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Post 19 Sep 2018, 3:19 pm

The starting grid for C2.

Turn 1 due Friday, Sep 21 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 0.png
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Post 21 Sep 2018, 4:27 pm

The fans come to their feet as the field roars to life.

Turn 1 summary:
Mossman uses two skill (modified 1) to get out to 120 and a big lead. Kellison doesn't tax his engine keeping at 60 on the inside. Incorpora uses one of his big skill chips (modified 3) and gets his car to 80 finishing even with Kellison. Kennington does not push and his 60 move puts him on the silver car's wing.

Ales' two skill push (modified 2) gets him to 80 and right behind his countryman. Miller, unfortunately, is the only driver to fail the roll with a two skill modified 9 he does 40 and heads inside. Collins is happy with his car's 100 start speed and gives us our first three-wide already. Bauska pushes with two skill (modified 7) and sits behind that group.

Blizzard makes a safe 60 move and takes the inside lane. Brandt pushes to 40 (modified 8) and sets up behind the purple machine. Orlandi's two skill push (modified 4) gets him even with Blizzard. Brown, the last to push (modified 7) is able to keep in Brandt's draft.

Next deadline: turn 2 due Monday, Sep 24 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 1.png
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Post 24 Sep 2018, 3:27 pm

Four wide into the first corner will need to filter down to two wide on corner exit.

Turn 2 summary:
Mossman keeps the pedal down running the green racing line at 120 dropping two wear. Incorpora grabs the green line behind Mossman at 120. Kellison holds steady at 60 and starts the red line for now. (He may move to the green line with no penalty next turn) Kennington maxes his acceleration to 120 and starts the green line behind Incorpora.

Ales also plots 120 but neither racing line is available to him so he finishes behind the black car for a potential slip next turn. Collins also does 120 finishing just inside of Ales. Bauska takes his full acceleration to 120 and gets a slip from Kennington. The only space available by now is the inside making it four wide. Miller at 100 finishes in a position to take either line next turn.

Blizzard punches his acceleration (modified 7) and chooses to finish outside making the green line a possibility next turn. Orlandi can reach 140 without pushing and with the outer lanes occupied he drops to the inside. Brandt does 100 and gets a slip from Blizzard. He finishes behind the orange car. Brown looks for a slip at 100 but Brandt didn't give him the tow he was looking for.

Next deadline: turn 3 due Wednesday, Sep 26 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 2.png
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Post 26 Sep 2018, 3:58 pm

20 wear points spent this turn, most of them unexpected as corner 1 comes to a near standstill.

Turn 3 summary:
Mossman keeps running away at 100 shedding one wear in the inside 80 of corner 4. Incorpora runs the corner 1 green line at 120 dropping two wear and keeping a little pressure on the leader. Ales is first out of the four-wide and now the "fun" begins. He plots 120 then brakes to 100 using one wear. He uses two more wear in the 60s and finishes on the end of the green racing line. Kennington is next at 120 wanting the green line but it's not available. He's forced down to 80 for two wear and around the middle 40s for two more.

Bauska plots 100 intending to brake to 80 but with nowhere to go he's forced down to 60 for two wear and into the middle 40s for one more. Finally Collins comes out of the four-wide at 80 and is able to take the 60s for one wear. Orlandi starts the movement out of the three-wide with a 120 plot that becomes 100 for one wear. His only choice is outside behind Collins for two more wear. Blizzard is looking for 100 on the green line. He can get the line but only after braking to 80 for a wear.

Kellison takes the conservative approach as he plots 80 and is able to make that move on the red racing line. It only costs him one wear and he picks up three positions. Miller plots 120 and is prepared to take either line but instead he is forced onto the brakes for one wear and tucks in behind Orlandi. Brandt looks for a slip but there's no room to use it. Instead his 100 move gets him along the red racing line. Brown is able to actually use his 120 plot as he swings outside to start the green line.

Next deadline: turn 4 due Friday, Sep 28 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 3.png
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Post 28 Sep 2018, 3:13 pm

The field gets down to 2-wide with some more braking.

Turn 4 summary:
Mossman Comes off of corner 4 and into corner 6 at 100 dropping one wear on the racing line. Incorpora rounds corner 4 at 120 shedding two wear and keeping on Mossman's wing. Ales hits corner 4 at 100 for one wear on the inside. Kennington also does 100 and holds the inside approach to the corner.

Kellison lead the group out of corner 1 at 120 and sets up on Kennington's outside. Bauska wanted the same move but now must brake to 100. Collins tries to be conservative with 100 plot but there's no room for that so he brakes to 80 and keeps pace with Bauska. Orlandi finishes the outside 60s at 80 for already paid wear and gets the wing of the yellow machine.

Blizzard finishes the green line at 80 for free and takes his position outside of Ales. Miller slows to 80 and leaves one wear in the 60s. Brandt finishes the red racing line at 80 for one wear. Brown slows to 60 and runs the green line through corner 1.

