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Post 13 Apr 2018, 2:55 pm

6th - 8th hotly contested with 9th not far behind

Turn 25 summary:
Ling is first of a group to take the Curva 1 racing line. He does so at 140 for free. Tatum follows on the line at 160 shedding one wear. Bauska's bald tires force him down to 140 on the line. Miller is the last one to the line at 140.

Welage's 160 move catches Miller and the inside position gives him P4. Incorpora hugs the inside at 120. Mossman maxes his engine at 140 and pulls even with the black car. Kennington also hits his max speed of 160 to make it three wide.

Rando asks his crippled engine for a bit more acceleration (2 skill modified 8) and closes to two car lengths back of the group in front of him. Blizzard finishes Parabolica at 120, losing a length to Rando. Linneberg continues at 140, wear already paid, catching Blizzard. Hancock rolls out of the big turn at 120.

Next deadline: turn 26 due Monday, April 16 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 25.png
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Post 16 Apr 2018, 3:21 pm

Another damaged engine and more movement around the cut lines.

Turn 26 summary:
Ling approaches Curva 3 at 140 on the outside. Tatum hits his top speed of 160 making up a length on the leader. Bauska holds 140 and takes the short way around Curva 2. Miller gets the initiative at 160 and sheds one wear on the racing line but is forced outside in the next curve.

Welage takes the Curva 1 120s at speed for free. Kennington asks his engine for 180 but his engine responds with a loud clang (naked 11). But even at 160 he picks up two spots. Incorpora reaches down and puts his cell phone on "silent" and runs the Curva 1 racing line at 140. Mossman is forced outside at 140 dropping one wear.

Rando catches the pair in front of him by knocking off one wear on the racing line at 160. Blizzard opens up his big engine to 180 and starts the line. Linneberg uses one skill to get to 160 (modified 4) and keeps on Blizzard's tailpipe. Although Hancock is NPR he can still reach his top speed, finishing two lengths off Linneberg.

Next deadline: turn 27 due Wednesday, April 18 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 26.png
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Post 16 Apr 2018, 3:27 pm

Bauska fastest through the last sector, Miller posts the fastest lap
Estoril C2 summary.png
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Post 18 Apr 2018, 3:36 pm

Tight racing again changes the points at the promotion line

Turn 27 summary:
Ling flies through Curva 3 and into Curva VIP shedding three wear total. Tatum locks up the brakes (one wear) to get down to 100 leaving one more wear in the Curva 3 80s. Bauska's bald tires dictate that he bring it down to 80 around the outside of the corner. Miller plots 120 and wants the outside lane. Finding the yellow car slowly moving in that lane he uses one skill to stand on the brakes (modified 7) and put his tires to work on the inside (two wear). He grabs P3 moving Bauska below the cut line and putting Rando back in a transfer spot.

Welage slows slightly to 100 and sets up to take the corner on the inside. Kennington gets the most out of his damaged engine at 140 and grabs Welage's wing. Incorpora stays steady at 140 and adds to the line heading into Curva 3. Mossman does the same as he and Incorpora continue in lock-step.

Rando thought about keeping the pedal down but with the slow corner coming up and the traffic in front of him he backs off to 140 adding to the inside queue. Blizzard gets back to 140 for the Curva 1 racing line. Linneberg runs that line at 160, dropping a wear but being forced to the outside of Curva 2. Hancock keeps pace with the light blue race car at 160 also knocking off one wear on the line.

Next deadline: turn 28 due Friday, April 20 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
(Does that date ring a bell with any history buffs?)
Turn 27.png
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Post 20 Apr 2018, 4:09 pm

A spin near the front will block Curva VIP next turn!

Turn 28 summary:
Ling finishes VIP at 100 and dives inside. Tatum saves wear by slowing to 60 around the outside but he still clears the corner. Miller slows to 80 and hits the 60s becoming the second car on bald tires. Bauska, the other car on bald tires, tries for 80 behind Miller. His tires break loose and he is barely able to control the spinning yellow machine (naked 9).

Welage drops to 60 around the inside of Curva 3. Kennington plots 100 and runs the outside of the corner scrubbing off one wear. Incorpora punches the brakes hard (1w) and takes the 60s at 80 for another wear. Mossman slows to 80 and stays outside to conserve wear.

Rando wanted to run into Curva 3 at 100 but with no room to finish that move he uses one skill to get down to 80 (modified 8) and hugs the inside curb shedding one wear. Blizzard hits the outer lane of the corner at 100 knocking off one wear. Linneberg finishes the outside of Curva 2 and shifts to the inside lane as he approaches the next corner. Hancock has just enough room and brakes to get to 120 and finishes on the outside of Linneberg.

