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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 31 Jan 2019, 8:32 pm

Three more cars come in while the back markers fight for position.

Turn 40 Summary

Rando attempts a push to 180, needing both Accel (bal +2; eng +2: 12 = pass) and Top (bal +2; eng +1: 6 = fail). He doesn't quite get there but locks in 2nd place anyway.

Beckman rolls across the finish line to round out the podium at 140. Tatum tries a push to 160 (bal -3; eng +3: 7 = minor fail) but mis-shifts. Now at 140, he gets the slip and ends up in the same place for fourth.

Long runs the Antalya 80's for free at 80 and blocks the line. Swaine, also at 80, can't use the line so detours into the 80's.

Welage gets initiative at 80. He grabs the dice cup and careens into the 60's on bald tires (bal +1: 11 = pass). The chance roll succeeds and he finds himself with inside position in a three-wide.

Rae recovers from his spin at 60 and takes the Antalya line. Kennard, at 80, finishes out Konya then dumps a wear in the Antalya 60. He clears the corner.

Brandt plots 120 hoping that some combination of wear and dice will get him through both corners. All doors are closed so he must late brake to 100 after burning off 2 wear in the Konya 80's. The dice are not friendly (bal -4; brk 0: 4 = fail). His brakes give up the ghost, putting him into the kitty litter.

Incorpora goes to the dice to slow to 100 (bal -3; brk +2: 7 = minor fail). That cost him a wear but no brake damage. He runs the outer rail in Konya for a wear, avoiding the line which would have put him into Antalya on bald tires.

Turn 41 Deadline: Monday, February 4th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT) or whenever you get your plots in.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 01 Feb 2019, 7:57 am

Race over!

The cars stay in order as almost all of them push their engines and almost all of them mis-shift or break some shit.

Please post your EOG (end of game) comments regards both the race in general and/or the balance rules in the discussion thread:

Thanks for racing and a special thank you for your donations to Redscape. If you forgot to make your $5 donation please do so via Paypal: (I did not verify donations so this may not apply to any of you).

Turn 41 Summary

Welage pushes to 160 (bal 0; eng +1: 8 = pass) and takes 5th place.

Long pushes to 160 (bal -3; eng +4: 3 = fail), drops back to 140 with engine damage and has 6th place.

Swaine pushes to 140 (bal +2; eng -1: 7 = minor fail) but mis-shifts to 120. He still hangs onto 7th regardless.

Rae pushes to 140 (bal -5; eng +4: 3 = fail) but the dice gods say no. With the bonus, he grabs 8th.

Kennard pushes to 140 (bal +2; eng -2: 7 = minor fail) but with the mis-shift has to settle for 9th.

Incorpora takes the scenic route around Antalya at 80 and will roll in next turn for 10th.

Mater makes his final appearance to drag the yellow machine back to the paddock.