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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 22 Jul 2019, 5:10 am

The position battles heat up right as we have to slow for the WBC's (awwwww...)!

Turn 37 Summary

Benham keeps the stress off his engine at 120. Fritz, at 140, puts pressure on the leader as he pulls up alongside the leader.

Hoyt finishes out the corner at 120 via the 120's.

Bernhardt stays the course at 100 and drops his last wear in the 80's to hit the exit row. Harrington continues at 120, using his big chip in the 100's (modified 4).

Scarpino gets initiative at 120. He runs the inner rail for 2 wear before having to bump out to the 120's at the 2nd transition point. Bauska conserves his last wear at 100 in T10.

Weisen enters the horseshoe at 100 for free.

Turn 38 Deadline: Monday, July 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
I will trigger if all plots in and time permits.
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Post 30 Jul 2019, 10:43 am

Thanks for your patience as you wait for my WBC recovery (quick synopsis below).

As for the race, Benham plays it safe and it pays off. He should have an easy ride to take the race.

Turn 38 Summary

Fritz gets the initiative at 120. He then moves one space and late brakes (naked 11). The failed roll damages the brakes and requires one wear. With no wear to contribute, the car spins! Benham skirts the spun vehicle at 100 and goes 'round the outside for free with a clear track for first.

Hoyt, at 100, pulls to the inside of the swirling car and looks to move up to 2nd place. Bernhardt keeps the pace at 100, not wishing to bust the engine. He sits on the line.

Scarpino rolls through the T13 120's (no line needed) to grab a spot from the #43. Harrington, also at 120, has to burn off speed in T13 with the track bottled up.

Bauska finishes out the horseshoe at 100 and grabs the T13 line. Weisen also comes out of the banked corner at 100.

Turn 39 Deadline: Friday, August 2nd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Due to the long layover, I don't want to push too hard now. However, if all plots are in I should have plenty of chances to adjudicate early.

WBC short recap: I made the final table with 1st place finishes in 2 of 3 heats. The usual suspects were at the finals, including five previous champions. Bruce Rae (racing in C2 here) knocked down his third WBC title. That is very hard to do in a race with 12 top drivers collected on a single track. I had a chance to be in the conversation until I blew out my brakes with several corners to go. Ah well - back at it next year!

Chris long will have a more complete summary of the tournament in a few months that will be posted at the WBC site.
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Post 30 Jul 2019, 12:18 pm

Through sector 2 Benham is fastest and Bernhardt slowest; neither a surprise.
Buddh C4 summary.png
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Post 01 Aug 2019, 9:53 am

The podium looks to be set but will the back markers roll some dice to improve their positions?

Turn 39 Summary

Benham goes 100 and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, we know how this goes. Same deal with Hoyt - 100 outside, a lock for second.

Fritz, recovering from his spin at 40, blocks the line to create havoc if he can.

Scarpino gets initiative at 120 and skirts the outer rail for his last tire. I see no scenario where he doesn't nab the final podium spot. With a blocked line, Bernhardt burns off some of his 100 speed on the outer rail.

Harrington, obviously hoping for some other outcome, plots 120. He can't use all that speed so per house defaults, late brakes before the corner. No wear left, so dice it is w/ his last skill (modified 7). He's down to 100 and takes the line for free.

Bauska rolls up to T15 at 100 on the line. Weisen, at 120, takes inside position on the orange machine. With the only tires left on the track, will these two make some noise?

Turn 40 Deadline: Monday, August 5th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 05 Aug 2019, 6:26 am

The checkered flag has come out...

Turn 40 Summary

Benham limps across the line at 120 for the victory!

Hoyt rounds the T16 line for free. Scarpino takes the same route at 100 and has the exit row. Fritz comes in behind the #2 at 80 on the line.

Harrington, at 100, settles for the outer rail in T16. Bernhardt slows to 80 as he addresses T16 on the line.

Bauska takes his second RM plot at 100 (with initiative). He takes the line for free then has to pay a 2 wear penalty for the NPR. With insufficient wear to pay, he spins at the end of his plot. Weisen takes the inside of the corner for 80 and grabs the line.

Turn 41 Deadline: Wednesday, August 7th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 07 Aug 2019, 6:49 am

Dice rolls come out high today. One car makes it, another doesn't.

Turn 41 Summary

Hoyt leaves some horses behind and crosses at 120 for 2nd (assuming Scarpino doesn't push). Well, Scarpino doesn't push and crosses the line at 160 for 3rd.

Fritz finishes out the corner at 100 on the line. Harrington goes to the dice cup as he drops to 80 (naked 9) to complete the corner.

Bernhardt pushes his beleaguered engine to 100 w/ 1s but it won't respond (modified 10). The engine fails and he is out of the race, in sight of the finish line.

Bauska comes out of his spin at 60 and traverses the corner on the inside. Weisen scrapes off his last tire at 120 through the line.

Turn 42 Deadline: Friday, August 9th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 08 Aug 2019, 9:37 pm

The rest of the cars make it home safely. Pack 'em up (or gather the pieces) and head to Russia!

Turn 41 Summary

Fritz knocks down 4th place at 140. Weisen locks in 5th @ 160.

Harrington crosses the line at 140 but may regret not pushing his engine. Bauska punches the engine to 140 with a push on the accel (naked 4). With the slip from the M&M's car, he gets in front of the #32 to grab 6th place.
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Post 20 Aug 2019, 1:56 pm

The final numbers.
Buddh C4 summary.png
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Post 01 Sep 2019, 7:24 am

The final full field finish and points. Congratulations to Mike for leading the 48 car field.
Race 1 full field.png
Full Field Points.png