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Post 27 Oct 2018, 5:13 am

The smallest lead margin across the four circuits
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Post 29 Oct 2018, 5:00 am

The leader enters the short back stretch while the chase pack wends it's way through the tight infield.

Turn 17 Summary

Simmerman clips a tire in the C7 60's. Burnett drops a wear in the C7 40 spot at 60. Harley takes over 2nd place by diving into the C7 60's at 100 for 2 wear.

Scarpino burns a tire on the C6 line at 100. Harrington runs the line at 80 for free. Ingraham, at 100, is pushed to the outer rail in C6 and expends a wear.

Hoyt scrapes off a wear in C4 at 100 before grabbing the C6 line. Weisen also bumps a wear in C4 at 100.

Peeples clears C4 at 80 for free. Lind tosses 2 wear at 120 on the C2 green line.

Turn 18 Deadline: Wednesday, October 31st @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 31 Oct 2018, 5:21 am

The nice spread on the cars keeps everyone happy this turn.

Turn 18 Summary

Simmerman sets up C8 on the line at 120. Harley finishes out C7 at 100. Burnett, at 120, takes back 2nd place from the #27.

Scarpino and Harrington take turns through the C7 40 spot at 60 for a wear apiece.

Ingraham punches into the C7 60's at 100 and drops 2 wear. Hoyt wisely plays it safe at 80 and runs the C6 line for free.

Weisen clips a tire on the C6 line at 100. Peeples addresses C6 on the line at 80. Lind continues to play catch up at the cost of his tires - 2 more come off at 120 through the C4 corner.

Turn 19 Deadline: Friday, November 2nd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 02 Nov 2018, 5:43 am

The cars are strung out through the infield as we are about halfway through the race.

Turn 19 Summary

Simmerman runs the C8 corner for free on the line at 60. Burnett, at 80, clips a tire on the C8 line and makes contact with the race leader.

Harley follows the green machine into C8 for a wear. Scarpino catches the primary chase pack at 120.

Harrington mis-plots at 60. His crew chief is heard barking into the comm, words not appropriate for this publication. Ingraham completes C7 at 100, wear already paid.

Hoyt saves wear at 60 in C7. Weisen does the same and clears the corner.

Peeples rounds C6 on the line at 80 for free before punching into C7 on the 40. Two wear drop off his tires. Lind, at 100, burns a wear on the C6 line and he has caught up with the field!

Turn 20 Deadline: Monday, November 5th @ 8 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 03 Nov 2018, 9:39 am

Track action...
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Post 03 Nov 2018, 9:52 am

The back marker made up some time in sector 1
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Post 05 Nov 2018, 6:05 am

Some position battles forming up in the back...

Trying something new (and something the other RM's already do): Showing the previous turn car placement. Hope you like it!

Turn 20 Summary

Simmerman scrapes off 2 tires in the 60's of the C9/C10 complex at 100. He also clears C11 on the inner rail. Burnett lets him go - he runs the same route for 1 wear at 80.

Harley follows the green Toyota through the C9/C10 complex for a wear at 80. Scarpino conserves wear on the C8 red line at 60.

Ingraham dives into C8 on the line at 80 for a wear. Harrington pulls up to C8 on the line at 100. Hoyt, at 120, opts for the inner rail.

Weisen pulls out of C7 at 100 at his max acceleration and sets up the C8 line. Peeples, at 120, pulls up on the right panel of the Whataburger Chevy. Lind saves his tires at 60 through C7 on the outer rail.

Turn 21 Deadline: Wednesday, November 7th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 07 Nov 2018, 6:16 am

The lead cars are into the Brickyard oval as the chase pack wends its way through the infield.

Turn 21 Summary

Simmerman accelerates into the oval at 140 for free. Burnett runs the C11 line for free at 120 and also clears C12. Harley, at 120 and the bonus, takes the C11 line then drifts to the outer rail as he enters the oval.

Scarpino continues his responsible driving at 60 through the C9/10 complex. Ingraham clips a tire in the complex at 80 and has the wing of the #2 racer.

Hoyt rams his car into the C8 40 at 100. He burns 2 wear and goes to the chance table with 2s (modified 4). He keeps his car in one piece then drops 2 more wear in the C9/10 complex. Harrington, at 80, scrapes off 2 tires, one apiece in C8 and C9/10.

Weisen tosses in 2 wear as he runs the C8 line at 100. Peeples runs the same line for 2 wear at 100 and settles in on the outer rail.

Lind pushes his engine with 2s (modified 6) to get to 140. He has the C8 line.

Turn 22 Deadline: Friday, November 9th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 09 Nov 2018, 6:29 am

No traffic issues today...

Turn 22 Summary

Simmerman runs the big C13 corner at 160 for free (outer line). Burnett preps the same line at a speed of 160. Harley accelerates to 160, matching the corner speed limit. He sits 2 spaces back of the green machine.

