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Post 11 Jan 2020, 6:28 pm


Here’s the track map for Shanghai. There will be 11 cars on the grid assuming everyone is in except John, who will need to skip this race.

Builds are due Monday, 27 January @ 5 PM ET (US). Builds are a total of 2 points, and this will be another 3-lap race. I recommend getting them in sooner so I can validate; if I get an under or over build I will send it back, but once we hit the deadline, you will either be stuck with an under-build or given a generic if an over-build. So again, please get your builds in sooner so I can validate. I will still hold of on pole bidding until 29 January UNLESS ALL drivers have builds in and explicitly agree to start early. Otherwise, bids will be due 29 January @ 5 PM ET (US), and first plots will be due Friday, 31 January @ 5 PM.

Remember that wear counts as 1 and skill counts as 0.5 when bidding for pole.

If you have questions, please ASK!

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Track.png
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Post 27 Jan 2020, 3:38 pm

All the builds are in, see below. Bids for pole are due Wednesday, 29 January @ 5 PM ET (US). Remember that wear counts as 1 and skill as 0.5 for bidding, and that 0 is a valid bid. If I do not receive a bid your bid will be 0 (and there is no penalty). Note also that the penalties, starting with this race, for NPRs have been reduced.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Builds.png
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Post 29 Jan 2020, 8:08 pm

Hello Drivers! Below please find the bids and the starting grid. Plots are due Friday, 3 February @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Bids.png

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Starting Grid.png
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Post 31 Jan 2020, 4:01 pm

I messed up I see and used Monday's date for the deadline. All moves are in but one; I will see if I can get that driver's move in today. If not the deadline will remain Monday.
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Post 01 Feb 2020, 6:41 am


I am very sorry to report that your Steward (me) has screwed up royally, saved apparently only by his initial screw-up.

I missed Mario’s bid entirely (he sent it and I missed it). His bid of 8 puts him on the outside front row. Therefore, the entire grid from that point is shifted back.

Because of this, and because I had not yet processed the turn (thanks to my date screw-up) I am asking that everyone either re-submit their plot OR let me know that the current plot stands. And because it’s already Saturday, the deadline is Wednesday the 5th @ 5 PM unless I get a response from everyone earlier.

Sorry again, I will try and pay closer attention as obviously I haven’t been.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Bids.png

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 0 Starting Grid.png
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Post 01 Feb 2020, 7:03 am

This race is haunting me and it's not even started. Jim and John should be switched (thanks Jim!).
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Post 04 Feb 2020, 5:58 pm

After some confusion in Race Control, the lights finally come on and go out, and we’te under way!

In spite of a lengthy stand on the grid, everyone who pushed their start got away cleanly.

Don, Mario, Tim M and Dave L all push to 80, the only difference being Dave using 1 sk while the others used 2.

Dave B ran his unmodified 100 and moved into P5.

Chris, Tim B, Jeff, and Will all use 2 sk (save Tim who used his -3) to push their start to 80.

Claudio, John, and Jim were content to drive without danget at 60 each.

Next plot due Friday, 7 February @ 5 PM ET (US). And yes, I doublechecked, Friday is the 7th.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 1.png
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Post 05 Feb 2020, 4:14 pm

All plots in early! So we get back part of the time I cost us.

Don enters the corner at 120 for 2w on the middle 80.

Mario runs up on the inside at 100.

Tim M. pulss alongside at 120.

Dave L. pulls outside Tim at 120.

Dave, seeing no room likely, plots 100 to the inside.

Chis pulls alongside him at 120.

Jeff gets the jump at 140 and goes outside Chris for P7.

Tim B runs at 120.

Will does 140 and pulls alongside Tim.

Claudo is one of the few with room for the slip he gets and does 120.

Jim gets the jump at 140 and takes P11.

John gets a slip and pulls outside Jim.

Next plot due Friday, 7 February @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 2.png
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Post 07 Feb 2020, 7:22 pm

This is a very evil corner.

Don slows to 80 and finishes the corner.

Mario does 100 (2w) and, finding Don in the way, force-passes him (3, OK) then pulls ahead for P1.

Tim M does 80 on the 80/60s for 1w.

Dave B. stays at 100 and takes the 40 for 2w, 2sk and a Chance (4, OK) pulling inside Don for P2.