Next deadline: turn 5 due Monday, Sep 30 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 4.png
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Post 01 Oct 2018, 3:24 pm

A comparatively quiet turn as the field snakes through corners 2 through 5

Turn 5 summary:
Mossman continues his charge at 100 shedding two wear in the corner 7 60s. Incorpora slows to 80 and takes the 80s for free. Ales holds at 100 dropping one more wear on the racing line. Kellison beats the blue car through corner 4 by doing 100 and leaving one wear behind.

Kennington covers the corner 4 inside 80 at speed and starts the next line. Bauska and Collins both run the inside 80 at speed to remain side-by-side. Orlandi and Blizzard perform the same dance and finish behind them.

Miller at 80 runs into the inside 80 for free. Brandt, also at 80, wanted the same but is forced to the outside lane. Brown finishes corner 1 and runs 80 along the short straight.

Next deadline: turn 6 due Wednesday, Oct 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 5.png
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Post 03 Oct 2018, 3:22 pm

One NPR and one failed dice roll.

Turn 6 summary:
Mossman blasts away from corner 7 at 140. Incorpora drops one wear in the corner 7 60s at 80. Ales sheds two wear in the same corner at 100 to close on his countryman. Kellison is NPR so he slows to 80 around the outside of the corner and finishes inside, off of the line.

Kennington slows to 80 through the racing line for free. Bauska plots 100 and looks for the line but the blue car is still on the end of it. He decides to hit the brakes and hold the line but a loud bang tells him his brakes disagree with his decision. Collins is at 80 and also looking for the line but Bauska forces him to the outside lane. Orlandi maintains 80 and ducks inside Collins on the line.

Blizzard anticipates some problems in the corner and backs down to 60, starting the racing line. Miller's 80 move puts him inside Blizzard for position but off the line. Brandt finishes corner 4 at 80 and starts the line behind the purple machine. Brown is able to run the inside of corner 4 at 80 for free and make up a car length on Brandt.

Next deadline: turn 7 due Friday, October 5 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 6.png
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Post 05 Oct 2018, 4:13 pm

Our pit reporter tells us that Jimmy Jake is now the FORMER brake tech for team yellow. So far everyone else is safe through corners 6 & 7,

Turn 7 summary:
Mossman continues to rabbit the field dropping two wear each in corners 8 and 10. Incorpora drags the straightaway at 120 and sets up on the racing line. Ales at 140 is able to get inside for P2 but he's hot going into corner 8. Kellison recovers from a momentary loss of concentration as he rounds corner 7 at 80 through the 60s shedding one wear.

Kennington drops to 60 around the 60s to save a little rubber. Bauska's damaged brakes bring him down to 60. He scrubs off one wear in the 40. Orlandi comes off corner 6 at 100 and leaves two wear on the corner 7 60s making it three wide attacking the straightaway. Collins holds a steady 80 into the 60s for one wear.

Miller runs hard into corner 6 at 80 and hits corner 7 even harder in the 40. The total damage is three wear. Blizzard is also at 80 but has the racing line for corner 6 and is able to keep even with Miller for now. Brandt and Brown run nose to tail through corner 6 on the racing line at 80 for free.

Next deadline: turn 8 due Monday, October 8 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 7.png
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Post 08 Oct 2018, 3:03 pm

Two drivers make big gains.

Turn 8 summary:
Mossman finally takes a corner at speed as he runs corner 11 at 120 on the line. Ales runs hard into corners 8 & 9 at 100 dropping two wear in each of the 60 lanes. Incorpora sheds two wear on the corner 8 line at 100 but must move to the outside in corner 9 for one additional wear. Kellison shoots the straight at 120 and grabs the line.

Orlandi is first out of corner 7 at 140 and finishes inside Kellison, picking up three positions. Bauska follows at 120 hitting the line behind the silver machine. Kennington is distracted by the doohicky next to the thingamabob on the dash, accelerating to 80 and moving outside to stay out of the way. Collins continues at 80 through the 60s for already paid wear.

Miller uses all his acceleration to get to 140 and also climbs three positions. Blizzard drops to 60 and takes the outside of the corner for free. Brandt takes the 40 space at speed and keeps on the inside. Brown scrubs off one wear in the 60s at 80 and is ready to drag race Brandt to the next corner.

Next deadline: turn 9 due Wednesday, October 10 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 8.png
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Post 10 Oct 2018, 3:22 pm

The field continues through the corners 8-11 complex with few problems.

Turn 9 summary:
Mossman hits his top speed of 140s through the 140 in corner 12 and sets up for the final corner.Ales comes out of the corner 10 60s for already paid wear and drives the inside of corner 11. Incorpora finishes the 80s for already paid wear and grabs the corner 11 racing line. Orlandi gets the initiative running both the corner 8 and 9 60s for two wear each.

Kellison rounds the racing line at 100 shedding two wear and forces his way past Orlandi (naked 8) dropping two more wear in the 60s. Bauska's 100 plot gives him the jump on Miller. He runs the 60s in corner 8 for two wear and drops to the inside, preparing to attack corner 9. Miller slows to 80 and scrubs off two wear in the 40. He also wanted the inside but is forced outside. Kennington leaves one wear on the corner 8 racing line at 80.

