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Post 14 Mar 2018, 9:44 pm

The leaders continue running nose to tail down the straight as the rest of the field works through Parabolica

Mario, Rob and Claudio clear Parabolica and run down the straight twoards the line to start lap 2, each running 140 and keeping nose to tail.

Josh and Chris Brown run wide through Parabolica at 140, ending the turn side by side.

Jack runs the inside of Parabolica at 120, and pulls in behind Josh.

Pepe follows Jack through at 120 and pulls in behind as well.

Christina screams through the apex of the Esses at 120 before sliding to the middle of Parabolica.

Sean does the same at 120, entering the middle of Parabolica.

Tony sets up for the Esses at 100.

Chris Brandt clears Orhela at 60.
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Post 15 Mar 2018, 3:45 am

Sector 2 speeds show some cautious driving
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Post 16 Mar 2018, 9:10 pm

Rob makes an aggressive dive towards Curva 1 as the field works their way to Lap 2

RM Note: Just a note, make sure you keep a count of how many spaces to the corner, and write alternates if you need, cause I can't give the line or lane unless you tell me!

Turn 14 is due Monday March 20th at 11pm Eastern

Mario blasts down the straight at 140, starting the second lap and pulls to the outside to setup for the apex of Curva 1.

Rob uses Mario's slip to cut tight to Mario's inside at 140.

Claudio goes 160 and shadows Rob down the straight.

Joshua, Chris Brown, and Jack all go 160, with Jack getting a good response out of his engine (R Mod 3), and roll down the straight in formation.

Pepe follows the group out at 140 and slide down the straight.

Christina seems to have a bobble but finishes the corner at 120, before pulling wide.(NPR)

Sean completes the corner at 120 and pulls inside.

Tony rolls through the Esses on the apex at 100 before sliding down the inside of Parabolica

Chris Brandt tucks inside of the Esses as his follows the apex at 100.
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Post 19 Mar 2018, 9:20 pm

Rob carves his way though Curva 1 to maintain the lead as there is a puff of smoke spotted from the main straight.

Turn 15 is due Wendesday March 21 at 11pm Eastern

RM Note: So in discussions on items covering rolls earlier between the RMs earlier, there was a small bit of clarification on "Default use of player skill" to which I may have misunderstood. So to clarify, there are two type of rolls. Expected and Unexpected.

Expected rolls are rolls that a car would of been required to take to complete the action (Chance rolls when declaring too fast, Acc/Top Rolls, Hard Break rolls)

Unexpected rolls are rolls that occur due to events in the group above (Late Breaks due to blocking, Crash Avoidance rolls, etc)

The defaults for these by the rules are different. Expected rolls have a default of no skill use. Unexpected rolls have a default of maximum allows skill use(this can include use of 3s). Please keep that in mind in your manuvers and if all else, make sure you make your movement as clear as possible.

Turn 14 Results

Rob wheels it through the inside of Curva 1 at 140 before tucking in tight into Curva 2.

Mario follows Rob though at 140 as he follows the apex of Curva 2 before sliding to Rob's outside.

Claudio uses his slipstream coming off of Rob to be able to run outside of Curva 1 and keep pace at 120 and on Rob's rear wing.

Chris Brown goes 160 as he burns rubber and out races Joshua to the Apex of the corner.

Joshua watches Chris go off at 140 and follows along in tow.

Jack goes 140 carrying a slip off Joshua and pulls to his outside, burning a little wear.

Pepe powers down the straightaway at 140, setting up for the Apex of Curva 1

Christina crosses the line to start lap 2 at 160 and pulls in behind Pepe for slip.

Sean attempt to force his car to its upmost speeds pushing it twoards 180. He is able to make the proper shifting, but as the car reaches it's revving limit, there is a pop and a whine, and the car is only able to muscle 160. (Acc R 5, Top R 10, Fail Top -20 Top)

Tony finishes Parabolica at 120 and prepares to begin Lap 2.

Chris Brandt runs inside of Parabolica at 120, and begins to scuff his tires.
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Post 21 Mar 2018, 10:22 pm

The field navigates through Curva 1 and 2 without much trouble as the leader dives into Curva 3!

Turn 16 is due Friday March 23rd at 11pm Eastern

Turn 15 Results

Rob exits Curva 2 and dives hard into Curva 3 at 100!

Mario follows Rob out of the corner from the outside at 100 and slides in behind Rob as he approaches the corner.

Claudio goes 100 and slides to the outside of Mario on the approach to Curva 3.

Chris Brown exits Curva 1 along the Apex and runs Curva 2 tight at 140 before moving outside to avoid any slipstream chance.

