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Post 19 Jul 2017, 7:46 am

The sound of thunder echoes through the hills near the backstretch...

Turn 10 Summary

Rae continues at 160 and burns a wear in the Gresil 140's.

Swaine drops the hammer to 180, thrilling the fans along the backstretch. Burnett, at 160, tucks in behind the #25.

Munies is the fortunate recipient of the coveted double slip, passing the #18 at 160 (using 1s on the tables to get there; modified 4*) with the extra bonus. Harrington finishes out Samson at 80.

Snouffer and Haskell drop 2 wear each, taking turns at 120 through Samson. They both pass the #6 as the track narrows.

Scarpino, Bauska, and Hoyt each plot 100, scraping off a tire in the Samson 80's. Scarpino gets the bonus by virtue of being on the tail of the #94.

Turn 11 Deadline: Friday, July 21st @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)

*I forgot to note the dice roll & skill usage on the chart. I will correct next turn.
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Post 20 Jul 2017, 5:42 pm

I have all the plots so I'm pushing ahead to get one more turn in before I head to the WBC's on Sunday. All deadlines throughout the next week will be 'soft' only. Finding time to adjudicate turns will be challenging.

Also a good time to give Bruce Rae his due as the current CFR WBC winner. Many of us Redscape racers will be trying to dethrone the champ!

On to the race and this time, the thunder can heard throughout Normandy!

Turn 11 Summary

Rae finishes out Gresil at 160.

Swaine, at 140, runs to the outer rail in Gresil for free. Also at 140, Munies clips a tire on the inner lane. Burnett plays it conservative at 120 but keeps up with the pair in front via the bonus.

The "Rocketman" Haskell lives up to his billing by pushing both Acc & Top with 2sp each (modified 6 & 9 respectively). His 200 stuns the French onlookers! Snouffer drops back a bit at 160.

Scarpino gets the initiative at 160 and with the double bonus, passes the #94 to slot in behind the M&M's speedster. Harrington uses all his engine to get up to 140.

Bauska pushes Acc with 2s to run 180, tucking in behind the #6. An elated Hoyt uses his top speed of 180 and the double slip to knock the Texaco #28 into last place.

Turn 12 Deadline: Saturday, July 22nd @ 6 p.m. EDT (10 p.m. GMT)
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Post 21 Jul 2017, 3:59 am

Snouffer from worst to first
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Post 22 Jul 2017, 9:21 am

The best move of the race, to this point! Terrific racing so far, fellas...

Turn 12 Summary

Rae pulls up to La Sciene at 160.

Munies finishes out Gresil at 140, as does Swaine who grabs the tailpipe on the #29.

Burnett runs the outer rail in Gresil for free at 140. Haskell continues with his speedy ways, dropping 2 wear in the 140's at 180. That extra lane comes in handy!

Scarpino follows the #38 into Gresil at 180 for 2 wear. He uses the double slip to attempt a forced pass on the #19 with his last 2 sp (modified 5). He squeezes through for a gain of two positions. This one goes into the highlight reel!

Snouffer conserves wear at 140 in the outer lane while taking advantage of the double bonus. Harrington runs into Gresil on the outer rail, scraping off a tire for the privilege.

Hoyt moves up another spot at 160, He clips 2 tires in the Gresil 120's. Bauska, at 140, burns a wear in the 120's and hops onto the bumper of the #14 with the slip.

Turn 13 Soft Deadline: Monday, July 24th @ 6 p.m. EDT (10 p.m. GMT)
I will adjudicate when I can over the coming week. WBC's, here we come!
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Post 31 Jul 2017, 5:37 pm

WBC's are in the books and sanity shall return to my life... almost (I've got 5 days at the beach coming up but that will not eat up every second of my day like the WBC's). Expect somewhat regular turns for the next several weeks followed by a very regular schedule with extra turns sprinkled in as we play catch-up to the other circuits.

Also... race 2 will see a full, 12-car field. A few drivers at WBC expressed a desire to race and as the bottom circuit, this is where they enter.

Back to racing!

