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Post 12 Mar 2018, 4:18 pm

Turn 11

Tim with a huge lead and two packs!

Tim continues his lead setting pace at 140 along the straight
Jim comes around Parabolika at 120 and ready to punch it
Chris and Marshall both spend a wear and can keep contact with Jim coming out of the curve at 140 in the 120
Jeff spends 1W and 1W in Parabolika at 140 in the 120s
Fabio spends 2W but has to take the long way through the Esses and sits behind Jeff at 140
Cody spends 4W (!!!) though the R/L at 140 in the 100s
Will, Doug and Mike all take the Tanque and Esses at 100, but Will and Mike have the R/L

Turn 12 due 14MAR18 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 14 Mar 2018, 9:54 am

Turn 12

Will jumps around Parabolica and Tim still leads by a large margin

Tim cruises the across the S/F Line at 140
Jim also leads the trail pack with a 140
Chris speeds to 160 and pulls even with the Dark Blue Flash
Marshall, Jeff, Fabio, and Cody all dutifully follows behind with a speed of 140, sitting on the rear wing of Jim
Will rushes through Parabolica (Not Parabolika!, must be my Eastern European heritage...) at a breakneck speed of 160 for 2W
Doug and Mike stare slack-jawed at the Pink car as Doug maintains the 100mph into Parabolica exterior and Mike takes the Esses for 1W at 120

March Madness fantasy brackets for the Redscape group are at ESPN.COM P/W diplomat

Turn 13 due Friday 16MAR18 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 16 Mar 2018, 2:57 pm

Turn 13

Will goes for top speed in this race!

Tim takes Curva 1 R/L for free at 140
Chris speeds to 160 and cuts in front of Jim to the R/L for 1W
Jim jumps on the R/L at 140
Marshall takes a slip with his 140 and slides next to Jim
Jeff also gets a slip with his 140 and positions himself on the R/L
Fabio expects a slip, but exceeds Jeff's speed at 160 finishing on lane 2
Cody gets the slip at 160 pulling alongside Fabio in lane 3
Will pushes his top speed to 180 (Modified 2S = 5 PASS) with a roar from the crowd!
Doug and Mike finish Parabolica at 120

Turn 14 due Monday 19MAR18 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 19 Mar 2018, 1:13 pm

Turn 14

The race tightens up!!!

Tim rolls through Curva 2 at 120
Chris continues along the R/L at 160, making up 2 spaces
Marshall takes the 120s at 140 for 1W and taking the inside of Curva 2
Jim gets the R/L at 140, but is pushed outside of Marshall
Jeff follows along the R/L at 140 also, packing it behind Marshall
Fabio also has the R/L advantage and sits at the end of the R/L
Cody orders 140 and expends a wear for the 120s, but gets the slip, pulls past Fabio and next to Jeff
Will orders 1W on the R/L and draws closer to the pack on Curva 2
Mike pushes his speed to 180 with a modified 1 roll = 7 and sits in the middle lane
Doug orders 140 and chooses to follow Mike, thus ending in the middle lane

Turn 15 due Wednesday 15MAR18 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 19 Mar 2018, 3:25 pm

Baker with a top 3 in all three sectors and an nearly 5 second lead at the line.
Estoril C1 summary.png
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Post 21 Mar 2018, 10:28 am

Turn 15

A forced pass! Jeff say to heck with slow drivers!

Tim spends 3W (1W in Curva 3 and 2W in VIP) with a speed of 100
Chris spends 1W in Curva 3 and travels at 100mph
Marshall pulls up short of Curva 3 with an ordered 80mph
Jim pulls alongside Marshall by going 100mph

Jeff says "Screw this!, I'm going for it!" and punches his accelerator down, revving his engine to 120
His forced pass maneuver with 2S applied rolls a 6 (PASS!) and the color commentator states "It could have been close, but Jeff's skill saved him there!" He spends 2W sliding into the outer lane of Curva 3

Cody chooses safety and eases to the back of the peleton at 100.
Fabio does the same and pulls alongside Cody at 100 also
Will continues along the R/L at 140 and regains contact with the pack
Mike and Doug both take the R/L at 140

Turn 16 due 23MAR18 at 4PM Pacific, or earlier if all orders are in
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Post 23 Mar 2018, 11:40 am

Turn 16

The front spreads out, and a pack forms before Curva VIP!

Tim continues his 100 and checks his rear view mirror for Chris.
Chris maintains his position with a 100 mph already paid
Jeff slows to 100 to avoid a chance roll and spends 2W on the outside of VIP
Marshall stats the log jam by easing through Curva 3 at 60
Jim comes alongside with his ordered 80
Fabio takes the outside at 80
Cody chooses the inside and makes the inside lane at 60 work
Will follows behind Fabio with his 80
Mike chooses to not fly into Curva 3 and slows to 120
Doug closes the gap with Mike by speeding along at 140

Turn 17 due at 4PM Pacific 26MAR18 unless all orders are received early
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Post 24 Mar 2018, 5:43 am

With all 4 circuits running together the current full field can be computed. This is based on when cars cross the start/finish line. Swaine has a tremendous lead on the rest of the field.

