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Post 27 Jan 2020, 5:45 am

Builds are set!

There are two pairs of twins: Benham/Snouffer and Scarpino/Bernhardt. Top speeds of 180 are popular with five while only one car is coming to this gun fight with a knife (140 top). Two drivers are looking to start out fast w/ 100 start speed and three look to be working their way from behind with 20's.

Luca did not send in a build so I've given him a default car (house rules). I haven't heard anything from him for awhile so if he misses the start bid, I'm going to assume he's not playing and pull his car.

Start bid deadline: Wednesday, January 29th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 29 Jan 2020, 6:03 am

Gentlemen, start your engines...

That is quite a spread on the bids. Only one tie needed to be resolved in the 2nd row. The 100 start speeds take the front row, as expected. I'm not quite sure what a few 20's are doing near the front but what do I know?!

Turn 1 Deadline: Friday, January 31st @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT).
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Post 31 Jan 2020, 9:06 am

The green flag drops and the cars are off! As is typical, 20 start cars in the center of the grid cause a problem...

Hoyt pushes to 120 with 1s (modified 6) and jumps out to the lead. Fritz also pushes but the 2s only ensures he doesn't stall (modified 10). The mis-shift drops him down to 80 but still clear of the pack.

Harley rolls out to 60. Scarpino, with his 20 start, occupies the middle lane.

Snouffer leaves the dice in the cup at 60 and skirts the #2 car. Harrington pushes to 40 (naked 8) and pulls to the inside of the Miller Lite Ford.

Benham drops 1s on the start test (modifed 8) and maneuvers around the slow moving #2. Weisen takes an NPR plot of 60 to bottle up the track. The first NPR results in a warning only. Please stay with us, Jerome!

Hudson gets the initiative at 80 with a 2s push (modified 7). He would have been better off failing that test - there is no room to go and he expends a wear to brake down. Bauska, at 60, tucks in behind the pack.

Bernhardt, at 20, is amused by the smoking brakes in front of him.

Turn 2 Deadline: Monday, February 3rd @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT).
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Post 03 Feb 2020, 6:02 am

The field breaks up into two packs.

Turn 2 Summary

Hoyt scrapes 2 wear as he enters T 2/3 at 100 through the 60's. Frtiz pulls up to T2 at 100 on the rail. Harley, at 140, locks into the middle lane.

Benham gets the initiative at 140 and takes inside position. Snouffer, at 120 and the bonus, flips to the middle lane.

Weisen takes the initiative at 120, picking up two positions. Harrington and Scarpino keep the pace at 100 with each getting a slip.

Hudson and Bauska trade paint down the straight at 120 apiece.

Bernhardt bides his time at 80.

Note: Hudson's wear from last turn has been docked.

Turn 3 Deadline: Wednesday, February 5th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 05 Feb 2020, 5:47 am

The Corner 3 funnel is getting clogged up.

Turn 3 Summary

Hoyt finishes out T3 at 100.

Fritz runs the T2/3 complex at 100 for 2 wear. Harley, at 80, hits the exit row in T3 at a cost of 1 tire.

Benham burns 2 wear at 80 in the T2/3 complex at 80 and finds the 40 mph exit lane. Also at 80, Snouffer gets stuck in the funnel for a wear.

Weisen races into T2 on the outer rail at 120 and knocks down a wear. Harrington tosses a tire at 100 into the T2 80's. Scarpino rolls into the 100's at 100 for free.

Bauska has the initiative at 120. With the corner full of cars, he has to late brake down to 100 for a wear. He drops into the corner on the outside. Hudson scrapes off a wear in the middle lane at 100.

Bernhardt continues to enjoy clean air at 140.

Turn 4 Deadline: Friday, February 7th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT.
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Post 07 Feb 2020, 6:30 am

There are two take-aways from this turn. 1. Get your plots in - NPR's not only disrupt your race but for others as well. 2. Use the personal defaults form - a forced pass and/or brake test might have been useful here but Redscape defaults rarely allow that.

Turn 4 Summary

Hoyt lays up on T6 at 100 on the line. Fritz, at 140, takes the outside lane.

Harley guns his big engine to 160 on the short straight. Benham tucks in behind the growler at 140. Snouffer finishes out T3 at 80.

Weisen drops to 80 and deposits one more wear in the 40 spot. Harrington slows to 80 in T3 and takes the outer rail.

Scarpino takes an RM plot. He clears the corner for free at 40. Hudson continues at 100 and kicks in one more wear in the 60's. Bauska was looking to clear at 80 but with the #2 blocking the track, he must brake down to 40 (2 wear).

Bernhardt clears the T2/3 complex at 100 through the 60's. He moves up two positions.

Turn 5 Deadline: Monday, February 10th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 10 Feb 2020, 5:55 am

The lead pack hits a 2-wide section while a mass of steel stacks in front of the hairpin.

Turn 5 Summary

Hoyt rubs off 2 wear on the T6 line at 100. Fritz drops 2 in the 60's before tucking in behind the blue machine.

Harley runs the T6 line at 100 for 2 wear and comes astride the #23 car. Benham leaves a tire on the T6 line at 80.

Snouffer grabs the line at 120. Weisen ducks inside, also at 120.

Harrington sets up a 3-wide in front of T6 at 120 and the bonus. Hudson settles in behind the M&M's car.

