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Post 11 Jan 2019, 4:28 pm

And we're off! Not surprisingly 9 drivers rolled dice. (For you statistic fanatics, of the 9 rolls 5 modified to 4; three 3s rolls of 7 and two 2s rolls of 6) A few big, and one bold, moves.

(Note: I won't muddle the summary with all the dice rolls. They are shown under the data boxes)
Turn 1 summary:
Ales and Mossman both push to 120. Ales' pole position give him the advantage into the Senna corner. He chooses the middle lane, dropping two wear. Mossman wanted the same but with Ales there he chooses to drop to the inside for two wear and a 3s chance roll that succeeds! Kellison and Incorpora both push to 80 and enter the corner side-by-side.

Bauska gets the initiative with a 120 push. He outskirts the black and silver cars and heads for the inside, shedding one wear and moving up 3 positions. Kennington keeps with his car's 100 start speed and makes things 3-wide at the beginning of the corner. Orlandi does a safe 60 and keeps inside. Brown looks for an astronomical start from his engine but relativity causes a two skill failure and he has to settle for 20 off his start speed.

Brandt passes his roll to 40 and ducks in behind Brown. Collins does 20, grabbing the wing of the brown machine. Miller gets 120 out his engine and picks up 4 positions on the start. Blizzard does a safe 60 moving up one spot.

Next deadline: turn 2 due Monday, January 14 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 1.png
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Post 14 Jan 2019, 3:47 pm

An early two car break as the rest of the pack negotiates Virage Senna.

Turn 2 summary:
Mossman holds 120 through the 100s of both corners 3 & 4, dropping one wear in each. Ales follows in his tire tracks, shedding one wear in the corner 3 100. Bauska slows to 100 and keeps in the middle lane through the 80s, wear already paid. Kellison uses the inside advantage to run down to the inside of the corner, using two wear through the 60 and pulling even with the yellow car.

Incorpora planned the same move but now has to keep through the 80s for one wear. Kennington, likewise, wanted to drop inside but instead he duplicates Incorpora's run finishing beside him. Miller slows to 100 running into the 60 and losing two wear with the move. Orlandi plots 120 and takes the middle lane surrendering two wear in the 80s.

Brown does a cautious 80mph but gets a slip from Orlandi. He keeps to the inside. Blizzard's 120 move puts him alongside Brown in return for one wear in the 100 space. Brandt uses all his acceleration to get to 100 and starts the virage on the inside. Collins uses a two skill roll (modified 5) to get to 80 but he loses a car length to Brandt.

Next deadline: turn 3 due Wednesday, January 16 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 2.png
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Post 16 Jan 2019, 4:14 pm

The field files down to the two wide section without incident.

Turn 3 summary:
Mossman scrubs off one wear in the Pont de Concorde 80s. Ales looks for the racing line but has to burn off speed in the 80s, also dropping one wear. Kellison gets the initiative with a 120 plot and covers both corners in the 120s for free. Bauska follows on with a 100 move through both corner 100s and grabs the line in front of the silver car.

Incorpora shoots corner 3 in the 120s at speed then drops one wear in the corner 4 100. Kennington does 100 through corner 3 at speed but has to move to the outside in corner 4. Miller comes off Senna at 120 taking the corner 3 120s and finishing behind Incorpora. Orlandi maintains 120 through the Senna 80s, wear already paid, and grabs the wing of the orange machine.

Blizzard holds at 120 bumping his penalty by one wear and finishing in corner 3. Brown slows to 80 and moves to the middle lane for free finishing inside. Brandt follows Brown through Senna at 100 leaving one wear behind and pulling even with him. Collins accelerates slightly to 100 and stays outside in the virage.

Next deadline: turn 4 due Friday, January 18 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 3.png
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Post 18 Jan 2019, 4:30 pm

Pont du Concorde gets stacked up but so far no one has suffered any damage because of it.

Turn 4 summary:
Mossman covers the short straight at 140 and starts the line into corner 8. Ales is able to accelerate to 120 (wear already paid) but loses a car length to the leader. Bauska slows to 80 and takes the Concorde 80s blocking the line and the corner exit. Incorpora, at 100, is forced into the 80s and then outside in the second half of the corner spending one wear.