Next deadline: turn 29 due Monday, April 23 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 28.png
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Post 23 Apr 2018, 3:09 pm

Bauska gets moving again while things bunch up behind him but no one has to resort to dice.

Turn 29 summary:
Ling stretches his lead to five lengths at 140 down the back straight. Tatum comes off of Curva VIP at 100 down to the inside. Miller continues at 80, losing a length to Tatum. Bauska gets his car pointed in the right direction and pulls away at 60.

Welage and Kennington both run the VIP 40s at 80, dropping one wear and moving up one position each. Incorpora takes the outside of the corner at 80 for one wear as he comes up on Bauska. Mossman dives into the 40s at 80 leaving two wear behind.

Rando finishes the Curva 3 60s at 80 for already paid wear then knocks off one more wear in the VIP 60s still at 80. Blizzard slows to 80 and runs inside scrubbing off two wear. Linneberg rounds the Curva 3 60s at 80 for a wear then looks for the inside of VIP, but with Blizzard there he has to shoot outside for one more wear. Hancock moves at a conservative 80 around the outside 80s for free.

Next deadline: turn 30 due Wednesday, April 25 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 29.png
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Post 25 Apr 2018, 3:30 pm

Ling clears Parabolica Interior all but sealing his victory while the rest of the field goes 2x2 from third back to tenth.

Turn 30 summary:
Ling sheds one wear in the Parabolica Interior 80s at 100. Tatum does 120 to reach the approach to the corner, finishing in the middle lane to keep his options open. Miller is the first to ask his engine for a little extra jump (modified 7) as he reaches 140 and finishes on Tatum's tail. Welage makes the same request of his engine (modified 5) and gets a slip from Miller enabling him to duck inside and take P3.

Kennington is able to keep up without dice in spite of his damaged engine. Bauska is the last to test his engine's mettle (modified 6) and pulls even with the blue racecar. Incorpora and Mossman continue as if locked together as Mossman plots 140 and Incorpora plots 120 but gets a slip from Bauska to keep even.

Rando exits Curva VIP at 80 and dives to the inside. Blizzard also maintains 80 around the inside to hold on to the last points position. Linneberg at 80 rounds the outside of the corner and starts for the inside. Hancock slows to 60 around the outside of VIP, conserving what's left of his tires.

Next deadline: turn 31 due Friday, April 27 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 30.png
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Post 27 Apr 2018, 3:25 pm

Friendly dice and a jam up in Parabolica Interior.

Turn 31 summary:
Ling exits the corner at 120 and approaches Orelha on the inside. Tatum backs down to 80 taking the Parabolica 80s for free. Welage's 100 lets him move next, shedding one wear in the 80s and clearing the corner. Miller tried to get the jump on Welage by plotting 100 then using 1 skill to get down to 80 (modified 4). He has to settle for nursing his bald tires into the 80s at speed behind him.

Kennington plots 100 for the initiative then late brakes into the 60s (naked 5) dropping one wear and nudging Miller back to 5th position. Bauska is forced down to 80 and the outside lane behind Miller for free. Incorpora plots 120 to move next then late brakes to 100 for one wear. He spends one more wear in the Parabolica 80s. Mossman only has one option for his 100 plot and that's the 60 on the inside. It costs him two wear but he picks up a position from Incorpora.

Blizzard stomps the gas with two skill (modified 7) and a 160 move gets him ready for the corner. Rando uses two skill to push his damaged engine for more pop and it obeys (modified 3). At 120 he stays as close to Blizzard as he can. Linneberg gets all of his acceleration and top speed at 140 using a slip to take P10 and stay with the purple race car. Hancock uses his big three skill to over-accelerate to 140 down the straightaway.

Next deadline: turn 32 due Monday, April 30 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 31.png
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Post 30 Apr 2018, 4:51 am

RROC update as of turn 30

Circuit Leaders:
Baker - 49
Tatum - 61
Brandt - 48
Munies - 47

Wild Card:
Ling - 60
Ales - 48
Brown - 47
Rae - 46
Haskell - 45
Swaine - 44
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Post 30 Apr 2018, 3:48 pm

A little jostling as the end of the race nears.

Turn 32 summary:
Ling rounds Orelho on the inside at 100 shedding two wear. Welage plots 140 and gets the jump on Tatum. Then he brakes to 120 approaching the corner on the inside. Tatum at 120 drops to third place on the outside. Kennington is able to use his already paid wear to plot 120 into the 100 space and takes P4 clean.

Miller's bald tires give him only one choice; 100 through the 100 and he lines up behind the blue machine. Bauska, likewise with no serviceable rubber left, must continue at 80. Mossman has already spent two wear and is able to continue at 100 slipping in between Miller and Bauska and into P6. Incorpora maintains 100 around the 80s and pulls even with Bauska.

