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Post 09 Aug 2017, 2:59 pm

The first four cross the line, the back markers are side by side.

Turn 30 summary:
Mossman pushes his acceleration (naked 5) and leads lap 2 at the line. Pellegrino stays safe at 140 with his already damaged engine but still nabs 6 points for the lap.

Schulz comes of the Paddock at full song to finish P3. Ling maxes his acceleration but can only get 140 to finish behind Schulz.

Harrington is locked at 100 and stays inside. Barletta uses the rest of his wear to fly the Paddock 80s at 120 and catches Harrington.

Next deadline: turn 31 due Friday, August 11 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Moves needed for Harrington and Barletta only.
Pellegrino, let me know if you want to try to repair your engine. It will take an unmodified 1d6 roll of 5 or less. Regardless of success or failure, you would start P6. If you do not try you will start P4 but still have the damaged engine.
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Post 11 Aug 2017, 3:35 pm

An exciting finish to lap 2.

Turn 31 summary:
Barletta plots 180 with one skill to top speed (modified 6) and gets the initiative. He then brakes back to 160 with his remaining two skill (modified 3) and finishes inside. Harrington at 160 pulls alongside for a sixth place for lap 2.

Pellegrino rolls to repair his damaged engine and gets a 6! His crew was unable to diagnose the problem and had to send him back out on the track.

The grid is set for lap 3. A reminder, the tie breaker at the end of this lap is finish position on this lap. And the point chart will show the proper order for any tied drivers.

Next deadline: turn 32 is due Monday, August 14 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 15 Aug 2017, 3:33 pm

Note: the point chart on the Watkins Glen map was incorrect last turn, Harrington starts the lap with 10 points (chart showed 11), Barletta starts the lap with 2 points (chart showed 1).

Note: Both Barletta and Pellegrino are on holiday for the next 3 weeks so, since this is an exhibition race I will do this: the posted deadline will be September 6. However as soon as I have all six moves I will resolve the turn. For the two on holiday, I certainly hope you enjoy yourself, but it would be nice if you would make an effort to get turns in as often as you can.

Now, back to our show...

Turn 32 summary:
As expected, a lot of dice. Everyone except Pellegrino rolls to test start speed. The results are (in running order on the track): Mossman, modified 7, Harrington, modified 2, Ling, modified 4, Schulz, naked 6 and Barletta, modified 2. Those 5 drivers are in positions 1 through 5 respectively. Pellegrino does 60 and falls in line behind Barletta.

Next deadline: turn 33 due Wednesday, September 6 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 18 Aug 2017, 3:04 pm

A very simple turn as the pack moves in unison, everyone plotted 120.

Turn 33 summary:
Mossman and Harrington try to shake the pack by burning one wear each in the 100 of S1, but it doesn't work as the rest of the pack all get slips and take the S1 120s to conserve wear. The final positions identical to the start positions.

Next deadline: turn 34 due September 6 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
If I get all moves sooner I will put out the next turn.
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Post 02 Sep 2017, 11:42 am

The top four are all in a group with the other two not far behind.

Turn 34 summary:
Mossman gets the initiative shedding two wear in the Tunnel 120s at 160. Harrington drops one wear in the same 120s at 140 and settles in behind Mossman.

Ling comes out of the Esses at 140, gets a slip from Harrington and scrubs off one wear in the Tunnel 120s to pull even with the leader. Schulz gets a slip from Mossman and takes the 100s at 120 for one wear, completing the box.

Barletta hits the approach to the Tunnel at 120 on the inside. Pellegrino gets a slip from Barletta and makes it side by side for the corner.

Next deadline: turn 35 due (soft) Monday, September 4 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
(hard) Wednesday, September 6 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Note the soft deadline due to the holiday weekend in the US.
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Post 05 Sep 2017, 2:50 pm

A very easy turn.

Turn 35 summary:
Mossman and Ling both do 160 down the straightaway.

Harrington and Schulz both plot 160 and look for slips in case one of the two in front pushes. Neither pushed, neither got a slip.

Barletta sheds one wear around the Tunnel 100s at 120 and keeps to the outside to try to shake Pellegrino. Pellegrino is wise to that as he rounds the corner in the 120s for free but stays on the wing of the yellow race car.

Next deadline: turn 36 due Friday, September 8 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

We should be back on our normal M/W/F schedule now.
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Post 08 Sep 2017, 2:25 pm

The Italians make up ground on the pack.

Turn 36 summary:
Mossman wheels into the Carousel 120s at 160 for two wear. Ling chooses the inside of the corner at 140 also dropping two wear.

Harrington follows Mossman at 160 on the outside shedding two wear. Schulz at 160 wanted a slip and the inside lane but he's faster than Ling, so no slip, and without the slip he doesn't have enough speed to make a pass on him either. So Schulz is forced to late brake with one skill (modified 3) and settles in behind Ling at a cost of two wear.