Bernhardt catches the big chase pack at 160. Scarpino has clean air at 100. Bauska slowly wends his way through the snail at 40.

Turn 6 Deadline: Wednesday, February 12th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 12 Feb 2020, 6:06 am

The lead pack is through the high speed chicane and readies themselves for the slow left turns in T9/10.

Turn 6 Summary

Hoyt runs the T8 line for free at 120 and sets up the next line. Fritz hits the T8 line hard at 140 for a wear and takes the lead. Harley runs in behind at 120.

Benham has a pocket of clean air as he takes T8 on the line for free at 120.

Snouffer has initiative at 100. He knocks down 2 wear on the T6 line. Harrington is next, also at 100. With no real choices, he careens around the outer rail for 2 wear. Weisen, at 80, scrapes off 2 tires on the inside.

Hudson burns 2 tires on the T6 line at 100 and sets up a 3-wide going into a narrowing track. Bernhardt clips a tire on the T6 line and settles in behind a wall of cars.

Scarpino clears T6 on the line at 100, shaving off 2 wear for the privilege. Bauska rolls through the dogleg at 120, using a skill on the ACC test to get there (modified 5).

Turn 7 Deadline: Friday, February 14th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 14 Feb 2020, 6:15 am

Things get tight for the big pack of cars in the middle.

Turn 7 Summary

Fritz solidifies his lead at 120 for 2 wear on the outer rail. Hoyt runs the line for free in the double-left turn corner before settling in on the leader's tailpipe.

Harley follows the blue car through the left turns at 80 then pulls even with the bonus. Benham clears T10 at 100 for a wear.

Snouffer runs the T8 line for free at 120.

Hudson has initiative at 140. After taking the high-speed T7 on the outside, he burns a tire on the T8 line. At 120, Harrington takes an efficient route through the high-speed chicane.

Weisen, at 120, burns off some speed in the T8 120's. Bernhardt has a clean route on the T8 line.

Scarpino pulls up to the T8 line at 120. Bauska clips a tire at 80 on the T6 line.

Turn 8 Deadline: Monday, February 17th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)

Correction made to Gatlin's skill count for the dice roll last turn.
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Post 14 Feb 2020, 1:57 pm

Quite a range of speeds to start the race
Shanghai C4 summary.png
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Post 17 Feb 2020, 5:54 am

The T9/10 series of left turns takes its toll on the tires.

Turn 8 Summary

Fritz plunges into the 2nd snail at 100. He goes outer rail for 2 wear.

Hoyt pulls up to T11 in the middle. Harley, also at 100, rolls inside for a position gain.

Benham fires out of T10 at 120 and sits on the bumper of the blue NAPA car.

Snouffer clips 2 tires at 120 through the left-turns.

Hudson burns a tire on the T9/10 line at 100. Harrington saves his wear at 80 and keeps the pace with the bonus.

Bernhardt passes another car with initiative at 120. He dumps 2 wear on the line before setting up a 3-wide. Weisen tosses a wear on the T9/10 line.

Scarpino rolls into T9 at 100 and a wear. Bauska hits the line on T8 at 120 for free.

Turn 9 Deadline: Wednesday, February 19th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 19 Feb 2020, 5:53 am

A bold move provides a new leader!

Turn 9 Summary

Fritz finishes the snail and slides outside to avoid tailgaters.

Harley throws caution to the wind. He rams his car into the 40 at 100 for 2 wear and 2s on the chance table (modified 2). He claims first place after careening around the coiled track! Hoyt, at 100, clips 2 tires in the snail before tucking in behind the big engine of the #27.

Benham drops 2 wear in the snail to form a mini conga line in T13. Snouffer enters T11 at 100 for 2 wear. He can accelerate next turn.

The 3-wide cars all plot 100. Hudson and Harrington flip lanes while Bernhardt remains outside.

Weisen wisely holds up at 100. Scarpino finishes T10 at 100. Bauska knocks off a wear at 100 through the left-turns.

Turn 10 Deadline: Friday, February 21st @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 21 Feb 2020, 9:25 am

One NPR and a few questionable moves...

Turn 10 Summary

Harley guns the engine and roars down the straight at 180. The grandstand shakes and the fans cheer! Fritz can't keep up at 140.

Hoyt, anticipating the double slip, plots 140 to stay on the bumper of the big engine. Benham, at 160, tucks in on the #23 to end the convoy.

Snouffer ignores the RM's T9 comment and continues at 100.

Hudson has the initiative out of the 3-wide at 100. He burns 2 wear in the 60's then switches lanes to the 100's (?!). Bernhardt moves next at 100 and clips 2 tires in the snail (60's - 80), moving up 2 positions on the leaderboard.

Harrington drops a wear at 60 before pulling into the exhaust of the #43, hoping for a ride next turn. Weisen reaches the exit row in the snail at 80 for a wear.

Scarpino burns 2 wear in the snail at 100 and may increase speed next turn (but will he listen?). Bauska takes his first NPR plot of 140. No harm done but he must suffer a chewing out over the radio.

Turn 11 Deadline: Monday, February 24th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT).
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Post 21 Feb 2020, 9:27 am

Needless to say, his crew chief DID indeed chew him...
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Post 22 Feb 2020, 6:56 am

Snouffer over 6mph faster than Fritz through sector 2
Shanghai C4 summary.png