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Post 27 Apr 2020, 1:02 pm

The front three all push acceleration and make it a three-car break down the straightaway.

Turn 38 summary:
Rae gets the jump on the purple race car at 160 to reclaim the lead. He keeps outside to try to shake the draft.
Pellegrino's push lets him stay behind the pink car as he anticipates the outside move.
Kennington's combination of the push and the slip keeps him in the mix.
Polcen can accelerate to 120 through the 80 as he paid two wear last turn.

Swaine finishes the 100s at speed and starts for the inside.
Schulz is limited to 80mph through the second 60 then the 80.
Brandt taps the brakes to 100 shedding two wear in the 60s/80 to challenge for P6.
Kellison shoots into the 60s at 100 dropping two wear.

Brown is more conservative as he approaches the corner at 80.
Haskell's 140 gets him all the way to the corner. He stays outside of Brown.
Rando continues at 120 for already paid wear and is closing on the two in front of him.

Next deadline: turn 39 due Wednesday, April 29 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Shanghai C2 turn 38.png
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Post 29 Apr 2020, 1:12 pm

Plenty of dice; two passes and two failures make things even more interesting

Turn 39 summary:

Rae holds a steady 160 and moves to the inside.
Kennington presses his engine for 180 but the usually clear exhaust suddenly blossoms bright white.
Pellegrino at 160 and the bonus again challenges for P1.
Polcen slams the accelerator and gulps a bit before he realizes the white smoke isn't coming from his black machine.

Brandt has all the acceleration and engine to make 180 and picks up two positions.
Swaine does not tax his power plant, opting for 140 along the inside.
Schulz knows something is amiss as he tries for 140mph but his engine just can't handle it.
Kellison flies out of corner 12 at 140 through the 100s after paying wear last turn.

Brown drops one wear in the 60s at 80 then finishes inside after exiting the corner through the 80.
Haskell duplicates the move of the yellow race car to stay side-by-side.
Rando shoots into the 60s at 100 shedding one wear and asking his tires to keep hold. They do!!

Next deadline: turn 40 due Friday, May 1 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Shanghai C2 turn 39.png
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Post 30 Apr 2020, 5:55 am

Two of the three leaders were under 100mph through sector 2.
Shanghai C2 summary.png
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Post 01 May 2020, 1:22 pm

The black race car joins the lead group as they all prepare to brake hard into corner 14

Turn 40 summary:
Pellegrino gets the jump at 140 then brakes to 120 and grabs the line.
Rae at 120 swings to the outside.
Kennington is also at 120 and gets a slip. The inside is all that is available to him.
Polcen taps the brakes to 160 and catches the lead pack.

Brandt keeps the pedal down at 180 counting on those big brakes and his remaining wear for the slow corner ahead.
Swaine hits high gear at 160 but still loses a car length to Brandt.
Schulz takes all this crippled engine will give him, staying inside at 140.
Kellison pushes to 180 and his power plant responds putting him right behind Schulz.

Brown asks for a little extra acceleration and gets it to take the initiative.
Haskell does 140 and tucks in behind the yellow machine.
Rando comes off the corner at 160 and the slip from Brown. He takes over P10.

Next deadline: turn 41 due Monday, May 4 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
(Yes, a turn is due on Star Wars Day. Not a legal holiday)
Shanghai C2 turn 40.png
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Post 04 May 2020, 1:18 pm

Pellegrino appears to have the win in his pocket, but what will Kennington's spin do to the points?

Turn 41 summary:

Pellegrino sheds his final wear on the corner 14 line at 80 and sets up for the final racing line.
Rae also uses the last of his wear around the outside at 80 and tucks in behind the purple machine.
Kennington is next through the inside but when he tries to get down to 40 his bald tires just give up on him.
Polcen is through on the racing line for two wear at 100 and his inside finish puts him into P1 for now.

Brandt squeals off two wear on the line after going around Kennington at 100.
Swaine approaches the corner on the line.
Schulz uses the opportunity to pull even with Swaine on the outside.
Kellison is at 140, the bonus keeping him right behind the pair in front of him.

Rando successfully pushes to 180, but will it be enough?
Brown hold steady at 160, losing the spot to Rando.
Haskell uses the slip at 160 to get side-by-side with Brown.