Also here are the current RROC standings current through turn 16:
Circuit Leaders:
Tatum 61
Baker 56
Ales 54
Munies 52

Ling 60
Swaine 51
Brown 49
Rae 46
(Note: The circuit champions and the next 2 highest point drivers get first invitations)
full field.png
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Post 26 Mar 2018, 3:53 pm

Turn 17

Like a log jam through a slow winding river...

Tim speeds along at 140
Chris makes up the difference with an ordered 160
Jeff sits in third coming out of the corner at 100
Jim flies around the outside of VIP at 100, spending 2W
Marshall spends 1W with his 60, pulling up behind Jim
Cody spends 2W on the VIP outside and pulls behind Jim as well
Fabio spends 1W on the outside at 80, but wanted the inside
Will takes to the inside with his car rolling at 80, spending 2W
Mike impatiently pushes his car at 80, spending 1W in Curva 2, and 2W in VIP on the inside lane; catching Will's bumper
Doug takes the Curva 2 corner at 100, spending 1W on the outside lane

Turn 18 Due 28MAR18 at 4PM Pacific
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Post 27 Mar 2018, 4:09 am

The lap 2 sector 1 numbers
Estoril C1 summary.png
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Post 28 Mar 2018, 3:41 pm

Turn 18

A challenge for the lead, and 2 position changes

Tim takes the outside at 100 for 1W and cuts inside at the end
Chris also orders 100, but spends 1W for the 80s
Jeff comes to the corner at 140
Jim comes up to speed at 140mph
Cody comes up to 160 and pulls alongside Jim
Marshall gets the slip from Jim and makes it 3-wide with a ACC roll of 9
Fabio keeps his car in check with a 120mph
Will takes a risk and pushes his acceleration w/ 1S (modified 6) and takes his 160 past the Slower Fabio
Mike continues the inside at 80mph
Doug takes the outside at 100 and is unable to get behind Mike

Turn 19 due Friday 30MAR18 at 4PM
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Post 30 Mar 2018, 10:22 am

Turn 19

9 wear spent this turn in Parabolica Interior this turn!

Tim eases along the straight entering Orelha at 120
Chris follows behind, speeding up to 120 and sitting behind Tim
Jeff takes the outside lane for 2W at 120
Jim takes the outside and tucks inside at 120 for 2W
Cody follows along and slides to the outside of Jim at 120 for 2W also
Marshall slows to 80 and spends the 1W on the inside
Will wanted the inside, but is forced to the outside at 100 and a slip for 1W
Fabio wanted the slip, but Will did not travel fast enough, and he loses contact at 100 for 1W
Mike speeds to 160 with 1S (mod 4) and loses the nose of Doug but getting the tail of Fabio
Doug rolls along at 140

Turn 20 due Monday, 2April18 at 4PM unless all orders are received early
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Post 02 Apr 2018, 12:07 pm

Turn 20

A couple of dice rolls, and a spread out group of drivers

Tim flies around Orelha at 100, spending 2W and causing a gap with Chris
Chris eases off of Tim with the wheels only scraping a little at 80 (1W)
Jeff cuts to the inside of Orelha at 100, costing his tires 2W
Jim and Cody both order 140 and late brake to 120 (Jim with 2S = 3) (Cody naked at 8), so Jim gets the inside
Will accelerates to 120 and keeps contact with Jim's spoiler
Marshall also speeds up another 20mph to 100 and tucks behind Will
Fabio keeps it at 100 and pulls around Parabolica
Mike presses hard on the brake to slow to 80 (1S modified 9) and is ready to speed out of the corner
Doug spends 1W going 100 in the 80s, regaining contact with Mike.

Turn 21 due Wednesday at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in earlier.
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Post 04 Apr 2018, 11:52 am

Turn 21

10 cars separated by 12 spaces. Quite the parade!

Tim cruises the R/L Esses and enters Parabolica at 100 in the middle lane
Chris also takes the R/L at 100
Jeff makes up a space on the Lime green car of Chris at 120
Jim spends 2W on Orelha's inner lane and takes the inside of Tanque at 100
Cody also spends 2W on Orelha's outer lane at 100
Will cuts the inside of Orelha at 100 for 2W, pulling to the outside of the Purple flash
Marshall conserves wear by traveling 80 along the inside for 1W
Fabio makes up the gap with a 100 and 2W worth of tires
Mike keeps contact at 120 along the straightaway
Doug speeds to 120 as well

Turn 21 due 6APR18 at 4PM Pacific or earlier if all orders are in
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Post 06 Apr 2018, 1:25 pm

Turn 22

A challenge for the lead through Parabolica!

Tim takes the Parabolica at 120, sliding inside at the end
Chris speeds up to 140 and roars alongside Tim
Jeff and Jim both use the R/L at 100
Cody jumps for initiative at 120 and late brakes with a naked 7 to 100 along the R/L
Will has his car at 100 the easy way, and takes the outside lane of the Esses
Marshall speeds to 120 and takes the R/L for 1W
Fabio gets the slip at 120 and sits outside on the 100s for 1W
Mike flies around Orelha at 100 for 2W
Doug orders 80 through Orelha for 1W, but does not maintain contact with Mike

Turn 23 due Monday, 9APR18 at 4PM Pacific, or earlier if all orders are in.