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Post 11 Feb 2019, 3:15 pm

The four lead cars get some space while the chase pack stays intact.

Turn 14 summary:
Mossman slows to 80 on the Concorde line for free. Ales plots 100 but anticipates Mossman's move, taking the outside of corner 4 then following the red car on the line. Bauska holds steady at 120 around the corner 3 & 4 100s shedding two wear. Kennington follows on with a 120 move taking the outside around 3 and the inside of 4 for one wear, starting the line behind Bauska.

Orlandi slows to 80 into the 60 for already paid wear and clears corner 3 on the inside. Brown finishes the 80s for already paid wear and starts the outside lane of 3. Kellison gets first move out of the three-wide and uses it to run the 100s and 120, wear already paid, and finishes inside. Miller wanted a 120 move but has to late brake to 100 around the middle lane of Virage Senna, dropping one wear in the 80s and finishing on the silver car's skirt.

Blizzard moves 100 around the outside of the virage for free, dropping a position and another two points. Brandt runs into the Senna middle lane at 120 at a cost of one wear. Collins pushes his acceleration (naked 5) and hits the chicane at 140 on the outside knocking off two wear and pulling even with Brandt.

Next deadline: turn 15 due Wednesday, February 13 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 14.png
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Post 11 Feb 2019, 3:19 pm

The middle of the pack dominates the sector 3 speeds.
Montreal C2 summary.png
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Post 12 Feb 2019, 2:30 pm

RROC update after lap 1:
T. Mossman (C2) - 56
S. Simmerman (C4) - 53
D. Tatum (C1) - 52
J. Coyle (C3) - 43

Wild Card
T. Burnett (C4) - 51
M. Ales (C2) - 46
B. Munies (C3) - 42
J. Swaine (C3) - 41
D. Ingraham (C4) - 41
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Post 13 Feb 2019, 2:18 pm

The first five string out through Concorde.

Turn 15 summary:
Mossman pushes his acceleration (one skill, modified 5) and starts the corner 8 line. Ales finishes the Concorde line at 120 for already paid wear. Bauska sheds one wear on the line at 100. Kennington slows to 80 to conserve his tires.

Orlandi makes a big move out of the chase pack at 120 dropping one wear in the corner 4 100 and another two wear on the Concorde racing line. Brown continues the corner 3 120s at speed then runs the corner 4 120s and finishes on the line. Miller at 120 looks for the line but it's not available so he conserves rubber by taking the 120s through both corners. Kellison runs both 100s at 100 and picks up two positions, moving Brown below the relegation line (Incorpora holds the tie-breaker).

Blizzard has no choice at 100 taking both 100s for free. Brandt continues at 120 swinging outside to the 100s for already paid wear. Collins slows to 120 and holds the middle lane in Senna for already paid wear and hits the corner 3 100 for one wear.

Next deadline: turn 16 due Friday, February 15 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Note: Friday's resolution may be delayed 2-3 hours. Deadline is still as above.
Turn 15.png
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Post 15 Feb 2019, 3:45 pm

More jostling in the mid-pack.

Turn 16 summary:
Mossman scrubs off one wear on the corner 8 racing line at 120. Ales drops two wear on the same line at 140 and, once again closes within a car length of the leader. Bauska sheds one wear on the line at 120 to clear the corner. Kennington lays up at 120 and starts the line.

Orlandi finishes Concorde at 140 for already paid wear and catches the wing of the dark blue machine. Brown starts at 140 then makes a two skill late brake roll (modified 2), taking the racing line at 120 trading two wear to move back above the cut line. Kellison slows to 80 and, without the benefit of the line, runs the Concorde 80s for free. Miller wants to shoot the line at 120 but the silver car is blocking. He takes the 80s knocking off two wear and makes a two skill forced pass (modified 4). Oh, and he also gets a slip from Brown which keeps him right behind the green race car.

Blizzard also want the line at 80 but again Kellison spoils the plan. He instead runs the 80s for free. Collins runs the corner 4 120s at speed and starts the Concorde line. Brandt wisely conserves his tires at 100 through both corner 3 and corner 4 and starts the line right behind Collins.

