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Post 13 May 2020, 2:33 pm

Mario takes the final corner at 120 on the line for free.

Don does the same.

Jeremy takes the 60 line at 100 for 2w and grabs the last line.

Dave takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

Now comes the pileup at the penultimate corner - Chris takes the middle lane with the line at 100.

Tim goes outside at 100.

Claudio takes the inside at 100.

John pulls behind Claudio at 120.

Will pulls outside of John at 160.

Jeff pulls outside of Will at 160.

Next plot due Friday, 15 May @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 42.png
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Post 15 May 2020, 2:58 pm

Turn the Forty-Third, in Which A Winner is Crowned and Many Dice Are Rolled…

Mario sweeps across the line at 140 in P1, in a race he completely controlled. Contrats Mario!

Don comes across in P2 at 160.

Jim runs at 140 on the line for 1w and should get the last podium spot next turn.

Dave runs the line at 120 for free.

Tim gets the jump in his row at 80, going on the 60s for 1w and taking the middle lane.

Claudio is next at 60 over the 40 for 1w; he grabs the outside for the last access from that row to the next line.

Chris is next at 60; he is forced to the inside but does get P5 (momentarily…).

Jeff pushes the GO button at 120, then late brakes to 100 (8, OK), and seeing a wall of cars in front of him decides to squeeze by Claudio and Tim with a force-pass (1sk = 7 OK) that not only nets him the next line, but 5 positions for P5!

John goes next at 100, but his spotter warns him of the wall of cars, so he late-brakes (1w) then takes the outer 60s for 1w at 80.

Will also did 100, late-braking (6,OK) and then also has to go outside on the 60s at 80 for 1w.

Next plot due Monday, 18 May @ 5 PM (but if we can get them sooner we can wrap up this race).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 43.png
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Post 17 May 2020, 4:32 pm

Turn the 44th, the Penultimate Turn

Jim and Dave cross the line in P3 and P4 respectively at 160.

Jeff speeds up to 140 on the line for 1w.

Chris can’t reach line, so he takes the outside 120s for free at 120 then blocks the end, shuffling the cars behind…

Tim goes thought the 120s at 120 for free and takes the inside.

Claudio takes the 120s at 120 and with a slip pulls into P6.

John takes the 100 at 140 after testing ACC (1sk, 6 = OK) and burning 2w to pull alongside Claudio and into P7.

Will goes 120 and with a slip pulls between Tim and Chris for P9.

Next plot should be the last unless some of you guys slam on the brakes for some reason, and is due Wednesday, 20 May @ 5 PM (but if I get them all sooner we’ll wrap this up).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 44.png
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Post 19 May 2020, 2:57 pm

Jeff crosses the line at 160 in P5.

Claudio and John run in parallel at 160 across the line for P6 and P7.

Tim, Will, and Chris all attempt to get to 180, and beig first matter double here…

Tim tries first, test Top with 2 skill = 5 and grabbing the last space in the row for P8.

Will tries next - he has a double attempt ACC (6) and then Top (6) - but then runs into the wall of cars (Claudio/John/Tim) and needs to late brake, which he does (6).

Chis is last, and the best result for him would actually be a failure on Top, but he succeeds (1sk, 6). He too runs into the wall of cars and has to late brake - and fails (11). This being his second brake failure, he is a DNF.

That’s a wrap! I will send out information about the first race in season 7 shortly; we will be looking for car builds on 1 June, so you have a little break.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 45.png
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Post 19 May 2020, 6:00 pm

The Stewards of the Meet have convened and determined that Chris Long has finished and will be classified as P10 rather than as a DNF, based on precedent at WBC for a similar circumstance.

It does NOT change the standings for C1 - Chris will be 9th and Will 10th without a tiebreaker, but Chris wins the tiebreaker anyway (best finish).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 3 Turn 45 Revised .png
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Post 20 May 2020, 2:52 am

Forgot to say thanks to Tim Mossman who brought this prior ruling of Doug Shulz to our attention.
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Post 20 May 2020, 4:18 am

The full field results and final points based on the full field.
Race 3 full field.png
Full Field Points.png