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Post 09 Aug 2019, 1:56 pm

Dave L. hits the next corner at 140 on the line for free.

Tim M. pushes his car (test ACC, 7 = OK) to get to 160 and gain one space on Dave.

Jeff is slightly ahead of the other cars heading into the turn and so gets the jump, moving 80 on the 40 for his last 2w.

Jim moves next 100, taking the outside 60s for 2w and blocking the line.

Mario is forced to the outside for 2w at 100 as well but dives inside Jim for 4th.

Don move forward at 100 then late brakes (1 sk = 6 OK) and takes the inside 40 at 70 for 2w, sliding outside of Mario and inside of Jim for 5th.

John takes the line at 60 for free.

Claudio is forced to the outside at 100 on the 60s for his last 2w.

Dave is also forced outside, but determined to clear the corner, burns his last wear and takes a Chance at 100 over the 60s (4 = OK). The car sticks and he pulls behind Claudio.

Will grabs the line at 100.

Tim B. lines up for the corner at 80.

Next plot due Monday, 12 Aug @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 09 Aug 2019, 2:34 pm

Minor correction - Don has only 4w, not 6 - I forgot to deduct. It will be corrected for next plot. No change to deadline.
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Post 12 Aug 2019, 2:55 pm

Dave L. takes the next corner on the line at 120 for free.

Tim M. takes both corners at 120 for free (on the line on the second corner).

Jeff runs up to the corner at 120.

Apparently, everyone thought he was going to do 140 on the line for free - but he would have had to roll dice for that, and he apparently wasn’t interested in that plan. So many cars will be locking them up shortly.

Don gets the jump at 160 and late brakes to 140 (1 sk = 8 OK) to grab the line outside of Jeff and 4th place.

Jim also plotted 160, but did not plot a force pass…and so he has to late brake by 40, using 1 wear and (as he asked to LB with dice if necessary) rolls the dice (7 = OK) bringing him down to 120.

Mario plotted 140, but there’s still no room at the inn - and with no wear left, he’s forced to roll the dice (4 = OK) to get down to 120.

John gets the jump on Claudio by testing his Acc (1 sk = 3 OK) and plotting 160 but then is forced to burn his last wear as there’s nowhere to go and so is now at 140.

Claudio also plotted 160 and with no wear to spend rolls the dice (4 = OK) to get down to 140.

Dave B. is the winner here, as he plotted 140 (testing Acc, 9 = OK) and with the slip pulls outside of Claudio.

Will take the line at 60 for free.

Tim B. grabs the line at 60.

Next plot due Wednesday, 14 Aug @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 1 Turn 34.png
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Post 14 Aug 2019, 5:41 pm

Dave L. takes the 100s at 100 for free.

Tim M. follows on the 100s at 100 for free.

Don guns it at 140 to take 3rd, spending 1w on the second corner.

Jeff tucks in behind Don at 120 for free.

Jim runs the 120 and the 120 line + a slip to pull alongside Jeff for 0w.

Mario takes the slip and goes the long way through the 120s at 120 for 0w to end up behind Jim.

John takes the 120 and then the 120 line + a slip at 120 for free.

Claudio grabs the slip and then takes the 140s to use it, ending up on the line for free at 120.

Dave B. is forced to the outside just behind Claudio at 120 for free.

Will tests his ACC (9 OK) to get to 120.

Tim B. takes the corner at 60 on the line for free.

Next plot due Friday @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 17 Aug 2019, 5:19 am

Dave L. and Tim M. both finish the corner at 100, staying in the same relative positions.

Don mashes the gas at 140 through the 100s for 2w and is now in Tim's rear wing.

Jim gets the jump on Jeff and runs the 120/100 combo for 1w, taking over 4th.

Jeff follows at 100 on the 120s for free.

Mario takes the inside 100s at 100 for free and pulls inside Jeff for 5th.

John is forced to the outside at 100 for free.

Claudio takes the inside 100s at 100 for free.

Dave speeds up to 140, but has nowhere to go and no where for the corner in any case, so he late brakes with his last skill - and the brakes don’t hold (1sk, 11, Fail). He spins before entering the corner.

Will takes the two corners in front of him at 120 for free.

Tim B. slams the go pedal to get to 140 (+80,10, Fail) and is met with a *thunk* from the motor. He gets to 120.

Apparently the dice don’t like to work weekends.

Next plot due Monday, 20 Aug @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 1 Turn 36.png
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Post 19 Aug 2019, 1:24 pm

Dave L. takes the 120 and then the line into the next corner at 120 for free.

Tim M. takes the line at 140 for free and closes the gap to Dave.

Don also does 140 for free and pulls up behind Tim.

Jim completes the corner at 120.

Mario contines on at 100, which forces Jeff to stay outside, also at 100.

John is able to switch to the inside at 100 and pull up behind Mario.