Blizzard hits the brakes hard with one skill (modified 7) and drops one wear in the 80s. Linneberg flies around the outside of the Parabolica initially at 140 but must late brake before the corner (three skill, automatic pass) and scrubs off two wear in the 80s at 120. Rando knocks down one wear in the 80s at 100. Hancock hits the 60s at 100 losing half of his remaining wear.

Next deadline: turn 33 due Wednesday, May 2 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 32.png
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Post 30 Apr 2018, 4:14 pm

Sorry about that, here's the sector 1 numbers
Estoril C2 summary.png
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Post 02 May 2018, 4:12 pm

Mossman makes a bid for the promotion line while Ling enters the final corner.

Turn 33 summary:
Ling sheds his last two wear at 120 through the Esses racing line and into the Parabolica 100s. Welage stays exactly one turn behind the leader by scrubbing off his final two wear in the Orelho inner 60. Tatum drops one wear in the outside lane of the corner then shoots inside. Kennington knocks down his remaining wear in the inner 60 at 100 taking P3.

Miller slows to 60 as he nurses his bald tires into the corner. Mossman sees a shot at passing the non-blocking orange race car (1s, modified 5) and runs into the corner at 120, losing what was left of his rubber and using his remaining two skill on the chance table (modified 5). He holds P5 just one point below the promotion line. Bauska gets the initiative at 100 then brakes to 80 (naked 8) to sit on the inside. Incorpora takes the position anyway by running 100 into the outside 60s for two wear, becoming the seventh car on bald tires.

Blizzard want to run into the ear at 120 but finding it blocked brakes to 100 (one skill, modified 8) finishing outside. Linneberg leaves his move to me, he must slow to 80 to be able to negotiate the upcoming 60mph corner. Rando completes the Inner Parabolica at 100 and sits behind Linneberg. Hancock has already paid for the inside lane in the corner, finishing on Rando's wing.

Next deadline: turn 34 due Friday, May 4 (Star Wars day) at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 33.png
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Post 04 May 2018, 4:08 pm

Some very friendly dice keep things interesting.

Turn 34 summary:
Ling finishes the Parabolica 100s for already paid wear and heads for the checkers. Welage runs the Esses racing line at 100 and into the final corner at speed. Kennington follows on the line also at 100. Tatum gets the initiative plotting 120 then late braking (naked 7) into the Esses behind the dark blue machine.

Mossman is forced around the outside of the Esses at 120, his tires barely keeping traction (naked chance roll 6). Miller hits the gas hard and his engine holds (naked 3) to get him to 120 and ready to negotiate the Esses line. Incorpora holds his speed (wear already paid) and drops to the inside of Tanque. Bauska is forced down to 60 around Orelho.

Blizzard, in a hot battle to stay in C2 next season, runs the ear at 80 on the outside, dropping one wear. Linneberg, the other party in the relegation feud, runs the inside at 80 also shedding one wear and making things three wide. (This next turn is going to be interesting). Rando, with better tires than anyone, flies around the outside of the corner at 100 and sits right behind the three way. Hancock knocks down one wear on the inside of the corner at 80 to keep pace with Rando.
Turn 34.png
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Post 07 May 2018, 3:56 pm

Two spins, both by a single pip!

Turn 35 summary:
Ling crosses the finish line and takes the checkered flag with a comfortable victory. Welage works the inside of Parabolica at 100. Kennington follows in Welage's tire tracks. Tatum gets the initiative out of the Esses at 140 and scrubs off his last wear in the 120s.

Mossman pushes his luck just a little too far as he attempts to enter the Parabolica 100s at 120 but his tires just barely give out (naked 7) causing him to spin. Miller runs the Esses line at 100 and with the inside lane occupied by the spinning red machine he's forced into the middle lane. Incorpora runs the Esses racing line at 100 and swings into the 120s. Blizzard tries to make a bold move at 140 but finds no way to enter the final corner. Instead he run the Esses 100s for his final wear and a three skill roll (modified 5). He still accomplishes his goal of passing Bauska to move above the cut line.

Bauska attacks the Esses racing line at 120 but his tires also fail to grip the pavement (naked 7). Linneberg plots 100 but with Bauska trying to decide which way is forward he hits the 100 lane. Rando's 120 plot plus the slip off of Kennington do him little good as things are blocked at the Esses so he runs the outside of Tanque and sets up on the racing line. Hancock does 120 to the inside taking P11 for now.

Next deadline: turn 36 due Wednesday, May 9 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
Turn 35.png
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Post 07 May 2018, 4:15 pm

Mossman was making time through sector 2.
Estoril C2 summary.png