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Post 03 Jul 2017, 1:32 pm

Four drivers push the start and all pass

Turn 15 summary:
Mossman pushes with a modified roll of 1 and gets lap 2 under way. Pellegrino's modified roll of 5 keeps the front row intact. Schulz also rolls a modified 5 as does Ling to keep row 2 right behind. Harrington and Barletta both do 60 and keep the row intact but lose a space to the middle row.

*Note the points chart in the lower right. It will update every turn. However, since the final tie breaker is finish position on lap 3, during lap 2 positions of tied drivers will be arbitrary.

Next deadline: turn 16 due Wednesday, July 5 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 05 Jul 2017, 3:18 pm

The back two catch up to tighten up the pack.

Turn 16 summary:
Mossman and Pellegrino both plot 100. Mossman with the inside advantage grabs the line for two wear. With that move, Pellegrino brakes to 80 (modified 6) and dives inside shedding two wear and taking the lead. Schulz moves next with a 100 plot and drops two wear on The Wall racing line.

Ling backs down to 80 and sits on the line behind Schulz. Harrington and Barletta both do 120, Harrington grabbing the inside and P4, Barletta ending up in between Harrington and Ling for P5.

Next deadline: turn 17 due Friday, July 7 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 07 Jul 2017, 2:52 pm

The leaders get the expected gap while the back four line up single file.

Turn 17 summary:
Mossman and Pellegrino both come off The Wall at 140. Pellegrino has the inside advantage and grabs the racing line at the Bridge. Mossman is forced outside into the 140s. Schulz maintains 100 (wear already paid) and drops inside.

Harrington rounds The Wall at 80 through the 40 dropping two wear and gets to the back of the blue car. Barletta sheds two wear in the 60s at 100 and falls in behind Harrington. Ling slows to 60 taking the racing line for free.

Next deadline: turn 18 due Monday, July 10 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 10 Jul 2017, 3:34 pm

The front four are in a pack with the back two not far behind.

Turn 18 summary:
Pellegrino hits the S1 racing line at 120 for free. Mossman follows with a 120 move and grabs the black car's wing. Schulz wheels around the Bridge racing line at 160 leaving one wear behind and finishes inside of Mossman to take the spot.

Harrington plots 140 so the Bridge racing line is free and a slip from Schulz keeps him in the front pack. Barletta does 120 around the racing line and gets a slip from Harrington. Ling also gets a slip and is able to cover the Bridge 120 at speed.

Next deadline: turn 19 due Wednesday, July 12 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 12 Jul 2017, 3:27 pm

Pellegrino gets a small gap on P2. The rest of the pack stays in touch.

Turn 19 summary:
Pellegrino shoots the S2 racing line at 120 dropping one wear. Schulz slows to 100 taking the S1 100 and the S2 racing line.

Mossman at 100 is able to cover the S1 line but then is forced outside in S2 with Schulz blocking the line at the corner exit. Harrington completes the Esses using both lines at 100 and finishes inside of Mossman for P3.

Barletta follows Mossman's tracks at 120 and sets up on the S2 line. Ling stays safe on the S1 line at 120.

Next deadline: turn 20 due Friday, July 14 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 14 Jul 2017, 2:45 pm

Mossman reclaims P3. P1 & P4 separated by only two spaces.

Turn 20 summary:
Pellegrino does 140 down the straightaway and finishes in the middle lane to keep his options open for the corner. Schulz at 160 makes up a space on the leader.

Harrington comes out of S2 at 160 and keeps on Schulz's tail. Mossman also does 160 out of the corner and gets a slip from Schulz to pull even with him.

Barletta keeps a safe 100 through S2, as does Ling who stays right on his wing.

Next deadline: turn 21 due Monday, July 17 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 17 Jul 2017, 3:57 pm

A new leader, and the rest of the pack tightens up.

Turn 21 summary:
Pellegrino uses all his brakes to get to 80 and sheds one wear on the racing line. Mossman gets the initiative by plotting 120 then using one wear and one skill to brake to 80 (modified 6) and scrubs off two more wear on the inner 40 space.

Schulz plots 100 and looks for the racing line or the inside, but with both blocked he's forced outside. Harrington at 100 has just enough room to get the racing line behind Pellegrino at a cost of two wear.

Barletta jumps out to 160 and gets the racing line just before the Triangle. Ling also grabs high gear to 160 and with a slip ducks inside for the position.

Next deadline: turn 22 due Friday, July 21 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 19 Jul 2017, 3:05 pm

Three 2x2s as we come out of the Triangle.

Turn 22 summary:
Mossman and Pellegrino both come out of the corner at maximum acceleration and remain side by side.

Schulz finishes the outside lane dropping two wear and moves inside. Harrington comes through on the racing line for already paid wear and keeps up with Schulz.

Ling and Barletta both plot 100 with Ling having the inside advantage. He uses the outside lane shedding two wear. He sits on the racing line denying it to Barletta who has to follow around the outside for two wear but is able to drop inside to take the position.

