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Post 12 Oct 2019, 10:54 pm

Turn 14 is due Monday at 8pm Eastern

RM Note: So I was adjusting the standings for position change, and I realized I had screwed up the scoring in a few places. These errors have now been fixed and the standings are properly updated.

Tim and Stephen roll out and through the 9-10 chicane at 100 using middle to inside, and work down the straight, Stephen spending 1 wear in the corner.

Brad and Bruce both go 80 and snake their way through the inside of Turn 8 for 2 wear, before Brad enters on the inside and Bruce to the middle a half car length behind him.

David slows to 80 and runs the line through turn 8 for 1 wear, ending at the tip of the line.

Guiseppe had hoped to use the line through the corner at 100, but with David sitting there, he is forced to run wide and settles to the inside at the cost of 2 Wear.

Tony slows to 80 and burns two wear on the inside of turn 8, tucking inside of David and re-passing Guiseppe.

Jack goes 80 on the line for 1, ending at the lip of the corner

Marshall and Jack cruise down to corner 8 at 120. Chris follows in at 120 and uses the slip off Marshall to squeak in-between. (Note that the line to the corner was unavailable at that point as you were inside at the junction(Due to Kal blocking the inside line at the point where you would of changed lanes))
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Post 14 Oct 2019, 10:19 pm

Tim rolls through the final hairpin at 100 though the middle, burning 1 wear.

With the rubber to spare, Stephen decides to dive to Tim's inside, pulling beside at 100 as he runs inside for 2 Wear.

Brad, Bruce and David work their way through the chicane at 80, setting up for the final hairpin.

Tony sees this as an opportunity, and rolls through the hairpin at 120, burning 2 wear, pulling ahead of Brad and Bruce.

Guiseppe slows to 80 and runs the middle to inside line though the chicane.

Jack rolls our of the corner on the line at 100 and had hoped to clear the chicane. Unfortunently, with Guiseppe hugging the inside as having to enter wide due to the line, he is forced to hold the middle line, and is unable to complete the corner.

Chris out muscles Kal and Marshall into the corner at 100, running the outside lane through for 2 wear, before sitting on the line.

With the line blocked, Kal also runs the outside at 80, burning 1 wear.

Marshall slows to 60 and shoots inside through the corner for 1 wear, pulling back ahead of Kal and inside of Chris.
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Post 18 Oct 2019, 10:11 pm

Turn 16 is due Friday at 8pm Eastern

Stephen and Tim stay neck and neck as they cross the line to start Lap 2 at 140

Tony maintains 120 and rolls through the middle of the hairpin at the cost of 2 wear.

Brad powers through the outside lane of the hairpin at 140 and burns 2 wear along the outside.

Bruce takes a different tack, rolling through the inside at 100, and thanks to Tony's slip, rolls past Brad and pulls alongside Tony

David picks up the slip of Brad and rolls into the corner around the outside at 100.

Giuseppe starts the Hairpin at 100, pulling into the middle for a wear.

Jack rolls out of the chicane at 100 and pulls up to the hairpin on the inside.

Chris navigates the chicane at 80, though he seems to loose the back end a bit and has to recontrol it (NPR #2. 2 Wear Penalty!)

Kal eases it through the Chicane at 80.
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Post 21 Oct 2019, 9:02 pm

Turn 17 is due Wendesday at 8pm Eastern

RM Note: There was an error caught on the sheet. Marshall should of been at 14 not 16 wear after spending 2 in the chicane. This has been corrected and his current turn deducted from it.

Stephen and Time run neck and neck up towards the line for turn 2. (Tim, since you noted R, I moved you outside as inside would of forfeited you the line)

Bruce blasts past Tony at 160 and through the bend as he starts lap 2.

Tony pushes out of the hairpin at 140 and pulls in behind Bruce.

Brad rolls out of the Hairpin at 160 and turn alongside Tony

David and Guiseppe complete the hairpin at 100 each, with Guiseppe pulling behind.

Jack and Marshall each plow through the inside corner at 100, for two wear. Jack pulls outside of Guiseppe while Marshall pulls in behind.

Chris blasts into the hairpin around the middle at 120 for 2

Kal pulls out of the chicane and dives inside the hairpin at 100 for 2.
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Post 23 Oct 2019, 7:32 pm

Turn 18 is due Friday at 8pm Eastern

RM Note: Lap Fixed!

Stephen slows to 100 and carves his way through the inside of Turn 2 for 2 Wear, pulling out onto the next straight.

Tim relents for the moment as he also slows to 100, before taking the line through Turn 2 for 1 Wear.

Bruce slows to 140 and pulls onto the line for the turn.