Next deadline: turn 17 due Monday, February 18 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 16.png
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Post 18 Feb 2019, 2:05 pm

A calm turn with two positions swaps.

Turn 17 summary:
Mossman approaches Epingle at 140 on the outside line. Ales also at 140 is on the inside line for now but has the option to move to the outside line next turn. Bauska comes off corner 8 at 140. Kennington saves his tires at 100 through corner 8 on the line.

Orlandi runs corner 8 at 100 on the line for free. Brown scrubs off one wear on the line at 120 and clears the corner. Miller anticipates Brown being more aggressive as he runs into the corner at 140 but with the line blocked he's forced to the outside for two wear. Kellison covers the short straight at 140 and starts the line.

Blizzard is locked at 80 and does what he can to finish Concorde. Meanwhile Collins squeals around the line at 120 dropping two wear and passing the handicapped purple machine. Brandt takes a conservative 80 around the line for free and gets a slip from Collins to keep close.

Next deadline: turn 18 due Wednesday, February 20 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 17.png
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Post 20 Feb 2019, 2:02 pm

No positions change but a lot of positionING takes place.

Turn 18 summary:
Mossman drops two wear on the outer Epingle line and stays outside anticipating Ales' move. Ales slows to 100 around the inner racing line at a cost of two wear but has no slip opportunity next turn. Bauska also attacks the outer line at 120 shedding two wear. Kennington maxes his engine and closes up two car lengths on the yellow machine.

Orlandi also maxes at 160 and starts the inner line with the option to move to the outer line next turn. Brown comes out of corner 8 at his maximum 160 to hold the two length gap between he and Orlandi. Miller finishes the 100s at 140 for already paid wear. Kellison takes the conservative approach to corner 8 at 100 through the line.

Collins takes advantage of his wear surplus to run corner 8 at 140 scrubbing off two wear and making the gap to the silver car disappear. Blizzard gets a draft off of Collins and is able to clear corner 8 on the line at 100 for free. Brandt approaches the corner on the line at 100. (He has the freshest tires on the track by far. When will he begin to use them?)

Next deadline: turn 19 due Friday, February 22 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 18.png
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Post 22 Feb 2019, 2:09 pm

Two top speed pushes, both succeed.

Turn 19 summary:
Mossman hits his high gear and a little more getting to 160 with 1 skill (modified 6). Ales comes out of Epingle at his top speed of 140 and losing a length to the leader. Bauska finishes the corner at 120 wear already paid. Kennington sheds one wear on the outer racing line at 100.

Orlandi duplicates Kennington's move also dropping one wear. Brown scrubs off two wear on the same outside racing line and closes on the rear wing of Orlandi. Miller holds at 140 and approaches the tight corner on the outer line. Kellison maxes at 160 and starts the line behind the orange race car.

Collins pushes his top speed to 180 with 2 skill (modified 1) and wanted the outer line but has to shift to the inner line due to traffic. Blizzard comes off of corner 8 using his full acceleration to get to 160. Brandt remains conservative, rolling the corner 8 line at 100 for free.

Next deadline: turn 20 due Monday, February 25 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 19.png
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Post 22 Feb 2019, 3:30 pm

The lap 2, sector 1 numbers showed Collins starting to make up time
Montreal C2 summary.png
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Post 25 Feb 2019, 2:25 pm

Epingle gets stacked up. No positions change.

Turn 20 summary:
Mossman, Ales and Bauska lockstep down the straightaway at 140.

Kennington and Orlandi make up a car length on the leaders at 160. Brown continues the outside line at 120 and drops inside. Miller sheds two wear on the outside line at 120 to keep pace with the green race car.

Collins plots 120 then uses two skill to brake to 100 (modified 2). He runs the outside lane of Epingle scrubbing off two wear. Kellison wanted the line at 100 but he's blocked by Collins. To stay on the line he has to get down from 160 to 80 and that costs him two wear.

Blizzard is prepared to make a big move at 140 into the corner but finds the silver car in his way. He hits the brakes for one wear and drops two more on the line at 120. Brandt approaches the corner at 140 starting the inside racing line.

