike at 100.

Claudio attempts to make sure he gets the jump and mashes the gas, hoping for 120 - although if he makes it, there’s no place to go. He’s “lucky” (I won’t say what *kind* of luck), however, that the car balks (test Acc = 12, FAIL) and so he only gets to 100, but damages the car in doing so.

Mario runs at 100 outside of Claudio.

Don also speeds up to 120 - and finds nowhere to go, and so slams on the brakes (2 sk from defaults = 4 OK) and slows to 100 behind Claudio.

Jeff takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

Jim takes the 60 line for 1w and the 80 line for free and pulls into P8 at 80.

Chris stays inside at 60 for 1w over the 40 and for free over the 60.

Bruce grabs the line, starting at 100 to get the jump and then late braking (7, OK) before the corner.

Fabio does the same (2 sk = 7 OK) and pulls inside of Bruce for P10.

Tim also runs at 100, but finding no room at the inn, mashes the brakes - and they don’t grab, breaking instead (1sk = 11 FAIL, SPIN). With no wear left, he spins. With both Start Speed and Acc at 60 Tim can go 60 next turn, so I’m not sure if this will actually have any effect on his race…not sure he’ll still need 60 brakes. But time will tell.

John cranks his car up to 160.

Next plot due Monday, 21 September @ 5 PM ET (US) but we can hopefully wrap this race up soon; if I get all the plots early again I will keep us moving.

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Post 17 Sep 2020, 2:01 pm

Heh... just noticed the skid marks from Tim's spin. Good show, Jack!