Next deadline: turn 23 due Friday, July 21 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

NOTE: The WBC begins on the 22nd so here is what I propose. After Friday's move the "official" deadline for turn 24 will be July 31. However, if I get all moves during the week I will process the turn. If I again get all moves during the week I will again process. So whether we miss any turns or how many we miss will be up to the folks at WBC.
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Post 21 Jul 2017, 3:20 pm

A puff of smoke from a front runner causes concern. He will probably be all right for this lap but he will have a decision to make between laps.

Turn 23 summary:
Pellegrino attempts 180 but his engine can't take the strain (naked 12) so he replots 160. This gives Mossman the initiative at 160 and he grabs the outer racing line for The 90. Pellegrino was looking for the same move but now decides to stay inside.

Schulz and Harrington plot matching 160s and drag race down the straightaway side by side. Two spaces back, Ling and Barletta do the same.

Next deadline: turn 24 due Monday, July 31 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
As mentioned before, if I get all moves before then I will resolve the turn
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Post 24 Jul 2017, 3:26 pm

The field closes up as they enter the slow section of the course.

Turn 24 summary:
Pellegrino plots 100 then late brakes to 80 (naked 7) around the inner racing line scrubbing off one wear. Mossman also does 100 around the outer racing line losing one wear in the process.

Schulz and Harrington continue side by side up to the entrance of The 90; Schulz on the inner line and Harrington on the outer line.

Ling plots 180 using one skill to test top speed (modified 5) then late brakes to 160 (naked 5) pulling even with Schulz and Harrington making it three wide at the corner. Barletta slows to 120 to better keep on eye on the group in front of him. He grabs the inner line to prepare for the corner.

Next deadline: turn 25 due Monday, July 31 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
If I get all moves early I will resolve the turn then.
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Post 28 Jul 2017, 2:44 pm

The final three corners could shake up the points.

Turn 25 summary:
Pellegrino comes out of The 90 at 120 and sheds one wear in the Hairpin's outer lane. Mossman holds 100mph and dives inside taking P1.

Schulz covers The 90 inner line at 80 paying one wear. Harrington drops two wear on the outer racing line at 120 and ducks in front of the blue machine.

Ling slows to 120 and uses the outer lane of The 90 to stay even with Schulz. Barletta slows to 60 and sits on the inner racing line for free.

Next deadline: turn 26 due Monday, July 31 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 31 Jul 2017, 3:31 pm

Five positions change hands thanks to the Hairpin.

Turn 26 summary:
Pellegrino slows to 100 and finishes the Hairpin, wear already paid. Mossman saves his last wear by doing 60 around the inside of the Hairpin and dropping back to P2.

Harrington does 80 around the middle lane for free. Ling gets the jump on Schulz with a 100 move, shedding two wear in the inside lane and takes P3.

Schulz also preserves the last of his tires at 60 on the inside. Barletta catches up to the blue machine as he comes off of The 90 at 100.

Next deadline: turn 27 due Wednesday, August 2 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Note: The points logic now breaks ties properly. So the order on the chart at the end of the lap will be the start order for lap 3.
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Post 02 Aug 2017, 3:25 pm

You could throw a blanket over the top 5 cars and Barletta is lurking not far behind.

Turn 27 summary:
Pellegrino saves his tires by slowing to 60 and rounding the Amphitheater on the inside for free. Mossman scrapes the remaining rubber off of his tires at 100 around the 80s.

Ling plots 80 and wants the inside but Pellegrino has the lane so he's forced to the middle for free. Harrington comes into the corner at 100 but with Ling in the middle is forced outside.

Schulz goes for a big move plotting 120 but with the corner blocked he's forced to late brake (naked 9) and dives inside for his last wear and his last skill on a chance roll (modified 3). Barletta drops a wear on the Hairpin inside lane at 80 and sets up for the Amphitheater on the inside.

Next deadline: turn 28 due Friday, August 4 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 04 Aug 2017, 4:00 pm

The final corner should be interesting.

Turn 28 summary:
Pellegrino and Mossman come off of the Amphitheater at 120 and set up for the final corner.

Ling is locked at 80 and moves inside. Schulz, with that aggressive move last turn, is able to complete the corner and duck in front of Ling to take the position

Harrington save is final wear as he slows to 80 to finish the corner and grabs the green car's wing. Barletta saves rubber at 80 around the middle lane of the Amphitheater.

Next deadline: turn 29 due Monday, August 7 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 07 Aug 2017, 3:36 pm

Lap 2 draws near to a close. Will any of the top 4 reach for dice next turn?

Turn 29 summary:
Pellegrino drops his last wear in the middle lane of the Paddock at 100 and holds on to his slim lead. Mossman plots 80 and takes the inside lane spending his 3-skill chip on a chance roll (modified 3) to keep pace with the leader.

Schulz rounds the middle lane at 80 on his bald tires. Ling plots 100 looking for the middle lane but with Schulz blocking he makes a naked late brake roll (4) and runs his tires out in the 60 space.

Harrington also fully wears out his tires in the 80s at 100 in the Paddock. Barletta still has some rubber left as he sets up on the inside at the entrance to the corner.

Next deadline: turn 30 due Wednesday, August 9 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
RROC turn 29.png