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Post 24 Apr 2019, 1:04 pm

The start grid. Three drivers moved build points to start speed, Simmerman and Ales drawing from their skill and Mossman choosing to lighten up his brakes.

Turn 1 due Friday, April 26 at 4pm EST/8pm UTC
turn 0.png
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Post 27 Apr 2019, 3:45 am

After a little confusion on my part, we are finally under way!

Turn 1 summary:
Mossman attempts to push to 120 but his engine coughs just enough to make that an 80 move. Simmerman, on the other hand, is able to get his engine to give him 120 and he jumps out to the early lead.

Ales also jumps off the start line at 120 and grabs P2 behind Simmerman. Coyle pushes up to 80 to stay on the wing of the orange race car.

Swaine and Blizzard both give their engines a break by keeping at 60 and staying side-by-side.

Next deadline: turn 2 due Monday, April 29 at 4pm EST/8pm UTC
turn 1.png
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Post 29 Apr 2019, 2:15 pm

The pack stays pretty much intact but the front two are poised to break away.

Turn 2 summary:
Simmerman sheds two wear on the green line at 120. Ales runs the red line at 100 also dropping two wear and gets a slip from Simmerman. Mossman speeds up slightly and prepares for the green line at 100.

Coyle hits 120 and starts the red line inside of Mossman, picking up P3. Swaine pushes his acceleration to 140 with one skill and starts the green line behind Mossman. Blizzard at 120 starts the green line in the red car's tire tracks.

Next deadline: turn 3 due Wednesday, May 1 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 2.png
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Post 01 May 2019, 1:03 pm

The pack starts to spread out through corner 1.

Turn 3 summary:
Simmerman shoots the short straight and sheds a wear into corner 4 at 100. Ales also runs the straight at 100 to keep on the yellow car's wing.

Mossman regains P3 in a big way with a 120 across the green line, dropping two wear. Coyle scrubs off one wear on the red racing line at 80 and loses touch with Mossman out of the corner.

Swaine takes a more conservative approach to corner 1 with a 100 on the green line at a cost of one wear. Blizzard is even more conservative than Swaine as he runs the same line at 80 for free.

Next deadline: turn 4 due Friday, May 3 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 3.png
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Post 03 May 2019, 1:49 pm

The front three stretch a little while the back three stay tight.

Turn 4 summary:
Simmerman shoots into corner 6 at 100 shedding one wear. Ales keeps pace at 100 around corner 4 for one wear.

Mossman slows to 80 for the corner and loses touch with Ales. Swaine plots 100 then late brakes (modified 7) and takes the inside of the corner for free.

Coyle plotted 80 for the inside but the red car forces him outside in the corner. Blizzard makes up a length at 100 and sits ready to attack the corner.

Next deadline: turn 5 due Monday, May 6 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 4.png
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Post 06 May 2019, 1:57 pm

No side-by-sides this turn, but we're primed to have a new leader next turn.

Turn 5 summary:
Simmerman finishes the corner 6 line and hits the corner 7 60s, shedding one wear. Ales takes the line for free then attacks the corner 7 40 space for two wear and clear.

Mossman holds at 80 and covers the line for free. Swaine shoots into corner 6 at 100 on the line, scrubbing off one wear.

Coyle comes off of corner 4 at 80 and starts the next racing line. Blizzard keeps tight around the inside of corner 4 at 100, scraping off one wear. But with Coyle on the line he's forced inside. The good news is he picks up P5.

Next deadline: turn 6 due Wednesday, May 8 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 5.png
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Post 08 May 2019, 1:41 pm

A slight miscalculation by the leader and we have a lead change.

Turn 6 summary:
Simmerman finishes corner 7 at 80 for already paid wear and holds the inside. Ales is able to accelerate out of the 40 space to 140 and takes over P1, grabbing the next racing line.

Mossman slows to 60 shedding one wear on the 40. Swaine comes off the corner 6 line and into the corner 7 60s at 100 dropping two wear.

Blizzard taps the brakes to 80 and takes the 80s for free. Coyle is not sure how he wants to take the corner so he just lets the car do as it wishes. It takes him around the line at 80 for free. (NPR move).

Next deadline: turn 7 due Friday, May 10 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 6.png
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Post 10 May 2019, 1:31 pm

A jam going into the slow corner 8 could get interesting.

Turn 7 summary:
Ales drops one wear on the corner 8 racing line at 80. Simmerman slides up to the line at the entrance to the corner. at 80.

Swaine plots 160 to get the jump on Mossman off of corner 7. He uses one skill to late brake back to 140 and finishes in the middle lane. Mossman covers the straightaway at 140 and has to stay inside.

Blizzard rounds the corner 7 60s at 80 shedding one wear. Coyle slows to 60 clearing the corner for free.

Next deadline: turn 8 due Monday, May 13 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 7.png
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Post 13 May 2019, 1:10 pm

A bold move virtually secures P2 for Mossman.

Turn 8 summary:
Ales runs the corner 9/10 60s at 80 shedding one wear. Mossman, stuck on the inside of the three-wide, goes for broke at 100 around the 40 space. It cost him two wear and his wildcard skill chip, but a modified 6 (phew!) gets him through. He then takes his tires down to the carcass in the corner 9/10 60s.

