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Post 14 May 2017, 4:36 pm

Hey all,

I'm realizing as Dave pointed out, I stuck him in the wrong space exiting the corner(due to only needing to get to the 180 lane NOT line). Updated graphic is here. Again, this really only affects Rob and Dave. Keeping the same Deadline unless either needs corrections.

Redscape RockinghamRaceT12Cor2.png
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Post 15 May 2017, 7:32 pm

Alrighty with stuff back in working order lets cruise ahead!

Turn 14 is due Wednesday at 9pm Eastern

Mike cruises into turn 1 as Dave and Chris blaze twoards the corner behind him. Dave works the gears as he does and pulls down Chris' inside as they jive for the turn.

Kal rolls along the outside wall as he also does some shift work and pulls past Rob as they roll though the start/finish kink.

Behind them Tim works his way through turn 4 onto the main straight as Jim gets himself back up to speed.
Redscape RockinghamRaceT13.png
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Post 18 May 2017, 4:06 pm

Hey all, I have made a couple adjustments to the turn to fix a couple things.

1)Rob had basically sent me an auto turn, so he should not be NPR in this situation. Due to think I have adjusted his position. This shouldn't really affect anyone's turn outside of Rob but yeah.

2)Chris pointed out I marked him and Dave down for 2 wear instead of 4 wear, as both drivers ran through two corners during thoes 2 turns. This has been corrected.

Due to this, I'm pushing the deadline to Saturday at 6pm Eastern, though if all drivers have submitted moves Friday night, I'll run it then.

Redscape RockinghamRaceT14Cor.png
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Post 19 May 2017, 10:24 pm

And so the race barrels into it's final corners! Can Dave or Chris catch Mike or is it all but done!

Turn 16 is due Monday at 9pm. A quick note. Due to that I will be at a convention Memorial Day Weekend, there will be no Friday Update. Turn 17 will run Wendesday, and then Turn 18 will likely run Monday(depending on the situation)

Turn 15 results

Mike holds his lead as he lines up to prepare for the final two corners, as behind him, Chris and Dave come out of the turn and roll down the back stretch neck and neck.

Further back, a second battle continues to brew as Rob stays tight to the inside of the corner and comes out on the inside of Kal.

Tim works his way through turns 1 and 2 as Jim slings his car into turn 1.
Redscape RockinghamRaceT15.png
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Post 22 May 2017, 8:37 pm

Mike works his way through Turns 3 and 4 as the finish is just ahead of him!

(To Clarify for Dave, if you had failed you would continue but at a decel of 0 and all the shenanigans that are part of that)

Turn 17 due Wendesday at 9pm. Agian quickly to note there is no turn Friday due to being away from my computer.

Mike barrels through the corners, the finish like well in sight, well ahead of the field!

In the Battle for Second, Dave gets an edge as Chris pulls back to save his tires. This doesn't stop Dave from pushing his car as hard as he can into turn 3 and using his driving skills to make sure the move sticks!

Behind them, Kal and Rob drag race down the back straight neck and neck. Kal is able to gather extra speed and rolls the car into the corner, with Rob pulling in to setup for the corner behind him.

Tim rolls onto the back stretch as Jim works his way through turn 2, wearing down it's edge.
Redscape RockinghamRaceT16.png
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Post 24 May 2017, 6:27 pm

The Checkered flag waves for Mike as reaches the line!

Turn 18 Due Monday at 9pm. This may be the final turn depending on how the battle for 4th shapes up.

Rolling out of the corner, Mike's car reaches the line, and within moments will be the winner of the RC Rockingham race!

The Battle for 2nd still is hot as Dave uses his speed to keep ahead of Chris who is using Dave's draft, leading to a possible drag race to the line.

Behind them, Rob uses what's left of his tires to pull to the outside of Kal and the two run side by side into Turn 4.

Tim powers his way into turn 3 while Jim works his way down the backstretch.
Redscape RockinghamRaceT17.png
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Post 29 May 2017, 6:59 pm

and so we have 1 more final turn. Mike, Dave and Chris cross the line 1st, 2nd and 3rd, but there is some final battiling happening behind them!

Turn 19 and Final Turn due Wendesday at 9pm. I will likely post a post race message up at that time as well.
Redscape RockinghamRaceT18.png
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Post 31 May 2017, 7:02 pm

And with a final burst of speed, Kal takes fourth, and the field is basically set. Thanks everyone for racing, and congrats to Mike on the Win! Post-Race post will be on the forum soon.

A brief note and I sincerely apologize. Rob did have a 3s left which is why it was an auto succeed. I just forgot to fix that notation all race. My bad and will make sure it doesn't happen later.
Redscape RockinghamRaceT19Final.PNG