
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
16 Dec 2019, 2:52 pm
A few cancelled actions this turn and the Earps survive the first attack.
Segment 1:
Old Man noted to fire "Double Barrel" with the 7 card to begin. I took that to mean "both barrels". He also did not note a target, but he did describe the blast pattern. The only enemy in the blast pattern was Morgan. His aim for both shots was 5 (+0 aim markers, +0 2H skill, +0 card 7, +5 shotgun bonus), range was 5 for both shots (4 hexes, +1 head counter). Both shots missed.
Segment 2:
Old Man executed card 5 to cock R10, but the R10 only holds 2 shots, both of which were fired on segment 1. Action cancelled.
Segment 4:
Old Man executed card 6 to fire R10. R10 is empty. Action cancelled.
Virgil executed card B2 to move W44 to BH and cock. Card B2 can only move a 1H weapon. Action cancelled.
End of turn:
Frank has 4 aim points on hex C-E22
To reload the R10 Old Man will have to play card 8 three times. Once to open the weapon, once to load both shells and once to close the weapon.
Next deadline: turn 2 due Wednesday, December 18 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC




- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
20 Dec 2019, 2:19 pm
Turn 3 notes:
Segment 5:
When you Sprint, it MUST be Ahead Straight.
Old Man draws one delay card for the Sprint and again gets 0 delay. How long can that luck hold out?
End of turn:
Virgil has 2 aim points on C-E20
Frank has 4 aim points on C-E22
Players, I'm sure you noticed that the labels on the counters and the references in the notes use the character names. What are you ideas on that? Is that clear? Would you prefer using the player name? Do you have no preference?
Also, I've added the board reference to hexes, which I should have been doing all along. (Except on one board showdowns)
Teaching moment:
If Virgil had specified to aim at Old Man instead of the hex, the aim would have followed him as he moved since he never went out of LOS. About the only two situations where you would aim at a hex are: 1) no LOS to an enemy but anticipating his move. (As Frank is obviously doing, covering the door), or 2) if you can place your aim marker adjacent to two different enemies, it gives you flexibility to decide at the moment of firing which target to transfer aim to/fire at.
Next deadline: turn 4 due Monday, December 23 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Wednesday the 25th will be a soft deadline with Friday the 27th being the hard deadline for turn 5. No reminder will be sent on the 25th.




- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
01 Jan 2020, 3:47 pm
Turn 7 notes:
Segment 4:
Yes, Morgan's head counter can be placed around the corner. (rule 32.22)
End of turn:
A pretty straight forward turn.
Teaching moment: An issue came up this turn where a player tried to play both sides of the same card. Sadly, I was involved somewhat in that decision, so I gave him the opportunity to re-do his turn. But, be careful. You can't play both sides of the same card in the same turn. If you try, the second play of the card will be cancelled. I'm trying to wean you guys off of my help (for those new to the game) while, often, trying to just remember myself how things go. I refer to the rulebook often, but not usually to the game board situation. However, don't let that discourage you from asking questions. I'm still happy to answer.
Next deadline: turn 8 due Friday, January 3 at 4pm EST/9pm.




- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3295
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
06 Jan 2020, 2:18 pm
Turn 9 notes:
Segment 1:
Morgan's shot is Aim (4 aim points transferred to C3, +0 2H skill, +0 card 7, +2 shotgun bonus) = 6, Range 2. Remember, shots occur before other actions, so Frank is still in C-D16 when the shot is fired, even though he falls dead in C-E17 after executing his Run. Hex C-D16 is within one hex of Morgan's aim marker in hex C-C16
End of turn:
Frank is dead, and the dust settles. The fight is over just over 16 seconds after it starts.
Morgan gets the points for Kill Enemy. (+2)
Frank gets the points for Killed. (-8)
Old Man gets the points for Ally Killed. (-1)
Both of the Earps get points for Survive (+2) and Hold The Field (+2).
Final Results: Old Man -5, Frank Stillwell -5, side A average -5
Virgil Earp +6, Morgan Earp +6, side B average +6
Pretty obvious the bushwack was a complete failure.
Teaching moment: Although not needed, Mike did not specify how many barrels to fire. The default is one. Had his shot missed, he would not have had another shot on segment 1 from the shotgun. Something to keep in mind when firing a shotgun.