Swaine's 80 plot gets him the next move. He scrubs off one wear in the 60s and hugs the curb going into the 9/10 combination. Simmerman slows to 60 and takes the line for free, finishing outside Swaine.

Blizzard covers the short chute at 120 and sets up on the racing line for the next corner. Coyle also plots 120 and stays in Blizzard's tire tracks all the way onto the line.

Next deadline: turn 9 due Wednesday, May 15 at 4pm EDT/8pmUTC
turn 8.png
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Post 15 May 2019, 1:24 pm

Another set of bald tires but no position changes.

Turn 9 summary:
Ales takes the corner 11 line at 120 for free and hits the corner 12 140s. Mossman speeds up slightly to 120 running the corner 11 line.

Swaine drops his final two wear in the corner 9/10 60s at 100 and clears corner 11 on the inside. Simmerman sheds one wear in the 9/10 80s at 100.

Blizzard and Coyle make matching 60 moves around the corner 8 racing line. Both of them still have 5 wear and all three lap skill with the lap waning.

Next deadline: turn 10 due Friday, May 17 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 9.png
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Post 17 May 2019, 1:41 pm

Barring a major move, the first four spots are set with only P5 & P6 to be decided.

Turn 10 summary:
Ales approaches the final corner of lap one on the outer line at 160. Mossman runs the corner 12 140s at speed and starts the inner line for corner 13. (Note: due to the configuration of the racing lines, he still has the option to take the outer line next turn.)

Swaine maxes out at 160 around the 160s and keeps to the outside. Simmerman preserves his last wear by running the corner 11 line at 120 and into the corner 12 inner lane.

Blizzard tries a big move at 120 in the corner 9/10 60s, shedding two wear and putting two skill to the chance roll (modified 7). He almost gets away with it but his tires just lose purchase on the asphalt and around he goes. Coyle is NPR, costing him two wear and plotting 60. The spinning purple machine forces him to the outside of corner 9.

Next deadline: turn 11 due Monday, May 20 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC turn 10.png
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Post 20 May 2019, 1:47 pm

The first four positions are secure. The battle for the #1 starting spot on lap 2 goes on.

Turn 11 summary:
Ales finishes the 13 outer line for free and starts for the inside. Mossman covers the inside line at 140 for free.

Swaine takes the outside line at 160 also for free. Simmerman (NPR 1) sets up on the outside line at 160.

Coyle and Blizzard both plot 60. By rule, Coyle moves before the spun car. He takes the 60 around 10 and starts the 11 line. Blizzard also takes the 10 60 and finishes inside.

Next deadline: turn 12 due Wednesday, May 22 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC

Note to Ales, Mossman, Swaine and Simmerman
. There are no more possible passes among you four, even with dice, so I will auto move you the rest of the lap. (The first three will finish on turn 12 anyway, and Simmerman will finish on turn 13) Please let me know if you want to move any build points for lap 2. Remember, the start grid for lap 2 is the lap 1 finish order inverted, and moving a point will put you at the back of the field. (For Ales it doesn't matter since he will start 6th anyway, unless someone has to make repairs)
RROC turn 11.png
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Post 22 May 2019, 12:58 pm

Turn 12 summary:
The first four cars are on auto with Ales, Mossman and Swaine finishing 1, 2, 3 respectively. Simmerman will take P4 next turn.

Coyle pushes his acceleration up to 140 (naked 8) and drops one wear in the corner 11 racing line, then takes corner 12 in the 140s for free.

Blizzard holds on to 5th at 120 for one wear inside around corners 11 & 12.

Next deadline: turn 13 due Friday, May 24 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC turn 12.png
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Post 24 May 2019, 2:07 pm

A damaged engine will force a crucial decision for the upcoming break.

Turn 13 summary:
Simmerman glides across the line in 4th.

Blizzard plots 180 with one skill and rolls boxcars! This means he has two choices for the break; 1) start first with a damaged engine, or 2) give up the front spot to attempt repair and start shotgun on the field.

Coyle also plots 180 but the dice are kinder to him. He clears the corner on the inner line for two wear.

Since Blizzard is now locked at 160, Coyle can safely do 160 and finish P5, with Blizzard P6.

This break comes at a good time since the U.S. holiday is Monday. Monday's "deadline" will be only for interval activity. The field will be inverted for the start of lap two. This means, before any activity, the start order will be; Blizzard, Coyle, Simmerman, Swaine, Mossman, Ales. I already have two drivers that have sent in there activity (or lack thereof). Everyone except Blizzard only need to concern themselves with moving build points. Remember, if you do, that moves you to the rear of the field, behind anyone that does nothing. Blizzard may attempt engine repair (on a 1d roll of 5 or less). If he does he will start last regardless of success or any other activity.

Activity deadline: Monday, May 27 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC

Note: the below graphic of Sao Paolo is BEFORE any activity
RROC turn 13.png
lap 2 setup.png
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Post 28 May 2019, 3:50 am

First interval summary:
Simmerman climbs out of his car. Possibly a mechanical failure, but he is done for the race.

Blizzard's engine man takes a quick look and decides it should hold, at least for another lap. His crew chief opts to hold on to the lead at the restart rather than take the time to fix it.

Ales moves one point from start speed to wear.

Mossman moves one point from start speed to deceleration.

Next deadline: turn 14 due Wednesday, May 29 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
lap 2 setup.png