Dave L. does 80 over the 100s and then the 40 for 2w.

Chris starts at 100, then late brakes to 80 (1w over 60) as there’s no room for 100. Unfortunately, he feels the pedal go to the floor, and has to pump the brakes back up to get pressure (1sk = 10 FAIL, 1w).

Jeff runs at 80 on the 100s.

Will gets the jump at 100 but also finds no room, so slows to 80 (4=OK) and takes the 80s for free for P8.

Tim B goes outside at 80 on the 100s.

Claudio runs at 80 on the 60 for 1w and takes P9.

Jim stays inside at 80.

John stays in the middle at 80.

Next plot due Monday, 10 February @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 3.png
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Post 09 Feb 2020, 6:07 am

Arg. I HATE this track. As has been pointed out, I made a mistake in processing the last turn - it's going to take me some time to unwind the turn (again - I already did this one before sending it out) and reprocess it. So hold off on sending your plots. I won't have time to do this until later in the day, so the deadline will be moved to Wednesday, 12 February @ 5 PM. I hope to have a new result out later today.
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Post 09 Feb 2020, 9:35 am

Well, some good news (at least from my POV and probably several drivers who'd have had no place to go). The issue was after the first unwind I ran Dave B before Dave L which meant DB did not have an open space for his Chance roll. However, he did specifically ask for a force pass. So doing the additional force pass roll, which he passed, means all cars are still right where they were were on the graphic as posted. Only difference is that Dave B has 2 less Skill used in that roll (result was an 8 on unblocked forced pass) which will be reflected on the next turn.

So deadline is back to tomorrow (10 February) at 5 PM and I will keep those moves already received.
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Post 10 Feb 2020, 5:50 pm

Mario runs onto the line at 140.

Don runs up the inside at 140 and takes P2.

Dave B. pulls outside of Don at 120 with a slip from Mario.

Tim M. pulls behind Don at 120 thanks to a slip.

Dave L. pulls outside Tim M. at 140.

Chris finishes the corner at 100.

Jeff stays at 80 and drives through the 40 for 2w.

Will takes the 60s at 80 for 1w.

Claudio takes the 60s at 80 (already paid).

Tim B stays at 80 but his spotters warn there’s no room at the inn, so he late brakes in the 100 space (9,OK) to 60 and takes the 40 for 1w.

Jim takes the 60s at 60 for free.

John’s spotters warn him the there’s nowhere to go, so he takes the 80s then late brakes (2sk = 5 OK) to 60 and takes the 40 for 1w.

Next plot due Wednesday, 12 February @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 4.png
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Post 11 Feb 2020, 2:38 am

This track is killing me. I accidentally moved Chris 100 instead of 80, so he is one row back, on the inside, with Jeff just outside of him.

No change to deadline.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 4 CORRECTION.png
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Post 12 Feb 2020, 3:35 pm

Let’s see if the Steward can get one turn right…

Mario runs the line at 100 for 2w.

Dave does the same and pulls behind Mario for P2.

Don saves some rubber and takes the line at 80 for 1w.

Dave takes the line at 80 for 1w and pulls into P4.

Tim M. saves some tire as well, taking the line at 60 for free.

Chris runs up onto the line at 120.

Jeff opts to go outside Chris at 120.

Will dives to the inside at 140 and takes P6.

Claudio pulls behind Will at 120.

Tim B. mashes the gas to get something extra out of his motor (test ACC = 5, OK) and gets to 120 plus a slip to pull next to Claudio.

Jim does 140 and pulls behind Claudio.

John does 120 and with a slip pulls outside of Jim.

Next plot due Friday, 14 February @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 5.png
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Post 14 Feb 2020, 3:47 pm

Mario takes the line at 120 for free and grabs the next line.

Dave B. takes the line at 120 for free and with a slip pulls inside MArio for P1.

Don takes the line at 120 for free.

Dave L. does the same.

Tim M. runs at 100.

Will takes the inside 40 at 80 for 2w.

Chris takes the line at 80 for 1w.

Jeff takes the 60s at 80 for 1w.

Claudio takes the line at 100 for 2w and pulls outside of Chris for P8.

Tim B. takes the line at 80 for 1w.

Jim takes the line at 80 for 1w.

John takes the line at 60 for free.

Next plot due Monday, 17 February @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 6.png