Brad accelerates to 160 and pulls inside of Bruce.

Tony decides to go 140 and forfeits the slipstream to have the line behind Bruce(You didn't have what to do if both Line and Middle were unavailable, and I figured you preferred line)

David blazes down the straight at 160.

Guiseppe follows at 160 and uses the slip to Pull aside David.

Jack also goes to 160 and pulls behind David.

Marshal goes 160 and using Jack's slip pulls to his outside.

Chris and Kal finish the Hairpin at 120 and 100 respectively.
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Post 25 Oct 2019, 8:22 pm

Turn 19 is due Monday at 8pm Eastern

GM: Minor chance of a NPR correction. Will note if so.

Stephen accelerates to 140 and carvs his way inside on the 3-4 Complex, burning 2 wear.

Tim follows Stephen at 140 before fading the middle in the Corner complex, spending 1 Wear

Brad out muscles Bruce into the corner as the both go 120 respectively. Brad blocks the outside line as he rolls outside for 2 wear, forcing Bruce to aslo take it.

Tony slows to 100 and eases it through the line before tucking in behind Bruce.

David slows to 120 and pulls up to the corner on the line.

Guiseppe bobbles a little looses the back end a little, recovering at 120, he pulls outside of David (NPR #1, 1 Wear Penalty)

Jack cranks it to 140 and dives to the inside of David and Guiseppe

Marshall goes 120 and was hoping for a slip, but with no space, he decides to ease up and take the line to set for the corner.

Chris gets squirly as he rolls through the bend but is able to reorganize himself at 160 and rolls to the inside (NPR #3, 2 Wear Penalty, Warning to be Issued)

Kal blazes down the straight at 160.
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Post 26 Oct 2019, 10:15 am

A dead heat for the lap lead!
Sochi C3 summary.png
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Post 27 Oct 2019, 9:10 pm

Hey all,

I must apologize as I misinterpreted David's move last turn and then I didn't realize he had notified me on it until just now. He had asked for the inside. That means he's on the inside, Guiseppe's NPR puts him on the line, and Jack is on the outside. This should only affect Jack, Guiseppe and David, but any other corrections are cool. Corrected graphic is below. Deadline has been moved to Tuesday

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Post 29 Oct 2019, 10:20 pm

Turn 20 is due Thursday at 8pm Eastern

GM: One minor error spotted. I forgot to subtract Tony's wear last turn. This has been corrected.

Stepehn blasts out of the complex through the middle line at 140, stretching his lead on Tim.

Tim follow him out of the 3-4 complex at 140, rolling outside to not burn more wear.

Bruce takes the soft line into the complex at 140, running outside.

Brad instead takes the strong line through the inside at 140 and passes Bruce, costing him 2 wear.

Tony enters the middle lane at 120, missing Brad's slip. (No request no slip)

Guiseppe out races the other two through Turn 2 at 120 on the line for 2 wear, fading inside.

Jack follows Guiseppe through at 120 around the outside for 2W, pulling in behind him.

David runs the inside of Turn 2 at 80, burning 1 wear before pulling inside of Jack.

Marshall cruises through Turn 2 on the line using the slip off of Jack for 2 wear. as he clears the corner, he finds Jack and David right in front of him and is forced to make advasive manuvers. With a wrenching of the wheel, he squeezes the car in between Jack and David, before sliding to the outside of Guiseppe. (This is only the case because you requested a force pass(Which is viable due to slip) AND the line prevents you from moving through the third lane. Roll for FP: 8-2=6 Success)

A Discussion is heard from Chris' radio and ends with believe that it's better to save the car for next race. Soon after, Chris pulls onto the shoulder, and retires.(Requested to be pulled off course)

Kal wheels it up to Turn 2 at 120, taking the line.
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Post 31 Oct 2019, 7:45 pm

Turn 21 is due Saturday at 8pm Eastern

GM: Apologies for derpynes. Also apologies to Kal for screwing up the record last turn with him out of position and no speed XP.

Stephen slows to 120 and wheels through Turn 5 on the line at the cost of a wear.

Tim maintains 140 and rolls up to the line in front of Turn 5

Brad completes his turn at 140 and tucks it inside, cementing himself in 3rd place.

Bruce finishes the corner as he slows to 80 and runs inside.

Tony burns a wear as he snakes through the middle of Turn 4 and pulls outside of Bruce.

Marshall and Guiseppe run into the corner on the safe lines at 140 and 120, lining up side by side at the complex's shift.

Jack blasts away from David at 160, and had hoped to wheel it wide. Unfortunately as he sees the two pulling up short, he is forced to goto a backup plan. Slamming the breaks at the cost of the wear, he wheels it through the inside of Turn 3, and the middle of Turn 4 at 140 at the cost of 2 Wear, pulling to the lip of the complex.