Kellison slows to 80 and has to stay in the 80s. Kennington plots 100 but there's no room to complete that move, so he late brakes to 80 (one wear) and grabs the racing line. Miller does 100 using the outside of corner 4 to bleed off speed, finishing in the first 80 shedding one wear. Orlandi also uses the corner 4 120s to complete his 100mph move, starting the racing line behind Kennington.

Blizzard plots 120 and uses the corner 4 120s for free, grabbing the line behind the light green car. Brown's inside position gives him the next move as he does 120 through both 100s dropping one wear in each. Brandt also does 120 but he takes the corner 3 120s for free then scrubs off one wear in the corner 4 100. Collins finishes Senna in the 100s at speed and drops inside in corner 3.

Next deadline: turn 5 due Monday, January 21 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 4.png
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Post 21 Jan 2019, 4:04 pm

Engine damage on the 3rd place car. One position changes hands.

Turn 5 summary:
Mossman flies through the corner 8 racing line at 140 scrubbing off two wear. Ales follows with the same move. Bauska attempts a 140 move but his acceleration roll (naked 11) shakes something loose in the engine. Incorpora finishes the 100s at speed and leads the mid-pack out of the corner.

Kennington's inside position let's him hold on to P5 as he runs the 100s at speed. Kellison does likewise and stays even with the dark blue machine. Miller maintains 100 shifting to the 100s to have room to finish. Orlandi anticipates the back-up and plots 80 through the racing line for free.

Blizzard follows Orlandi through the line at 80. Brown gets the initiative with a 120 plot shedding two wear in the 80s and finishing inside of Blizzard, picking up P9. Brandt plots 100 but there's no room to take the line. He drops one wear in the 80s but clears the corner. Collins continues to bide his time with a 120 move through the corner 4 120s and starts the Concorde racing line.

Next deadline: turn 6 due Wednesday, January 23 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 5.png
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Post 21 Jan 2019, 4:34 pm

Miller punches through the pack in sector 1 of lap 1.
Montreal C2 summary.png
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Post 23 Jan 2019, 4:22 pm

As the field snakes through corner 8 with no problems, stunned silence on yellow car's the radio as the crew chief is asking Brad if there is an issue. After 30 seconds of nothing, the radio crackles...

"Boys, it just ain't our year..."

Turn 6 summary:
Mossman approaches Epingle on the outer line at 140. Ales also maxes his car at 140 and starts the inner line. Bauska runs the corner 8 racing line at 140 shedding two wear. Incorpora also takes the line but at 120, scrubbing off one wear.

Kennington gets the initiative on Kellison with a 120 plot, clearing the corner on the line at a cost of one wear. Kellison slows to 100 and follows the dark blue car into the corner on the line. Miller's 120 move puts him into the 100s. He drops one wear and picks up a slip from Kennington. Orlandi grabs the line behind Kellison at 100.

Blizzard gets the jump on Brown at 120 and ducks inside Orlandi to pick up P8 but sacrifices the racing line. Brown does 100 at starts the racing line. Brandt does a cautious 100 keeping one car length behind Brown. Collins finally works his tires doing 100 across the Concorde racing line leaving one wear behind.

Next deadline: turn 7 due Friday, January 25 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 6.png
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Post 25 Jan 2019, 4:13 pm

The chase pack forms up as they approach Epingle.

Turn 7 summary:
Mossman sheds two wear around Epingle's outside racing line at 120. Ales also is two wear lighter after running the inner racing line at 100. Bauska starts the outer line at 140. Incorpora covers most of the straightaway at 160.

Kennington also runs 160 and takes a slip from the black car to pull even. Miller maintains his 120 speed adding one wear to his penalty but moving up to P6. Kellison finishes the racing line at 100 and drops down behind Miller. Orlandi makes a big move, picking up two positions by scrubbing off two wear in the corner 8 racing line at 140.