Next deadline: turn 21 due Wednesday, February 27 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 20.png
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Post 25 Feb 2019, 2:27 pm

Collins continues to cover the field in sector 2.
Montreal C2 summary.png
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Post 27 Feb 2019, 2:13 pm

The leader prepares to take the white flag.

Turn 21 summary:
Mossman shoots the Wall of Champions at 120 on the line surrendering two wear. Ales does the same in order to clear the corner. Bauska holds a steady 140 as he approaches the chicane on the line. Kennington closes to within a car length of the yellow race car and brings Orlandi with him, both at 160.

Brown keeps pace with a 160 move. Miller asks his power plant for the oomph to get to 160 and it responds (two skill, modified 2). Collins also makes a request of his machine to accelerate him to 160 (two skill, modified 3) and it, too, responds precisely.

Kellison feathers the accelerator at 140 and keeps in Collins' draft. Blizzard completes the outer racing line of Epingle and drops inside. Brandt shifts to the outer line at 100 shedding one wear and clearing the way to accelerate next turn.

Next deadline: turn 22 due Friday, March 1 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 21.png
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Post 01 Mar 2019, 2:24 pm

One NPR has no real effect on the field.

Turn 22 summary:
Mossman takes the white flag and enters Virage Senna on the inside at 120. Ales comes out of the Wall at 140 to pull back to within a car length of the leader. Bauska drops half of his remaining wear around the Wall of Champions at 120. Kennington is distracted by a flickering light on his dash. He hits the brakes hard (2w to overbrake -40) and slides outside in the corner.

Orlandi glides past the blue race car at 100 shedding one wear on the line. Brown slows to 120 and starts the line. Miller makes up a length at 140 and starts the line behind Brown. Collins keeps the pedal down at 160.

Kellison also reaches 160 and takes a slip to pull even with Collins. Blizzard keeps his big engine in check as he does 160 to prepare for the Wall. Brandt maxes at 160 and keeps pace with the car in front of him.

Next deadline: turn 23 due Monday, March 4 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 22.png
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Post 04 Mar 2019, 1:39 pm

As expected, the Wall of Champions backs up, but only one dice roll was needed.

Turn 23 summary:
Mossman continues through Virage Senna in the middle lane at 100 dropping one wear. Ales duplicates the move, also shedding one wear. Bauska jumps in the chicane at 120 on the inside for one wear. Orlandi covers the main straightaway at 140.

Kennington regains his composure and comes out of the chicane and slides outside. Brown anticipated that move and slows to 80 knocking down one wear in the 60s. Miller hits the corner at 100 wanting the line but is forced around the 60s at a cost of two wear, making it three wide. Kellison plots 120 but finds no room to complete that move. A naked late brake roll (8) gets him down to 100, leaving two wear points in the 60s.

Collins had slowed to 100 but still must surrender two wear points as well in the 60s. Blizzard is far enough back that he can approach the Wall at 120 on the line with no issue. Brandt makes up a car length on Blizzard at 140.

Next deadline: turn 24 due Wednesday, March 6 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 23.png
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Post 06 Mar 2019, 2:00 pm

The big pack remains intact although slightly resorted.

Turn 24 summary:
Mossman takes the corner 3 and 4 100s at speed. Ales continues to shadow his every move. Bauska completes Virage Senna in the 100s, wear already paid. Orlandi sheds one wear in the 100s to keep pace with the yellow race car.

Brown asks his engine for a push to 140 and it responds (naked 8) propelling him into the virage inner 100 for two wear. Miller does 120 and drops down inside behind Brown. Kennington is also at 120 remaining on the skirt of the orange machine. Kellison accelerates to 140 and gets a slip from Brown allowing him to run by Miller and Kennington into P6 scrubbing off two wear in the 100.

Collins gets a slip from Miller at 120 and forms the 3-wide portion of the group. Blizzard slows to 80 and takes the Wall for free. Unlike Brandt who attacks the corner at 120 shedding two wear on the line and making up two car lengths on Blizzard.

Next deadline: turn 25 due Friday, March 8 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Turn 24.png