Claudio is forced to stay outside at 100.

Dave B. spins his car back in the right direction and moves off at 20.

Will goes wide to avoid Dave and passes him on the 120s at 120 for free, taking over 9th.

Tim B. runs at 120 on the inside and then on the line for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 21 Aug @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 1 Turn 37.png
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Post 20 Aug 2019, 2:02 pm

The sector 1 numbers with yours truly dominating the speeds.
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Post 21 Aug 2019, 4:22 pm

Dave L. takes the first line at 100 and grabs the second for free.

Tim M. does the same.

Don takes the line at 120 for 1w and dives to the inside to take 2nd place.

Jim runs over the 120 at 120 fro free.

Mario runs the line at 140 for free.

Jeff runs over the 120 at 120 for free.

John finishes the corner at 100 and ends on the 120 space in the next corner.

Claudio is forced outside and slightly behind John at 120 for free.

Will slows to 100 on the 100s for free.

Dave pushes his weakend Acc to +40 (9, OK) and pulls behind Will.

Tim B. enters the corner at 120 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 23 Aug @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 1 Turn 38.png
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Post 23 Aug 2019, 5:56 pm

Dave L. takes the line at 100 for free.

Don on t he inside gets the jump on Tim M. as they both do 100. Don runs to the corner then mashes the brakes - and the pedal goes soft (test brakes, 2 sk = 10 FAIL, Spin). He spins the car to avoid the corner, and Tim zips by on the line at 100 for free, regaining 2nd place. Don does have a 60 start speed for next turn.

Jim takes the line at 100 for free and grabs the second one, as does Mario.

Jeff and John take the first line at 100 for free.

Claudio grabs the start of the first line at 100.

Will completes the corner at 100 and takes the inside of the kink for free.

Dave pushes his motor yet again (test acc = 8 OK) and get up to 100 for free.

Tim slows to 100 on the 100s for free.

Next plot due Monday, 26 Aug @ 5 PM ET (US).

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Post 24 Aug 2019, 7:49 am

Tatum made up a lot of ground through sector 2.
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Post 24 Aug 2019, 2:45 pm

Minor correction - Dave B. should be one space further, on the racing line. behind Will.

No change to deadline - Monday @ 5 PM ET (US)
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Post 24 Aug 2019, 5:41 pm

All plots in early!

Dave L. slams down the gas testing his Acc and Top to reach 160 and cement the win. The car surges forward (test Acc = 9 OK) but as it gets up to speed, *clunk* comes from the engine compartment and the car only reaches 140 (test Top = 11 FAIL). This leaves the door open if Tim M. can get to 180…

Tim M. also mashes the go-pedal, testing Acc (8 OK) and the car winds up to 180 - and holds (7 OK) allowing the Tyrrell to sweep past the stricken Lotus for the win! Dave L. takes home 2nd.

Jim burns his last wear on the line at 120 and takes over 3rd place.

Don spins back the right way and takes the inside out to block the line at 60.

Mario, his line blocked, decides to late brake (5 OK) to 80 from 100 and drive to the inside, getting an extra space courtesy of a slip from Jim.

Jeff, John, and Claudio continue their 100 train.

Will and Dave B. also run at 100 through/on to the previous line.

Tim B. hits the kink at 100 for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 28 Aug @ 5 PM ET (US).

Also, I have sent out the call for builds for the next race; if you didn’t get it, you can see it on the Redscape web site.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 1 Turn 40.png
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Post 28 Aug 2019, 6:30 pm

Jim crosses the line at 140 for P3.

Don lights the rocket and tests his Acc (1 sk = 6 OK) to go +100 to 160 and cross in P4.

Mario also tests his Acc (7 = OK) to get to 140 and cross in P5.

Jeff speeds up to 140 and crosses the line in P6.

John finishes the corner at 100.

Claudio takes the corner at 100 for free on the line.

Will takes the corner on the line at 100 for free.

Dave B. stays on his tail, taking the previous corner at 100 on the line for free.

Tom B. takes the previous line at 100 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 30 Aug @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 1 Turn 41.png
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Post 30 Aug 2019, 7:16 pm

John drives across the line at 140 for P7.

Claudio slams down the go-pedal and pushes his engine to 180 (3, OK), roars up outside of John, then slams on the brakes (6, OK) to avoid crashing in the corner, grabbing P8.

Will finishes the corner at 100; Dave B. follows at 100.

Tim B hits the corner at 100 on the line.

Next plot due Monday, 2 September @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 1 Turn 42.png
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Post 01 Sep 2019, 4:47 am

No one does anything crazy, so Will crosses the line in P9 at 140 and Dave B. in P10 at 120

Tim B. will cross the line next turn; this turn he completes the corner at 100 for free.

Thanks all for an interesting race, and remember to get your builds in by 9 September @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 1 Turn 43.png