Barletta breaks up his 3-skill chip and uses two skill to coax his motor to 180 (modified 6), closing on the leaders. Pellegrino maxes out at 140 but the double slip from Barletta lets him keep on the wing of the yellow machine.

Next deadline: Monday, September 11 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 10 Sep 2017, 5:29 am

With some minor jockeying the group stays in formation.

Turn 37 summary:
The first four drivers are locked at their speeds and complete the Carousel with no change of positions.

Barletta sheds two wear in the 120s at 160 to keep pace. Pellegrino maxes his damaged engine at 140 and with a slip is able to keep up with Barletta.

Next deadline: turn 38 due Wednesday, September 13 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 17 Sep 2017, 7:58 am

A lot of friendly dice as we set up for an exciting finish.

Turn 38 summary:
Mossman sets up for the Kink at 160. Ling and Harrington both plot 180 with dice. Ling has the inside and a one skill modified roll of 5 puts him next to the leader. Harrington barely passed his top speed roll (modified 9) but now with nowhere to go makes a one skill late brake roll (modified 7) and sits on Mossman's wing.

Schulz plots 160 and could get two slip spaces from Ling's 180 move but after one bonus space there's nowhere else to go so he hangs on the outside in P4. Barletta uses two skill to get to 180 (modified 5) and keeps just two car lengths behind the pack. Pellegrino uses two skill to nurse his damaged engine to 160 and with the double bonus from Barletta he pulls even with him.

Next deadline: turn 39 due Wednesday, September 20 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 20 Sep 2017, 3:11 pm

A chance roll gives us a new leader on the track and on the standings board.

Turn 39 summary:
Ling plots 140 and drops one wear in the Kink. Then he hits the Big Bend racing line for another two wear and a three skill chance roll (modified 6, PHEW!). The bold move gives him P1 on the track and on the board. Mossman at 120 is free through the Kink and sheds his remaining wear on the Big Bend line.

Harrington plots 140 and then late brakes to take care of his tires at 120 around the Kink and grabs the Big Bend racing line. Schulz gets a slip from Harrington and is able to slide inside of him to pick up P3.

Pellegrino reaches into his store of wear, losing one in the Kink at 140 and grabs what's left of the Big Bend racing line. Barletta slows to 120 and falls in line behind Pellegrino.

Next deadline: turn 40 due Friday, September 22 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 22 Sep 2017, 3:42 pm

Two NPRs, one doesn't hurt, the other one does. But the big question is who will reach for the dice as we have a shootout for the finish.

Turn 40 summary:
Ling keeps at 120 through Little Bend and grabs The 90 racing line. Mossman takes an RM plot of 120 finishing outside which keeps him on the tailpipe of the leader.

Schulz plots 120 and takes the Big Bend 60 for two wear and a two skill chance roll (modified 4). He sits P3 with two wear left. Harrington drops two wear on the Big Bend racing line at 120 and keeps even with Schulz.

Pellegrino also sheds two wear on the racing line to keep the 5-car pack intact. Barletta also takes an RM plot and must slow to 80 to safely round Big Bend on the racing line.

Next deadline: turn 41 due Monday, September 25 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
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Post 26 Sep 2017, 3:15 pm

The pack rounds The 90 and heads for home.

(Note: S1 is in play. Also I have opened up a "Post Race Comments" section in the forum for any comments you may have.)

Turn 41 summary:
Ling slows to 80 to nurse his bald tires around The 90 racing line. Mossman follows in his tracks.

Schulz uses the inside advantage to get the initiative at 100 and sheds his final two wear in The 90 60 space, taking P2 and leap-frogging Harrington in the points. Harrington wanted the same move but with the exit of the corner now blocked he's forced into the 80s and spends his last wear.

Pellegrino closes the pack up with a 140 move through Little Bend for one wear and outside of The 90 for his remaining two wear. Barletta takes Little Bend at a safe 120 and starts The 90 racing line.

Next deadline: turn 42 due Friday, September 29 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC.
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Post 29 Sep 2017, 4:48 pm

Plenty of dice but S1 being in play limited a lot of moves. Ultimately no positions changed.

Turn 42 summary:
Ling seals the victory with a 120 move to the entrance of S1. Schulz plots 160 to gain the initiative then late brakes (naked 9) to finish P2.

Mossman fills out the three wide with a 140 move. Harrington plots 160 just in case any of the first three fails a roll, but instead has to late brake with two skill (modified 5) and settles for fourth.

Pellegrino also plots 160 but with the same predicament as Harrington he's forced to use his final skill to late brake (modified 6) and finish fifth. Barletta rounds The 90 and crosses the finish line to bring this race to a conclusion.

I have opened a "Post-race comments and analysis" forum on Redscape for those that wish to post comments there.

I thank you all for participating and congratulate Dave on his win as he joins Giovanni Urzi as RROC champion.
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