- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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30 Oct 2019, 1:10 pm
This is the first GSL game on Redscape. The hope is to make it a regular. Anyone interested in running a game let me know.
The trial game will be showdown 4, Thieves Fall Out. If you need the showdown rules let me know. We will be using rules section I (basic), II (brawling) and III (special weapons and skills).
There are 6 players/characters in this showdown and it's every man for himself, no allies.
- SLOTerp
- F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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03 Nov 2019, 8:07 am
You don't want to mess with this guy...
- tcbaker07
- Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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03 Nov 2019, 11:27 am
- The Drifter
Did someone say
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3155
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- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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13 Nov 2019, 2:16 pm
I have to take the heat for this one. Obviously, we are also using rules section IV. My confusion was, showdown 1 specifies to ignore all terrain. The next three showdowns use the same board, but none of them specify that. And, the rule book says "You can now play showdown 4" after rules section III. So, I relied a bit too much on my memory of playing the game.
Segment 1:
C2 revealed card 9 "Draw&Cock". Brad, you have the B3 bonus card that does the same thing faster
End of turn:
C1-delay reduced from 1 to 0
C4-2 delay from Drop, reduced to 1
C4-Shoot cancelled due to delay from Drop
C6-delay reduced from 1 to 0
No triggers pulled this turn, but I suspect that will not hold true for turn 4.
The Kid has 4 aim points on the Border Rider, El Jefe and Innocente have 2 points each.
Next deadline: turn 4 due Friday, November 15 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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15 Nov 2019, 3:12 pm
Segment 1:
C1: Holee Crap! How the hell did that shot miss? Brad, buy a lottery ticket tonight!
Segment 3:
C1: Couldn't find it specified in the rules, but I already mentioned no delay for entering a hex with a dead body. However, there is 2 delay for card 1 while down.
Segment 4:
C4: did not specify execution. Default is to aim at a target you have aim on already.
Segment 5:
C1: card 5 cancelled due to delay
C2: 1 delay for a drop? Seriously, buy a lottery ticket!
C5: For attacks against Tim, Range and LOS are traced to the head counter. If Tim attacks, Range and LOS are traced from his head counter. However, his aim zone is defined by his body counter. (Rules 32.12, 32.2, 32.4 & 32.5) So he can shoot at Innocente since he is in his body's aim zone even though he's not in his head's aim zone.
End of turn:
C1: Delay reduced from 2 to 1
C4: Delay reduced from 1 to 0
C4: Has 4 aim on C2
Next deadline: turn 5 due Monday, November 18 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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20 Nov 2019, 2:16 pm
Segment 0:
C4 draws a fatigue card; 0 delay, 0 endurance
Segment 5:
C4 draws 4 Wound cards (Stun 4); total 8 delay, 8 endurance. The Stagger result is ignored since he is down. And Serious 2 (for a total of 3). This means he will draw 3 fatigue cards at the beginning of each turn. At the end of the showdown (if he makes it), he likely will die per rule 14.5
End of turn:
C4 still has 5 delay remaining, he will do nothing on turn 7 except draw for his Serious wounds.
C5 has 2 aim on hex D5
C6 has 4 aim on C2
Innocente has taken two bullets and is still alive. But, for how long?
Teaching moment: El Jefe had 8 aim points on the Kid before the Kid fell. Rule 12.5 allows aim to be transferred to a new target one hex away for each play of card 5, 6 and/or 7. Rule 12.1 says that a hex can be a target. Therefore, he could have played card 5 and done nothing as a card action, and transferred his aim to hex F5. Then played card 6, done nothing for the card action, and transferred his aim to C2. At this point he would have had 8 aim points on C2. A play of the 7 card would have allowed an A10/R1 shot at the Border Rider.
Next deadline: turn 7 due Friday, November 22 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3155
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- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
27 Nov 2019, 2:32 pm
Segment 0:
Innocente draws 3 fatigue cards; 1 delay, -1 endurance
Segment 5: Drifter's shot is resolved first, and it's a BE (Vital). However, since shots on the same segment are simultaneous, El Jefe's shot is still resolved. The trough took the bullet and left Drifter uninjured.
End of turn:
Innocente's delay reduced from 4 to 2, endurance reduced to 10
El Jefe becomes Drifter's first kill. Now there are only two people left alive, and one is badly wounded. What will Drifter do? Innocente can finally do something, at least. But not a heckuva lot. He can play 3 time segments this turn; Draw&Cock? Back Up? Something else. And, one more hex in Innocente's direction would give Drifter a Range 0 opportunity, assuming he takes the time to get 4 aim points of markers down.
Teaching moment: The question came up earlier, with Drifter down behind the trough could he be shot in the body, legs, etc? El Jefe's shot this turn gave a basic answer to that question. It would have been a BODY hit but the "Head status" line changed that to a miss. I admit I haven't studied the Result Cards, so it's possible there may be some where, for example, an arm hit may or may not be reduced (since he still could have one or both arms showing). But, basically, this is how the game system manages just this situation.
Since we're down to just Tim and John I'd like to switch to trigger mode (pardon the pun). Deadlines will still be at least 48 hours, but as soon as I have those two moves I'll resolve the turn.
Be thinking about the next showdown. I was looking at either 3 or 19 to get in a little brawling.
Also, let me know if you will be playing the next one. At this time it's still just me running one game.
Next deadline: turn 10 due Friday, November 29 (soft), Monday, December 2 (hard) at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3155
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3155
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
04 Dec 2019, 2:10 pm
Segment 0:
Innocente draws 3 fatigue cards; 5 delay, -5 endurance
Segment 5:
Innocente: Stun 4-4 Wound Cards (7 delay, -7 endurance), Stagger (no effect), Serious 2 (total 5)
End of turn:
Innocente's delay reduced from 14 to 7, endurance reduced to 0
Innocente is now guaranteed to pass out with 0 endurance and to die with Serious 5 per rule 14.12. Since Drifter inflicted the most Serious wounds to him, he gets the VPs for Kill. And this also makes Drifter last man standing which means two things; first he gets the +20 VPs for the money bags, and second, the showdown is over.
Thanks for a good game, guys! Information on the next showdown coming soon!