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Post 20 Jul 2019, 8:57 pm

Turn 37 is due Monday at 8pm Eastern.

Kal rolls through the kink and pulls up to the line of Turn 8 at 140, closing on the finish to the flag to flag win.

Stephen keeps right on his heels as he rolls through the kink as well at 140 and pulls inside down the straight.

Marshall continues his pace at 80 as he clears the corner.

Brad weaves his way outside then inside as he pulls to the corner's lip at 100.

Jack continues at 100 and cuts inside as the corner closes, pulling in behind Brad but short of the end of the corner.

David powers into the corner at 120 running inside then outside, burning his last wear.

Tony eeks his way into the corner at 80 (No slip asked for, no slip given)

Bruce slows to 100 and attempt to run inside, but with Tony sitting at the first trasition, he is force to run wide, pulling outside of Tony.

Tim powers through Turns 4 and 5 using the lines at the cost of 1 Wear.

Chris pulls past Guiseppe and follow Tim through the lines at 140 as well for the afromentioned cost. (No Slip asked for, No slip given)

Guiseppe runs 120, using a slip to pull himself up through 5, unfortunently with Chris blocking the line he has to run outside. (Being you asked for the slip, I gave it to ya over no slip in this case. Though I will check with GMs if default would of been to not take it)
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Post 23 Jul 2019, 7:52 pm

Turn 38 is due Thursday at 8pm Eastern

Kal rolls through Turn 8 at 100 on the line, before picking up the line for Turn 9

Stephen follows Kal through Turn 8 at 100, before pulling inside.

Marshall rolls down from the Hairpin and through the kink at 140, ending on the line for turn 8.

Brad follows Marshall down to the corner and pulls up behind leading into Turn 8

Jack completes the Hairpin at 100, and tucks inside in the Kink.

David attempt to blast out of the Hairpin at 140 and into the line for the Kink, but with Jack sitting there, he has to run outside, ending up a hair behind Jack in the corner.

Tony Wheels his car through the inside of the hairpin at 100, power sliding through the corner with ease, before tucking inside on the straight. (Chance 3-2=1, Success)

Bruce eases his way inside, outside and then Inside through the hairpin at 100 as he works his way trhough.

Tim plows into the hairpin at 120, running inside and burning his remaining 2 wear and he tucks in behind Bruce.

Guiseppe and Chris ease into the hairpin around the inside at 100.
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Post 25 Jul 2019, 8:50 pm

The Front group of Kal, Stepehen, Marshal, Brad and Jack all work their way through Turn 8 and 9 at 100, keeping to the lines. (Brad: I think you wanted the Racing line so I dropped your slip to maintain line and such)

David pulls up to the line for Turn 8 at 100 and is met to the inside by Tony who rolled through the line of the Kink at 140.

Behind them, the crowd cheers as Bruce and Tim clear the hairpin. Both drivers maintain their speeds of 100 and 140 as they close on the Kink as Tim charges ahead and makes a dive for the line. As they hit the corner, Tim makes a powerful slide to cut inward and is able to make it stick as he rolls past Bruce and out of the corner, where Bruce sits on the line. (Chance 6-2=4, Success. Force Pass 10-2=8, Success)

Chris and Guiseppe navigate through the Hairpin at 100.
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Post 27 Jul 2019, 8:23 pm

Turn 40 is due Monday at 8pm Eastern. I expect last turn will be Wendesday at the lastest. Will see.

Kal races through the finish at 140, and takes the checkered flag for the flag to flag to win!

Stephen attempt to close on him in the closing moments as he pushes one 160. Unfortunently as he closes on the line, he hears a pop and his engine snaps to the rev limiter, leaving him only to make the finish at 140, 2 car lengths behind at 140(Acc 7, Success, Top, 12, FAIL -20 Top)

Marshall slows to 80 and lays up on the line in attempt to hold up Brad on the final stretch.

Brad having pulled to the corner at 100 and slams on the breaks. Luckily they answer, and he rolls through the middle line at 80 and sticks in behind Marshall. (9, Sucess. Rolled die of less risk in this situation. Though I may check if default is to be inside)

Jack rolls through Turn 8 on the line at 100 and tucks himself into Turn 9 on the line.

Tony out dashes David through the inside lane for his remaining wear, and blazes his way into the fast outside lane of Turn 9.

David follows Tony through the corner on the line at 100 before pulling onto the line for Turn 9.

Tim and Bruce ease it through Turn 8's line at 100.

Chris rolls out of the hairpin at 140 and through the kink before landing on the line for Turn 8.

Guiseppe maintains his speed as he clears the hairpin and tucks into the Kink.
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Post 28 Jul 2019, 5:47 am

Peeples in the front and Burnett in the back both made big moves through sector 2
Buddh C3 summary.png
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Post 29 Jul 2019, 7:05 pm

Turn 41 is due Wendesday at 8pm Eastern. As I'm looking at it, that should wrap up any positions in contention and thus be the final turn for Buddh.

Marshall tries to push 160 as a way to blaze accross the line. Unfortunently his engine chokes(10, Fail -20 Acc as he is only able to glide accross at 140). Brad attempts to use a slip to close at 140, but Marshall has enough momentum and beats him to the line by half a car length, securing the final spot on the podium and Brad finishes 4th.

Jack exits the corner at 100, and sets to the inside, the line within reach.

Tony slows to 80 as he clears the line and tucks inside on the final stretch.

David in looking for a counter play that never comes slows to 80 as well and tucks to Tony's outside, setting up for a final drag race to the finish for 6th.

Bruce accelerates to 120 as he clears Turn 8, and rolls wide into turn 9 (The line is 100, not 120, so I took the safe move. Puts you in a pretty good position for the spot anyway)

Chris and Guiseppe navigate through Turn 8 at 100 on the line.
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Post 31 Jul 2019, 5:55 pm

So it seems I was wrong. There is a place still under contention, so we shall have 1 more turn! So as to get it done asap, I will simply ask the remaining drivers (Chris, Bruce, Guiseppe) to please submit asap and I will run the turn asap. In any case the turn will have a hard deadline of 8pm on Friday.

Jack Crosses the line at 140 and finishes in 5th.

David attempts to out drag race Tony to the line at 160. Unfortunently his engine has other ideas as with a crunch, something breaks and he is only able to go 140(10, FAIL, -20 Acc), causing Tony to beat him for 6th by a nose, with David finishing 7th

Tim crosses the line just behind the pair at 160 for 8th

Bruce slows to 80 and safely clears Turn 9.

Chris wheels it through the line of Turn 9 at 120 and pulls to his outside, leading to a final mad dash to the finish.

Guiseppe rolls to 120 and skims around the outside of Turn 9.
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Post 02 Aug 2019, 10:22 pm

Brad pushes his engine as hard as he can as he presses it to 140(7, Success), but unfortunately it is not enough, as Chris uses the momentum coming out of turn 9 to accelerate to 160 and edge Bruce across the line for 9th. Bruce for his consolation scores 1 point as he finishes in 10th.

A few moments after the two cross the line, Guiseppe take the flag in 11th, completing the race.

With that, I want to thank everyone for an excellent and intriguing race (so many odd circumstance instances) and congrats to Kal for the flag to flag win.

As noted the next race will be Sochi. Track news and build deadlines should be coming soon,

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Post 03 Aug 2019, 3:42 am

Peeples trimmed Miller's lead by a second on the last lap. The final numbers.
Buddh C3 summary.png
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Post 01 Sep 2019, 7:24 am

The final full field finish and points. Congratulations to Mike for leading the 48 car field.
Race 1 full field.png
Full Field Points.png