Next deadline: turn 42 due Wednesday, May 6 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Shanghai C2 turn 41.png
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Post 06 May 2020, 1:45 pm

The front four in a pack with big decisions to make. The middle pack is trailed by Kennington who is currently below the cut line. And the rear pack has Rando two wear in arrears to the other two but needing to finish 10th or better to avoid swapping places back with Kennington, assuming Kennington doesn't regain any positions.

Turn 42 summary:
Polcen takes the 120s for free and finishes in the middle lane hoping for a dancing partner.
Pellegrino runs the racing line at 120 to reassume the lead.
Rae also covers the racing line at 120 but his slip puts him in front of the black car, fulfilling that strategy.
Brandt has one wear to use at 140 on the line. He tucks in behind the leader.

Schulz uses his final two wear to take the 60s at 100 and starts the final line.
Swaine has to brake to 60, taking the racing line and choosing the middle lane.
Kennington has to keep at 40 through the corner to avoid a chance roll. He jumps in behind Swaine.
Kellison sheds two of his last three wear around the outside as the dark blue car has the line blocked.

Rando hits the brakes hard to get to 100 and hears that unmistakeable metal-on-metal grind that tells him they won't last much longer if he abuses them.
Brown plots 120 and slides outside of Rando.
Haskell does 100 keeping the line a viable option next turn.

Next deadline: turn 42 due Friday, May 8 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Looking forward to an exciting turn!
Shanghai C2 turn 42.png
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Post 08 May 2020, 1:57 pm

As promised, an exciting finish. Also some excitement in the back. Both situations favor some and deny others.

Turn 43 summary:
Pellegrino and Rae both do 160, denying any double slips.
Brandt tries for 200 and the win, his engine says "Not today!"
Polcen managed to coax 180 out his his engine but has nowhere to use it. (A late brake roll was moot, but I made it anyway)

Schulz takes the racing line at 120 with his now maximum acceleration.
Kellison uses his final wear in the corner 16 120s at 140.
Swaine is able to use the racing line at speed and keep even with the silver car.
Kennington is able to get to 100 with no risk, the bonus keeping him in touch. (Events to follow all but secure his position in C2 next season.)

Brown around the 60s at 100 sheds his final two wear.
Rando plots 80 on the line with a naked chance roll and becomes a flaming wreck after flipping several times in the kitty litter. Rescue crews have signaled he is unhurt, at least physically.
Haskell avoids the wrecking race car, dropping one wear on the racing line.

Next deadline: turn 44 due Monday, May 11 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Shanghai C2 turn 43.png
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Post 11 May 2020, 1:19 pm

The mid-pack sorts themselves across the line.

Turn 44 summary:
Schulz nurses his damaged engine across the line at 120.
Kellison pushes his top speed for a 180 move and into P5.
Swaine wants the double push for P6 but the first roll fails.

Kennnington glides across the finish line at 140, happy to be staying in C2 next season.
Brown takes the racing line at 120 and keeps his car length advantage.
Haskell sheds his final wear around the 120s at 140 and tucks in behind Brown.

Next deadline: turn 45 due Wednesday, May 13 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
NOTE: Since it's only the last two, I'll resolve the last turn as soon as I have both.
Shanghai C2 turn 44.png
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Post 12 May 2020, 12:19 pm

With nothing to lose, both of the remaining drivers push top speed and both pass. This gives Haskell P9 and drops Brown to P10, although for the sake of points it doesn't mean anything. But bragging rights are always an incentive.

Thank you all for this season. As mentioned already, there is a post-race comments section on Redscape. Feel free to post your comments and/or read others, including mine.

Next deadline: none, thaw the steaks and light the grill.
Shanghai C2 turn 45.png
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Post 13 May 2020, 4:01 am

This is a first, a tie for the win. Pellegrino and Rae began the race side-by-side and finished that way with identical moves.
Shanghai C2 summary.png
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Post 13 May 2020, 5:59 am

I bested the track record. You got nothing Schumacher!
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Post 20 May 2020, 4:19 am

The final full field standings and points.
Race 3 full field.png
Full Field Points.png