Scarpino runs the C11 line for free at 120 and clears C12. Ingraham, also at 120 and with the bonus, takes the C11 line then uses the extra space to get into C12 on the outer rail.

Hoyt finishes C10 at 100 and also clears C11 on the inside. Harrington completes C10 via the 60's and he settles in on the tailpipe of the #24.

Weisen clips a tire at 80 through the C10 60's. He grabs the C11 line. Peeples conserves wear at 80 through C10.

Lind dives into C8 on the line at 100 for 2 wear. He then continues his rampage through C10 on the 60's for another 2 wear and moves out of last place!

Michael, it has been brought to my attention that I missed docking you 2 wear in T10. We do not currently have a rule on how to handle lengthy intervals between an error and it's detection. It happened in another circuit where, after consultation with several other RM's, it was decided to reduce wear by 1 instead of 2. I will follow that solution. There will be a rule in place to address errors prior to race 3. Also, any vigilance you could provide on catching mistakes is appreciated. Please accept my humble apologies.

Turn 23 Deadline: Monday, November 12th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 12 Nov 2018, 7:03 am

The cars stay spread out as the leader enters the final lap.

Turn 23 Summary

Simmerman rolls out of C13 at 160 and has the white flag as he enters the final lap. Burnett and Harley stay hot on the leader's tail, both taking the outer line in C13 for free at 160.

Scarpino, preps the outside C13 line at 160. Ingraham does the same and sits 2 spaces back.

Hoyt runs the C12 140's for a wear at 160. He tucks in behind the #78 car. Harrington saves wear at 140 through the C12 140's and takes the default inside lane. He can't get the outside line for C13 but he has two others available next turn.

Weisen wraps up two corners at 120 for free (C11 & 12). Lind clips a tire on the C11 line at 140 before taking the C12 140's for free. Peeples runs the C11 line for free at 120.

Turn 24 Deadline: Wednesday, November 14th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 13 Nov 2018, 5:31 am

Three cars over 100mph through the tight section
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Post 14 Nov 2018, 6:03 am

A few position battles are shaping up...

Turn 24 Summary

Simmerman sets up C1 on the green line at 160. Burnett, at 160, is ready for either line through C1. Harley drops the hammer to 180 w/ 1 skill (modified 7). He grabs the wing of the Subway Toyota.

Scarpino knocks down C13 on the outside line at 160. Ingraham burns a tire to ram his car through the C13 lane at 180. Hoyt, at 160, takes one slip to stay on the tailpipe of the #78. Giving him the double slip would have taken the car off line and cost wear - instructions I did not have.

Harrington runs C13 on the middle line at 140 for free. Weisen rolls into C13 on the outer line at 160.

Lind finishes out C12 at 140 and preps C13 on the inside line. Peeples, also at 140, sticks to the #11 car like glue.

Turn 25 Deadline: Friday, November 16th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 16 Nov 2018, 7:35 am

An RM plot and a damaged engine supply the drama for this turn...

Turn 25 Summary

Simmerman knocks down a wear at 100 through the C1 green line.

Burnett slows to 100 and finishes out C1 on the green line for a wear. Harley plots 120 then grabs the dice cup on a late brake attempt (naked 7). He takes the C1 red line for 2 precious wear.

Scarpino drops the hammer to 180 and sets up C1 on the green line. Ingraham slows to 140 as he moves into the final lap. Hoyt takes an RM plot of 100 and hits the Starbucks drive-through. Maybe that'll wake him up! (I know Mike is having internet issues but the race must go on)

Harrington rockets into the straight at 200 and an engine test (naked 11). The engine coughs and says NO! A re-plot of 180 still allows him to pass the distracted NAPA car. Weisen finishes out C13 at 160.

Lind slow plots the inside line of C13 at 100. Peeples, with his line blocked, takes the 120's for free and settles back in behind the #7. A few curse words are heard through the radio...

Turn 26 Deadline: Monday, November 19th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 18 Nov 2018, 8:39 am

Track action
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Post 19 Nov 2018, 6:11 am

All cars are in the final lap!

Turn 26 Summary

Simmerman drops a tire as he rolls through C4 at 100. Both Harley & Burnett pull up to C4 at 120 and 100 respectively.

Scarpino knocks down 2 wear on the C1 green line at 120. Ingraham plows into C1 on the green line at 120 for 2 wear.

Harrington pulls up to C1 on the green line at 140. Hoyt, also at 140 and with latte in hand, has a preference for a tailpipe and thus, no green line. He is on the red C1 line.

Weisen, at 160, crosses the S/F line and has the green line. Lind rolls across the S/F line at 160. Peeples stays on his wing at 140 and the bonus.

Turn 27 Deadline: Wednesday, November 21st @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)