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Post 08 Aug 2018, 3:47 pm

Turn 26

Another lead change, but for how long!

John orders 100 along the R/L for 2W and then the 100s cutting to the inside in front of Don
Don pulls back at 80, spending the wear in the first curve through the 60s
Tim and Fabio both order 120 with Tim taking the inside and Fabio the R/L
Jeff calls for 140 and chooses to hug the inner wall
Doug speeds at 160 grabbing the R/L
Will does the same (160) and finds room in the middle lane
Rando and Chris both call for 160 but Chris chooses the middle lane for the R/L possibility next turn, while Rando slides inside
Mike eases back to 140
Dave pushes the engine to 180 using 1S for a 9 and making Mike sweat even more!
Jim also grabs the dice cup with 2S for a top speed of 180, rolling a 6

Turn 27 due 10AUG18 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 11 Aug 2018, 5:40 pm

Turn 27

A big bunch in the curves

John speeds along the backstretch at 140
Don follows along at 120 with a slip
Tim spends 2W going 100 in 60 and then the line
Fabio spends 1W on the R/L at 80 and then the inside lane to take 3rd back
Jeff, Will and Doug all order 120 and late brake to 100, and Doug spends the extra wear to get to 80
Rando brake from his ordered 120 to a 100 and takes the 60s for 2W
Chris threads the needle at 100 on the line
Mike orders 120 on the line
Dave is 160 on the line
Jim calls for 140

Turn 28 in due Monday at 4PM Pacific
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Post 12 Aug 2018, 7:04 am

Welage and Tatum fastest for the race so far, separated by less than 1mph
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Post 13 Aug 2018, 8:20 pm

Turn 28

John and Don continue the duel...

John races to the corner at 140 middle lane
Don foregoes the slip and calls 160 to the outside
Tim pushes hies ACC with a naked 8 and takes it to 160
Fabio bides his time at 120
Jeff speeds to 160 and tucks in between Tim and Fabio
Will maintains 100
Chris wants 120 through the 100s for a wear
Doug wants 100 and has to take the corner wide to bleed off speed
Rando calls up 100 and draws even with Doug
Mike is the slowest this turn at 80, on the R/L and 1W
Dave spends 2W R/L and 1W in the second curve at 100
Jim spends 2W on the R/L at 100

Turn 29 due Wed at 4PM
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Post 15 Aug 2018, 4:50 pm

Turn 29

And there he goes!

Don accelerates to 140 and spends 2W in the corner on the 100s lane
John holds back and conserves his wear for later at 100 losing contact
Tim spends 2W in the 100s lane at 140
Jeff and Fabio both get a slip at 120 and keep the line intact (Fabio did slip, no need to change the chart)
Chris speeds up to 160, and pushes past Will
Will calls out 140
Rando takes the straightaway at 140 with a slip, pulling alongside Will
Doug can only make 120 safely and gets a slip also
Dave easily gets the engine to 160 and the tailpipe of Doug
Mike calls for 140 and his engine complies with ease (naked 4), tucking behind Dave
Jim spends 2W in the corner at 120 and is ready to pound the pedal to the metal!

Turn 30 is due Friday 17AUG18 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 17 Aug 2018, 9:54 pm

Turn 30

Sorry for the delay... Dinner with the in-laws.

Don and John both order 120 on the inside
Tim continues his 120
Jeff takes the outside lane at 100
Fabio cuts inside at 120 for 2W and takes the outside lane to avoid a slip opportunity
Chris spends 100 on the inside for 1W
Will takes it outside at 120 for 1W
Doug takes it outside as well at 100 for no wear but it gets the slip
Rando makes a move with a late brake 1S at 6, and spending 1W on the inside
Mike moves first with 140 and hugs the wall
Dave takes his 120 to the middle lane
Jim orders 160

Turn 31 due Monday at 4PM Pacific
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Post 18 Aug 2018, 5:03 am

Harrington and Ling outrun the field in sector 1
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Post 21 Aug 2018, 1:00 pm

Turn 31

Failed brakes and an NPR!?! 1st looks solid, but who knows after that!

Don rolls though the curves with a 60, spending 1W on the first
John pushes his brakes too far with a 1S Brake test, and the boxcars say "NO!" He spends 1W and his brakes cannot take much more...
Tim begins easing his damaged brakes down to 100 on the inside
Fabio follows behind and then alongside Tim at 120 on the inside
Jeff loses focus and slowly accelerates to 120, but drifts outside on the 140s
Chris makes up the gap with his 140 on the inner lane
Will out speeds Rando for the next curve at 160 and slides next to Chris
Rando waits and orders 140 ending behind the orange car
Doug continues his 100
Dave flies around the outer lane at 140, spending 2W
Mike matches that with a 120 on the inner lane for 2W
Jim spends 2W going 140 on the outer as well.

Jeff, if I missed yours, let me know.
Orders due Thursday at 4PM unless all orders are in earlier. We will have a Saturday order set also to get back on track.
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Post 24 Aug 2018, 12:59 pm

Turn 32

First off, this has been nothing but chaos with job, personal life, and the toughest turn I have ever had. My apologies for the delay and mix-ups.