Collins lays up to corner 8 at 80 grabbing the line. Blizzard shoots the straight at 120 keeping to the inside. Brown comes off corner 7 using his full acceleration to 140 making it three wide into the two wide corner 8. Brandt takes all the oomph his engine has to get to 100. He has the racing line available next turn and also the best seat in the house to see how the four drivers ahead of him sort things out.

Next deadline: turn 10 due Friday, October 12 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 9.png
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Post 12 Oct 2018, 3:01 pm

The field gets stretched through the slow section.

Turn 10 summary:
Mossman holds the pedal down at 140 around the middle racing line for free. Ales gets all of his acceleration to 140 around the corner 12 140s for free and starts the corner 13 outer line. Incorpora finishes the line at 120 and takes the inside of corner 12. Kellison takes the racing line at 120.

Orlandi finishes the 60s for already paid wear and slides around the inside of corner 11 for free. Bauska slows to 80 and sheds one wear in the 60s then grabs the racing line. Miller holds a steady 80 around the 80s preserving his tires. Kennington runs the 60s at 80 scrubbing off one wear.

Collins gets the initiative at 100 leaving two wear on the racing line and another two in the 60 but must finish in the 80 with Kennington sitting on the other 60. Blizzard at 80 spends two wear for the 40 and another in the 60. Brown grabs all the brake he has to get down to 80 and rounds the 60s at a cost of one wear. Brandt is satisfied to slow to 60 and surrenders no rubber on the line.

Next deadline: turn 11 due Monday, October 15 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 10.png
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Post 15 Oct 2018, 3:35 pm

The leader starts lap 2 as the field strings out even more.

Turn 11 summary:
Mossman keeps the pedal down at 140 across the start/finish line for the first time. Ales runs down to the inner racing line at 140 shedding one wear. Incorpora opts for the middle line at 160 also dropping one wear. Kellison runs corner 12 at 120 on the inside for free.

Orlandi does the same and is able to slide in behind the silver machine. Bauska takes the corner 11 line and dives inside for 12 all at 120 for free. Kennington follows through the racing line and starts for the inside. Miller is distracted by his cell phone and runs outside in corner 11.

Collins has paid two wear for corner 10 so he's able to accelerate to 120 and run the corner 11 racing line for free. Blizzard mugs for a fan's camera causing him to continue around the outside of corner 10. Brown slows to 60 and runs the 9/10 60s for free. Brandt scrubs off two wear in the 60s at 100 to pull even with Brown.

Next deadline: turn 12 due Wednesday, October 17 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 11.png
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Post 16 Oct 2018, 3:46 pm

Mossman's average for the lap through 2 sectors is over 20mph faster than the next fastest
Indy C2 summary.png
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Post 17 Oct 2018, 3:18 pm

Still some pocket battles going on.

Turn 12 summary:
Mossman sets up on the green racing line at 140. Ales finishes the racing line and drops inside at 160. Incorpora does the same to stay two car-lengths back. Kellison runs the inside racing line at 120 for free.

Orlandi takes the 120s at speed and a slip from the silver car lets him stay right on his wing. Bauska moves outside and starts the outer line at 160. Kennington winds up to 180 shedding one wear in the corner 12 160s and starting the outer line behind Bauska. Collins plots 140 and takes the middle lane through the corner for free.

Miller also plots 140 and scrubs off one wear in the 120. He also gets a slip from Collins letting him catch the dark blue car and move up one position. Blizzard runs corners 11 & 12 at 100 on the inside. Brown takes the corner 11 racing line at 120 for free then dives down into the corner 12 120 behind Blizzard. Brandt wanted to do the same but with Brown now in the apex of the corner he's forced into the middle lane.

Next deadline: turn 13 due Friday, October 19 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 12.png
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Post 19 Oct 2018, 4:32 pm

Plenty of dice this turn. And the four lane main straight denies a few slip opportunities.

Turn 13 summary:
Mossman negotiates corners 1 & 2 at 100 on the green line shedding one wear. Ales slows to 120 and starts the green line. Incorpora at 140 pulls within one car length of Ales, starting the green line right behind him. Kellison maxes his engine at 160 and drops inside.

Orlandi also does 160 and uses a slip to pull even with Kellison. Bauska finishes the outside racing line and starts for the inside. Kennington brings the corner 13 crowd to their feet as he runs the outside racing line at a full 200mph (naked 8). He starts inside but isn't able to get behind Bauska. Miller is the beneficiary of Kennington's move as he runs the outside line at a safe 160 and the double slip means he loses no ground to the blue machine. He can't change lanes at the end of the line so there will be no slip next turn.

Collins uses two skill to get to 160 (modified 3) scrubbing off two wear on the inside racing line. Although he's only a car length behind Miller he, too, has no slip opportunity. Blizzard asks his engine for a little extra acceleration and it barely is able to respond (modified 9). He roars into the corner 13 outer racing line at 180 leaving one wear behind. Brown keeps the crown on their feet as the flies into the corner also at 180 and hangs right on the wing of the purple racecar. Brandt finishes corner 12 at 140 and starts the inside racing line, preparing to take the short way around the corner.

Next deadline: turn 14 due Monday, October 22 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 13.png