David accelerates to 120 and takes a slip off a Guiseppe. Rolling through the inside, the slip vaunts him past Guiseppe and Marshall as he slides in behind Jack in the middle lane.

Kal maintains 120 and rolls through the line for 2W.
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Post 04 Nov 2019, 10:11 pm

Turn 23 is due Wendesday at 8pm Eastern

Stephen rolls up to Turn 7 at 140, picking up the line

Tim rolls through Turn 6 at 100, burning 1 Wear on the line.

Brad decides now is the time to push. Flying out of Turn 4 at 140, he shoves his car sliding through Turn 6 and wheels it along the line with bravado at the cost of 2 Wear. (9-3=6, Success!)

Tony goes 120 and pulls wide through the corner, doing so as he runs on the very edge of the curb so as to not wear on his tires, his car being wrenched through!) (7-3=4, Succeed). Clearing the Turn, he sets himself in the middle for set for the line.

Jack slows to 100 and pulls through the inside of Turn 5, pulling back ahead of Tony and inside of Bruce.

David rolls into Turn 5 at 120, burning a wear on the line.

Guiseppe follows David up to the corner, using his slip until they reach the Turn. Seeing the opportunity, he slingshots by him and shoots inside at the cost of 2 Wear. (Being you asked for the slip and such was blocked, I figured you wanted inside over no slip)

Marshall also goes 120 and dives inside at the corner for 2 wear, pulling inside of David.

Kal finishes the complex at 120, running up the inside of Turn 4 at the cost of 2 wear, before running inside.
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Post 05 Nov 2019, 6:11 pm

Soo a couple oops to fix.

First. It seems I somehow placed Stephen too far last turn, which meant he could of only gone 120, and thus should be 2 spaces further back. The corrected graphic is below.

Second, I forgot to post Turn 21. That graphic is also attached. Do note due to how I edit turns I cannot edit the Turn image, so Stephen is supposed to be in the first corner space on the line.
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Post 07 Nov 2019, 9:07 pm

Turn 24 is due Saturday at 8pm Eastern
2 Errors from the previous turns(outside of the spacing)
1. Stephen was only deducted 1 wear in Turn 6. He has 8 wear left not 9.2. Tim's posted speed was incorrect last turn, he posted at 100 not 120. Movement however was correct, and I do not think it would affect the move at all.
Stephen eases it through Turn 7 at 100 on the line.
Tim rolls up to Turn 7 at 140, grabbing the line
Brad powers out of Turn 6 at 160 and pulls to Tim's inside.

Bruce outraces Jack into Turn 6 at 120, burning 2 wear.
Jack eases it through the inside of Turn 6 at 80, burning 1 wear.
Tony rolls to the edge of Turn 6 at 80 on the line.
Guiseppe pushes 120 and rolls outside at Turn 6 for two wear with Tony blocking the line.

Marshall sprints away from David and pulls in behind TOny on the line of Turn 6 at 120, burning 2 wear.

David goes 100 and picks up the line for 6.
Kal rolls through turn 5 at 100 on th line.
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Post 10 Nov 2019, 4:06 pm

RM Note: I apologize for lateness in responding. Went to a long gaming event yesturday and spaced getting on when I got home. Deadline for the week will be moved due to, and will hopefully be back on track by next weekend. Also, I apologize for no reminder, but agian that doesn't excuse people. Get your turn in early!

Turn 25 is due Tuesday at 8pm EST

Stephen rolls outside on the snake straght as he accelerates to 140

Tim burns a wear as he accelerates to 120, pulling back ahead of Brad before pulling down the tight inside line of the snake straight at the cost of 1 wear.

Brad rolls through the inside of Turn 7 at 100 for 1 wear, setting into the middle lane with the inside denied by Tim.

Bruce slows to 100 and picks up the line into 7.

Jack goes 120 and tucks inside of Bruce with the line denied.

Tony goes 120 with a slightly struggle and wheel spin as he rolls up to the corner in the middle lane to set for the line(NPR #1. 1 Wear Penalty)

Guiseppe clears turn 6 at 120 and tucks inside Inside though the bend.

Marshall also spins the wheels a bit as he muscles his way out of turn 6 at 120 and pulls to Guiseppe's outside. (NPR #1. 1 Wear Penalty)

David burns two wear on the line through Turn 6 at 120 and upon coming through the bend, tucks in behind Marshall.

Kal maintains 100 and pulls up to the line for Turn 6
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Post 11 Nov 2019, 4:50 am

Beckman 8.5+mph faster than second fastest through sector 1
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