Don orders 60 and is leading by 2 car lengths
John takes the outside at 80
Tim slows to 80, spends the 2W and rolls outside
Fabio late brakes to 60 with 1S and the dice say NO! (11 modified to 10). 1W+Damaged Brakes, 1W 60 in a 40
Jeff tempts the chance table by going 80 in the inside lane for 1W/1S with a modified (SPIN!)
Chris orders 100, takes the outside lane and late brakes to 80 (Naked 7)
Rando orders 100, attempts a force pass (naked 9, (4,5)), 2W Penalty late brake, 1W for a 4 rolled
Will calls out for an 80 and hugs inside
Dave and Mike both request 120, but Dave has initiative and gets the spot free. Mike has to pull up with a late brake roll of 7
Doug wants 120 also, but there is still no room. The baby blue car pulls inside and has a 1W penalty also
Jim pulls back at 100.

Rando and Will's positions were swapped accidentally last turn, but that has been resolved.

Turn 33 is due Monday at 4PM Pacific
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Post 27 Aug 2018, 4:57 pm

Turn 33

A leader and the pack chasing!

Don spends 1W going 80 in the 60s and keeping his gap from John
John does not have wear left, and he orders 60
Tim finishes the curve at 80 and makes up the car length
Fabio keeps it at 60 and tucks behind Tim
Jeff straightens the car at starts out at 60
Chris spends 1W and takes both inside corners at 60
Will makes a move by spending 2W at 80 and is forced outside of Chris
Rando pushes on his brakes HARD (1S roll = 8) and gets to 40 on the inside
Dave spends 2W going through the 40s at 80mph, and sliding alongside Rando
Mike also calls for 80, but spends 2W along the outside
Dave eases along at 60 for 1W but maintains the inside position
Jim is still looking for places to use his fresher tires with 80mph

Turn 34 due at 4PM Pacific 29AUG18

****NOTE - Will has 1W added for the turn 31 error between Rando and Will position change. This has been added back****
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Post 29 Aug 2018, 4:39 pm

Turn 34
Last years winner slams into the tires!

Don takes the R/L at 120 and a wear with a clear path to victory
John, Tim and Fabio play follow the leader at 60MPH on the outside lane
Jeff takes a chance table roll at the inside lane with 60MPH (Naked roll = 5) and he keeps his car on track
Chris maintains his 60
Will, Rando, Dave and Doug all order 80 and clog the pipes!
Mike wants to go 80 also, but chooses to brake late to 60, (Naked 10! FAIL) His brakes fail and he slams into the tires
Jim takes the corner at 80, spending 1W on the inside (its says 1W 60 in a 40, but it is 80 in 60) and watches Mike slide off track!

Turn 35 due Friday at 4PM Pacific
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Post 31 Aug 2018, 9:14 pm

Turn 35

Don speeds to 160
John sets it to 100 and occupies the R/L
Tim does the same at 100 and R/L
Jeff speeds up to 120 and weaves through the traffic to third place!
Fabio calls out 80 and inside
Chris spends 3S around the Pico on the chance table and it comes up modified 1 80 in a 60
Will holds back at 60 on the outside
Dave spends 2W on the inside at 80 and pulls even with Chris
Rando holds his worn out car on the track safely at 60
Doug cranks his car through Pico at 60 for 1W on the inside
Jim maintains his 80 and scrapes a wear off on the outside lane
Mike climbs out of the car and is heard saying something that only sailors understand before his crew chief mutes his radio

Turn 36 due Monday at 4PM Pacific
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Post 03 Sep 2018, 9:04 pm

Turn 36

Don takes the checkers!!!

Don crosses the line at 160 with a hoot and a holler!
John orders 100, finishing the line
Jeff takes the 100s on the outside
Tim gets the R/L and slides inside lane of Jeff at100
Fabio follows Tim along the R/L and sits outside of Jeff
Dave spends the rest of his wear at 140 on the R/L and tuck in on Fabio
Chris and Will can only safely make 120 on the R/L
Doug pushes his damaged engine to 100 with a 2S roll (modified 8) and it salutes Aye!. He sits on the inside wall
Rando makes 100 also, but with the slip, he grabs the line
Jim finishes the corner at 80

Turn 36 due at 4PM Pacific Wed 6SEP18
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Post 06 Sep 2018, 7:14 am

Turn 37

2 Packs, and a lone car in the middle

John and Tim order 140, but Tim pulls alongside with the slip
Jeff makes his engine roar to 160 and tucks in behind John
Fabio only can go 140 safely, and falls behind Jeff, but loses two positions
Dave pushes his car to 180 and is made to take the middle lane
Chris gets 2 slips and uses his 160 to pass Fabio and pull even with Dave
Will can only maintain his 120
Rando uses the R/L at 100
Doug can only accelerate to 120 and use his last wear to even up with Rando
Jim uses 2W at 140 and makes up the gap on the last pack with a R/L manuever

Turn 38 due Friday at 4PM
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Post 06 Sep 2018, 3:23 pm

Only Tatum was over 100mph for sector 2
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