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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

Post 15 Jul 2019, 1:58 pm

First, let me thank all drivers that participated.

The only major rule change this year was starting laps 2 & 3 at 40mph and then using acceleration. I think that worked well. The intention was to make start speed no more valuable that it is in a normal race. For that I think it succeed well.

This certainly was an unusual race as there were only 3 cars running at the end. Part of the idea of many of the rules is to foster aggressive racing. In that I think it did well as far as was available to the decreasing field. Bllizzard, in spite of his bad dice luck, certainly embodied that.

Again, thanks. And if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve this annual competition, please let me know by email.

Gentlemen, good luck in the future. And I hope to see you back in RROC soon!
Rally Racer (Pro III)
Posts: 2
Joined: 19 Jan 2016, 12:19 am

Post 15 Jul 2019, 8:39 pm

First, thanks for Jim for running the event, it was very well moderated and the chart layout was great.
And let me thank all my fellow drivers for a race well run, as much as I tried, I couldn't break through to be on the podium.
I was honoured to race with the champions and can't believe I got a certificate. I'll definitely need to show it to my grand kids.
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Rally Racer (Pro III)
Posts: 10
Joined: 25 Apr 2017, 6:01 pm

Post 15 Jul 2019, 11:20 pm

I'd also like to say thank you. It's a tough job adjudicating, and I'd like to say that it is really appreciated.

For RROC, I was invited after some folks had declined, so it was a privilege to race against such a great roster of racers.

I felt that in the first lap, it was best that you did well, but not TOO well. That way you could get some points, and also get a good position for the 2nd lap (since this is reverse order of finish). I actually tried my best to do as good as I could, but only just managed 3rd - which was actually a pretty good place to finish.

The 2nd lap was an all-out effort, because total points determines where you land on the 3rd lap in terms of pole. I had to push, and part of that was the top speed/accel roll on the straight. I know Blizzard was fighting too, but he unfortunately spun in the corner after that straight. It was clear sailing from there, and I was able to preserve my -3 chip for the 3rd lap. For sure I would have used it on lap two if I had needed it to win 1st place.

The 3rd lap was the toughest. It was really tough to catch Ales after he cleared that 60/80 line corner. To catch up, I pretty much had to burn all possible resources, and take chances. Oddly enough, my chance roll succeeded, while my two other rolls (TS at the last straight and Accel at the start of the race) failed. But that's life when you risk rolling the dice.

No regrets though. I could have coasted to a solid 2nd, but I DID figure out a way to possibly win after the last straight because of the wear differential with Ales. Unfortunately, it meant I had to push top speed twice in a row to catch up. Then preserve a wear after the chicane so that I could go one space further into the corner past the start line than he could. Lots of ways this wouldn't happen though... but it was possible. So I made those pushes.

Overall, this is an interesting format. I have some ideas I'd like to try out next time if I get lucky enough to receive another invitation.

Congratulations to Ales on a well deserved 1st place, and a big thank you to all my excellent competitors for making it a challenging and exciting race.