Blizzard also leaves two wear in corner 8 through the 80s at 120, positioning himself behind Orlandi. Brown gets a slip and only spends one wear on the line finishing a 3-wide. Brandt also makes a conservative one-wear transit of the racing line and finishes two lengths behind the pack. Collins drops one wear on the racing line to clear the corner.

Next deadline: turn 8 due Monday, January 28 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 7.png
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Post 28 Jan 2019, 3:58 pm

With seven cars flying into Epingle next turn a spin this turn is going to make it very interesting!

Turn 8 summary:
Mossman and Ales both get situated down Droit du Casino at 140 with Ales keeping the pressure on the leader. Bauska squeals two wear off his tires around the outer racing line at 120. Kennington gets the initiative with a 140 plot then late brakes into the corner (naked 4) shedding two wear on the outer line.

With the outer line occupied Incorpora chooses to remain at 120 and uses his big skill chip on the chance table. With a 35/36 chance of success he gets the only roll that will defeat him; boxcars send him spinning at the entrance to Epingle. Miller hits the corner approach at 140 only to find himself staring at the skirt of the black machine. Orlandi, also at 140, swings to the outside of Miller and is reasonably sure he can dodge the wing of the spinning car. Brown comes out of the 3-wide with a 160 plot and then scrapes one wear of his tires to get down to 140 and follow Orlandi on the outside.

Kellison's inside advantage lets him complete his 140 move on the inner racing line; he can see the tire smoke and knows it can only mean trouble. Blizzard takes a 140 and a slip and finds only the inside lane available. The good news is he picks up three positions with the move. Brandt runs onto the inner line behind Kellison at 160, but he still has options for the corner. Collins maxes his engine at 160 and now must also worry about how he's going to handle the tight upcoming corner.

[RM Note: Due to the configuration of Epingle, Blizzard, Miller and Orlandi are all committed to their lanes. None of them can change lanes on turn 9. However the four cars behind them can.]

Next deadline: turn 9 due Wednesday, January 30 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 8.png
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Post 30 Jan 2019, 3:40 pm

Two car lengths separate 5th and 11th! Everyone safely negotiates Incorpora's spin but a lot of rubber gets laid down.

Turn 9 summary:
Mossman keeps the hamster wheel turning at maximum down Casino. Ales' rodents are also on the clock, keeping the leader in sight. Bauska risks over-acceleration with his damaged engine and succeeds (two skill, modified 6). Kennington jumps out of the corner at 160.

Incorpora gets restarted at 40 in the middle lane and the fun begins. Blizzard is unaffected by the spin. He uses his relatively big brakes to get down to 80 and scrubs off two wear around the inside 40s. Miller rises slightly out of the cockpit and he almost literally stands on his brakes to get down to 80. Without the line available he sheds two wear in the middle lane and uses two skill to force his way past the black race car (modified 4). Orlandi also is unaffected by the spin taking the outside line at 120 leaving two wear behind.

Kellison plots 100 to get the advantage then late brakes to 80 with one one wear. He dives inside to the 40s knocking off two more wear and finishing next to Miller. Brown slows to 100 around the outer line dropping two wear and using a slip from Orlandi to make it three wide at the corner exit. Brandt maxes his brakes to 100 then one wear gets him down to 80, diving into the inner 40s trading two wear for P10. Collins attacks the corner on the outer line at 100 adding his two wear to the rubbered up pavement.

Next deadline: turn 10 due Friday, February 1 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 9.png
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Post 30 Jan 2019, 3:44 pm

No surprise the two leaders are the two fastest, but the back marker has the third fastest speed through sector 2.
Montreal C2 summary.png
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Post 01 Feb 2019, 4:38 pm

The mid-pack strings out. The dice are unkind to Incorpora.

Turn 10 summary:
Mossman stretches through the Wall of Champions at 120 on the line for two wear. Ales follows in his tire tracks also dropping two wear. Bauska holds steady at 160 and starts the line. Kennington also keeps the pedal down and prepares for the corner.

Orlandi pushes his engine to 180 (modified 4) and leads the chasers. Blizzard asks his engine for a little more acceleration and it responds (modified 5) keeping him on Orlandi's wing. Brown pushes his acceleration (modified 7) to come out of the 3-wide first and falls in line behind the purple machine. Miller is next to tax his engine getting to 140 (modified 6) extending the line to four cars.