Joshua and Jack exit Curva 1 side by side at 140, and Joshua's inside advantage gets him a little bit ahead going through Curva 2.

Pepe runs the apex of Curva 1 at 140.

Christina shadows Pepe though the Apex at 120, using a slip off of him to keep up.

Sean curses under his breath, and tries his best to get as much out of his car as he can at 160. He is able to succeed and powers through Curva 1 on the apex to keep up with Pepe and Christina.(Top R Mod 5).

Tony starts lap 2 as he bombs down the straight at 160

Chris Brandt clears Parabolica and works his way down the straight at 160.
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Post 23 Mar 2018, 9:42 pm

Rob powers through Curve VIP as the field works the corner behind him.

Turn 17 is due Monday March 26th at 11pm Eastern

Turn 16 Results

Rob continues his hard driving as he runs the outside of Curva VIP at 100!

Mario on the other hand, takes it easier and runs the inside of Curva 3 at 60.

Claudio follows Mario through the corner at 80 around the outside and works around to his outside.

Chris Brown, Joshua, and Jack all power into Curva 3 along the outside at 100, and setup in a line tailing Mario.

Pepe rolls through Curva 2 and pulls tight to Curva 3 at 120

Christina uses the slip off Pepe at 120 to pull along side of him on the outside.

Sean powers out of Curva 1 at 140 and pulls in behind Pepe on the run up to Curva 3.

Tony plugs his way through the apex of Curva 1 at 140.

Chris Brandt burns a little rubber and races into Curva 1 along the apex at 160.
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Post 24 Mar 2018, 5:06 am

The lap 1 numbers
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Post 24 Mar 2018, 5:44 am

With all 4 circuits running together the current full field can be computed. This is based on when cars cross the start/finish line. Swaine has a tremendous lead on the rest of the field.

Also here are the current RROC standings current through turn 16:
Circuit Leaders:
Tatum 61
Baker 56
Ales 54
Munies 52

Ling 60
Swaine 51
Brown 49
Rae 46
(Note: The circuit champions and the next 2 highest point drivers get first invitations)
full field.png
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Post 26 Mar 2018, 10:17 pm

The field works its way through the twin curves as Rob does his best to begin to gap the field.

Turn 18 due Wendesday March 28th at 11pm Eastern

Turn 17 Results

Rob having cleared Curva VIP sprints away down the back stretch at 140!

Claudio outraces Mario into the corner at 100, pulling to the middle after clearing Curva VIP around the outside. (Inside is not available as the the lanes are not even until you reach the 3-space point.)

Mario however goes 80 and is able to keep his inside advantage after clearing Curva VIP.

Chris Brown goes 60 and dives inside of Curva VIP.

Joshua goes 100 and barrels around the outside of Curva VIP, pulling his nose ahead of Chris Brown.

Jack runs out of Curva 3 at 80, before diving inside Curva VIP, pulling to Chris Brown's rear.

Pepe runs the inside of Curva 3 before sliding outside of Curva VIP at 80.

Christina takes the safe plan and runs outside of Curva 3 at 80.

Sean dives outside of Curva 3 at 100, plulling alongside Christina.

Tony goes 140 and sets himself up for Curva 3.

Chris Brandt blazes out of Curva 1, inside of Curva 2 and rolls twoards Curva 3 at 160.
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Post 28 Mar 2018, 11:22 pm

The Field begins to stretch out as drivers have some trouble in the back.

Turn 19 due Friday March 30th at 11pm Eastern

Turn 18 Results

Rob carves hard into Parabolica Interior at 120, trying to keep ahead of the followers.

Claudio blasts past Mario and down the backstretch at 160.

Mario watches Claudio go by and does his best to follow at 140, pulling in behind him.

Joshua uses some deft shifting to push the car to 160(Acc Mod 6), and pulls in behind Mario.

Chris Brown watches Joshua go off, but prefers to just go safely, running down the straight at 120.

Jack finishes his run through Curva VIP at 80 and pulls down the inside of the backstretch.

Pepe seems to loose track of whats going on as he exits Curva VIP at 80, and stays to the outside(NPR)

Christina out runs a confused sounding Sean into the corner as she carved into the corner at 80, and pulls to Pepe's inside tucked behind Jack.

Sean, seems to have troubles of his own, as he runs the outside of Curva VIP at 60(NPR)

Tony casually runs the outside of Curva 3 at 80.

Chris Brandt on the other hand, pushes it to 100 and catches back up to the tail of Tony
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Post 31 Mar 2018, 12:45 pm

RM Note: Apologies to all, I went to bed without submitting a turn. As there is still two days gap, the deadline is not moving however.

