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Post 29 Jan 2020, 8:00 pm

Differing strategies played out for the Shanghai Qualifications as drivers a different levels put different times in. In the end, Stephen Peeples would take the Pole with a final Q3 time of 1:32.755, leading Guiseppi Incopora by .407 seconds, and so the drivers complete their formation lap and come to the line...

RM Notes: As usual, Qualifying is attached with Turn 0, and Standings will not be posted until turn 3.

Also, after some discussions with the other RMs, the change to NPR penalties has now passed. Penalties for Wear Penalties for NPRs are as follows

1st: 0(But a Warning will be given)
2nd: 1
3rd(if not the same lap as the first infraction): 2

As usual, 3 NPRs on the same turn or 4 NPRs overall will lead to a disqualification.

With that said, good luck to all!
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Post 31 Jan 2020, 11:21 pm

Turn 2 is due Monday at 8pm Eastern

Engines rev and roar as almost every driver uses their quick shifting skills to get the jump out of the gate! Bruce gets the best out of it as his launch mechanics allows him to launch past Tony and Guiseppe before slotting in behind Stephen for second. The field for the most part outside of that forms a long line, with only Kal and Tim neck and neck.
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Post 03 Feb 2020, 6:39 pm

Turn 3 is due Wendesday at 8pm Eastern

Bruce and Stephen eek their way into the 2-3-4 corner complex as the field piles up in it's entry, and Marshall's engine allows him to close the rear pack up a little.

RM Notes:

I dunno if I mentioned this on in the track notes, but just in case:

Due to the entry points for Turn 2 not being parallel, in the last space before the corner are committed to their lanes. This means:

Guiseppe must enter the 60 space
Tony must enter the 80 spaces
and David must enter the 100 spaces.

Also, Bruce cannot enter the 100 spaces next turn as he cannot pull out far enough before committing to a lane.

The corner does become parallel agian at the deceleration point, though note that due to the lanes collapsing only Tony will have an option of lane to commit to in the coming turn.

Hope that is clear, and if people have any questions just let me know!

Also, Circuit Standings will be posted as of next turn!
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Post 05 Feb 2020, 8:07 pm

Turn 4 is due Friday at 8pm Eastern

The leaders streak through the quad corner complex nose to tail before Bruce slides back outside to challenge Stephen for the lead. Behind them the field stretches out as they work they way through the corners. Bruce takes the opportunity to cut inside to outside and pulls ahead of David as they are exiting.

Further back, the Chase pack stays in pattern as they pull up to the corner.

Getting a first look at standings as they run, with the current lead of the race, Stephen has a sizable hold on first promotion spot, with Bruce and Kal decently behind him but holding they own spots. The fourth promotion spot is currently being held by Tim, but currently with a total of 3 points separating 4th from 9th, it's anyone's guess who will make it. It's even possible for Guiseppe to pull off the big one and leapfrog!
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Post 07 Feb 2020, 9:29 pm

Turn 5 is due Monday at 8pm Eastern

A challenge for the lead as Guiseppe slingshopts off Bruce and sets the front 3 wide as they approach the Turn 6 Hairpin!

Behind them the pack loads up in in preparation for the hairpin as the rear pack stretches out.

RM Notes:

David: No slip requested, no slip given

Marshall: So, you requested "80 through 80s". The one problem with that maneuver is you hit the decel point before you reach your full movement. Due to this, and that in the case of blocking in your defaults you were ok with more wear, I put you in the 60s for 1 wear.
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Post 10 Feb 2020, 6:34 pm

Stephen reasserts the lead as they roll through the turn 6 Hairpin, having the optimal path. Behind him the field rebunches as he enters turn 7.

Tim and Kal do their best to catch the pack as they prepare for the Hairpin.

Marshall and Kal setup in tandem as they clear the 2-3-4 complex.

RM Notes:

Bruce and Guiseppe: Just as a minor note, only the first driver to take the slip off Stephen will get it. Once a slip is used it cannot be used again.
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Post 12 Feb 2020, 7:55 pm

Turn 7 is due Friday at 8pm Eastern

The 4th and final promotion spot continues to shift as Bruce Munies shoots for the inside gap at Turn 9 as he attempts to challenge Stephen for the lead. Behind them, a call to pull up by Guiseppe causes for a bit of a pileup in Turn 8, leading to David undercutting Brad in the corner.

RM Notes:

Minor apologies to Stephen for not keeping the leader title line up to date. Will do better!

Guiseppe: No slip as Bruce picked it up before you could, as I had mentioned last turn.

Tony: No slip requested, no slip taken.
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Post 14 Feb 2020, 1:51 pm

A bit of a split between the top 6 and the bottom 4
Shanghai C3 summary.png
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Post 14 Feb 2020, 11:10 pm

Turn 8 is due Monday at 8pm Eastern

Stephen wheels it through Turn 9 and pulls out to a short lead, as conservative manuvers by Tony and Guiseppe in the turn lead to a pile up and tire smoke!

RM Notes: I apologize for lateness. No change in deadline though.

Brad: due to the pileup occurring and request not to attempt a force pass, you had to slow down 40 to safely stop, so LB was done at corners edge for roll with skill, and a wear. You are on the line.
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Post 17 Feb 2020, 7:35 pm

Edit made due to missed move. Turn has been corrected for such.

Turn 9 is due Wendesday at 8pm Eastern

Stephen wheels it into the Turn 11-12-13 Complex as Guiseppe and Bruce setup for it.

Behind them Tim wheels it through Turn 9 and pulls ahead of 3 cars as he pulls into 4th.
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Post 19 Feb 2020, 8:37 pm

Turn 10 is due Friday at 8pm Eastern

Stephen rolls through the corner around the outside at 140 as he tucks onto the back straight.

Guiseppe powers through the 11-12-13 complex around the outside to pull ahead of Bruce who tucks in behind him.

Tire smoke is seen at the entrance of the complex as Kal finds no room to squeeze himself and must slow down!
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Post 21 Feb 2020, 9:53 pm

Turn 11 is due Monday at 8pm Eastern

Stephen pulls down the straight as Guiseppe and Bruce try to keep up, with Bruce pulling side by side thanks to the slip stream. Tim follows from a short distance behind.

Tony leads the pack through the 11-12-13 complex as he tucks inside, with David pulling outside of him. Brad and Kal funnel in behind them as they roll towards the straight 2 abreast.

Kal challenges Marshall as they close on the complex
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Post 22 Feb 2020, 6:52 am

Burnett and Peoples covered the field quite nicely
Shanghai C3 summary.png
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Post 24 Feb 2020, 7:02 pm

Turn 12 is due Wendesday at 8pm Eastern

the field screams down the back stretch at full speed as they work twoars the turn 15-16 hairpin.

Back in the chase pack, the positions shift as a successful push and slip by Bruce pulls him past David and Beside Tony.

RM: Early note to people, due to a Convention coming up, tehre will be no turn on March the 6th. That is all!
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Post 26 Feb 2020, 8:31 pm

Turn 13 is due Friday at 8pm Eastern

Stephen screams into the corner as he slings his way through, as Guiseppe and Bruce setup for it, with Bruce forced outside with Guiseppe on the line.

The chase pack shifts again as the better engines prevail, with Kal and Brad moving to the forefront of David and Tony.

Marshall and Jack stay nose to tail as they begin the run down the back stretch