Kellison can safely draw 140 down the straight and he gets a double slip from Orlandi pushing him into P7. Brandt also can reach 140 with no problem and tacks himself on at the end of the line. Incorpora pushes his acceleration to 100 but the dice do not favor that move (naked 11). He moves 80 and although he gets a slip from Brown he loses the draft. Collins finishes the outer racing line for already paid wear and pulls down behind Incorpora.

Next deadline: turn 11 due Monday, February 4 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 10.png
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Post 04 Feb 2019, 3:41 pm

The chase pack forms up at the entrance to the Wall of Champions.

Turn 11 summary:
Mossman crosses the start/finish line at 120 and starts Virage Senna on the inside. Ales runs the main straight at 140 and now sits just one car length behind the leader. Bauska sheds two wear on the line and starts for the inside. Kennington clears the Wall at 100 scrubbing off one wear.

Orlandi slows to 140 and starts the line into the Wall. Blizzard is able to get the initiative with a 160 move and finishes inside Orlandi sacrificing the line but gaining P5. Kellison starts at 160 but spends one wear to brake to 140 in order to grab the line behind the light green machine. Brown charges into the mix at 160 and gets the slip from Blizzard to make it three wide into the chicane.

Miller maxes out at 140 but with a slip from Brown he's able to keep contact. Brandt, likewise at 140, gains a slip from Miller and stays on his wing. Incorpora makes the hard right turn onto the service road deciding that four flat spotted tires and a damaged engine would be too large a handicap to continue. Collins benefits one position by the retiring of the black race car as he maxes his engine to 160.

Next deadline: turn 12 due Wednesday, February 6 at 6pm EST/11pm UTC
Turn 11.png
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Post 06 Feb 2019, 2:14 pm

Nine out of eleven drivers leave rubber behind on the track.

Turn 12 summary:
Mossman holds on to his slim lead through the middle lane of Virage Senna at 100 dropping one wear in the 80. Ales follows with the identical move to keep one length back. Bauska holds at 120 into the inside lane shedding one wear. Kennington hits the outside 120 lane at 160 scrubbing off two wear.

Orlandi gets honors through the chicane at 120 leaving two wear on the line. Brown also hits the corner at 120 but he doesn't have the line. He spends two wear and throws his big -3 chip to chance, succeeding with a modified 4. Blizzard follows on at 100 also through the 60s knocking off two wear. Kellison covers the racing line at 100 finishing one wear lighter.

Miller jumps up to the line and runs it at 100 trading one wear for the privilege. Brandt wants no part of what may happen in the chicane so he slows to 80 and starts the line for free. Collins drops to 120 and starts the line behind the brown machine.

Next deadline: turn 13 due Friday, February 8 at 4pm EST/11pm UTC
NOTE: deadlines will now be 4pm EST/11pm UTC. I went one step closer to retirement by cutting down to part-time. Yay me! If that's a problem for anyone (the time, not my retirement) let me know.
Turn 12.png
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Post 08 Feb 2019, 2:10 pm

Things get tight in Virage Senna although no positions change this turn.

Turn 13 summary:
Mossman takes corners 3 & 4 in the 100s at speed for free. Ales again duplicates his move (although he finishes short of corner 4) keeping the pressure on. Bauska finishes the 100s on the outside for already paid wear and finishes inside. Kennington slows to 120 and runs the middle lane all the way through with his already paid wear.

Orlandi enters the corner at 120 in the middle lane then shifts inside shedding one wear. Brown tried the same move but must stay in the middle also scrubbing off one wear. Blizzard drops to 100 and gets a slip from Orlandi taking him into the corner for free. Kellison jumps up to 140 and takes the middle lane, pulling even with the purple race car at a cost of two wear.

Miller gets a slip from Kellison and uses it to make it three wide in the chicane in return for two wear. Brandt finishes the Wall of Champions on the line at 80 at starts inside. Collins follows on the line also at 80.

Next deadline: turn 14 due Monday, February 11 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 13.png