Drivers work their way through Parabolica Interior and Rob keeps his lead.

Turn 20 is due Monday April 2nd at 11pm Eastern

Rob clears Parabolica Interior and runs down the straight at 120.

Claudio decides to keep it light on his wear and runs along the outside at 100.

Mario decides to not follow that advise and cuts down the inside of the corner at 100, pulling inside of Claudio.

Josh follows the others into the corner at 120 around the outside, pulling in behind Claudio.

Chris Brown decides to take it easy and simply pulls up to Parabolica Interior at 100.

Jack goes 140 and pulls tight to the inside.

Christina follow Jack at 140 and uses the slipstream off of him to pull outside of him and behind Chris Brown.

Pepe pushes the car as hard as he can and runs down the straight at 120

Sean uses some deft shift work(Acc R 5) to push his car up to 120 and pounds pavement down the inside.

Tony and Chris Brandt burn rubber going 100 around the outside of Curva VIP.
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Post 01 Apr 2018, 4:05 am

Hudson and Brandt in the top three for the first time
Estoril C3 summary.png
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Post 02 Apr 2018, 9:47 pm

Rob continues his Torrid pace as the chase group rolls up to Orelha

Rob blasts through the inside of Orelha at 100 as he continues to wear his tires to keep up the gap.

Mario, Claudio, and Joshua fly out of Parabolica Interior at 120 a run up to Orelha. The front two in lock step, forcing Claudio to take the long way as they begin the turn.

Chris Brown decides to conserve his tires as he breaks to 60 and take the inside of Parabolica Interior.

Jack uses his inside advantage to beat Christina to the corner at 100 and runs around the outside, pulling alongside Chris Brown.

Christina tries to follow him at 100 but finds the way blocked, and has to lock up the tires to pull in behind Jack at 80.

Pepe slices down the inside of Parabolica Interior at 100 and pulls to the inside of Christina.

Sean eases himself up to the corner at 100 along the inside.

Tony blasts down the back straight at 140 and finds Chris Brandt to his outside at 160.
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Post 04 Apr 2018, 9:55 pm

Positional Fights happen in the middle of the pack as Rob sets up for the Esses and the field chases.

Turn 22 Due Friday April 6th at 11pm Eastern

Turn 21 Results

Rob keeps up his momentum as he runs through Tanque at 100 and sets up on the Apex of the Esses.

Having forced Claudio to the outside line, Mario pulls ahead at 100 as he works down the straight.

Stuck on the outside lane, Claudio also goes 100 and pulls in behind Mario after he had pulled ahead.

Expecting people in the way and preferring to conserve tires, Joshua goes 80 through Orhela and pulls in behind Claudio.

Jack punches it to 140 as he sprints out of Parabolica Interior, slamming the breaks as he closes on Orhela, and is able to without issue. (LB R Mod 4)

Chris Brown watches Jack take off at 140, and follows at 120, being forced to the outside.

Pepe peels out of Parabolica at 120, pulling ahead of Christina and pulling in behind Jack on the run up to Orhela.

Stuck at 100 due to the late break, Christina settles to pull in behind Pepe on the straight.

Sean works his tires as he runs through the inside of Parabolica Interior at 100.

Tony and Chris Brandt race up to Parabolica Interior at 100 side by side. With Tony having the inside advantage, he starts to pull ahead, as Chris Brandt is forces to take the corner wide.(Yes, they don't more simultaneously, but it sorta looks like that)
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Post 06 Apr 2018, 10:28 pm

Some passing in the back as the leaders navigate their way through the Esses.

Turn 23 Due Monday April 9th at 11pm Eastern

Turn 22 Results

Rob keeps chugging along at 100 as he dives through the esses and enters Parabolica along the inside at 100.

Mario follows Rob through clipping the start of Parabolica at 100.

Claudio and Josh follow through in lock step as they follow the same apex at 100 as they setup for the next turn.

Jack clears Orhela at 100 and tucks inside at Tanque.

Forced off line by Jack, Chris Brown runs the outside of Orhela at 80, before pulling inside.

With more space ahead of him, Pepe punches inside of Orhela at 100, pulling ahead of Chris Brown and slotting himself inbetween Jack and Chris.

Christina follows Pepe through at 80 before sliding in behind Chris Brown.

Sean barrels down the straight to Orhela at 100.

Tony follows Sean down at 120, and finds himself stuck to the outside with Sean sitting on the inside curve.

Chris Brandt follows the two at 120 and slots in behind Sean.