Turn 13 Summary

Rae saves his wear at 100 through the La Scierie 100's.

Munies pulls up to the corner on the inside at 160. Scarpino gets the initiative at 180 and slides in next to the #29. Swaine makes it 3-wide going into La Scierie at 160 plus the bonus.

Haskell goes first at 180 and tucks in behind the pink Chevy. Burnett keeps the pace at 160 and the slip (no place to use the double).

Snouffer must stay at 140 to finish Gresil, although he wanted to go 160 :tsk:. Hoyt runs out of the corner at 160 and pulls alongside the #94.

Harrington drops in behind the McDonald's Ford at 160. Bauska drops to 120 (?) and loses contact with the pack.

Turn 14 Deadline: Wednesday, August 2nd @ 5 p.m. EDT (9 p.m. GMT) with a potential early adjudication if all plots are in.
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Post 02 Aug 2017, 7:10 am

Very little happening this turn but at least there was a dice roll.

Turn 14 Summary

Rae plods along at 100 to clear Paradis.

The primary chase pack (Munies, Scarpino, Swaine, Haskell, & Burnett) all run La Scierie at 120 for free and stay in formation. Haskell did plot 140 but after seeing the rolling roadblock in front of him, used a skill point to brake before the corner (modified 9). A little smoke ensues but the brakes are intact.

Hoyt gets initiative at 140 and clips a tire in the La Scierie 120's. Snouffer pulls in behind the blue #14 at 120 for free.

Harrington scrapes off a wear on the outer rail at 140. Bauska pulls up to La Scierie at 160.

Turn 15 Deadline: Friday, August 4th @ 5 p.m. EDT (9 p.m. GMT)
If all plots are in by tomorrow, an early adjudication is possible.
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Post 04 Aug 2017, 2:24 am

Bruce crosses the S/F line and is now in lap 2. He might start to see some pressure from the chase pack soon...

Turn 15 Summary

Rae runs into the 2nd lap at 160.

Scarpino gets the initiative at 140 and burns a tire in Paradis. Swaine is next at 120, running the middle lane for free. Munies, at 100, opts for the inner rail.

Haskell, at 120, does not find things to his liking and gets hung up in Paradis. Burnett is more fortunate and is able to clear the corner on the outer rail at 120 plus the bonus.

Hoyt starts a conga line at 140. Harrington grabs the tailpipe on the #14, also at 140.

Snouffer pulls into the line at 120. Bauska brings up the rear at 120 for free through the La Scierie 120's.

Turn 16 Deadline: Sunday, August 6th @ 9 a.m. EDT (12 noon GMT)
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Post 06 Aug 2017, 7:47 am

The crowds are awed by the deafening roar of the big engines crossing the S/F line...

Turn 16 Summary

Rae pulls up to D938 at 160.

Scarpino races into lap 2 at 180. Munies pushes ACC with his big chip (no roll required) to get to 180. The double slip puts him into 2nd place as he tucks in front of the #17.

Swaine and Burnett also hit the long straight at 180 with the #25 sitting on the tailpipe of the DeWalt Ford.

Haskell loses contact with the chase pack after getting stuck in Paradis at 120.

Hoyt continues to save tires at 100 on the Paradis inner rail. Harrington burns a wear at 120 through the Paradis 100.

Snouffer runs the Paradis at 120 for free then, with the slip, is able to grab the bumper on the #14. Bauska takes Paradis for free at 100 and with no slip requested loses contact with the other back markers.

Turn 17 Deadline: Tuesday, August 8th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)

Note to Bruce: I have your plot slip at home which is where I'm not. Would you please send me a plot for the next few turns?
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Post 08 Aug 2017, 7:50 am

Everyone is in lap 2...

Turn 17 Summary

Rae continues to save his precious wear at 100 on the D938 inner rail.

Munies runs into the D938 120's at 140 for a wear. Scarpino pulls even with the pink car on the outer rail at 140 and the bonus, clipping a tire in the corner.

Swaine stays with the pack at 140 and the slip. He races in behind the #29 for a wear. Burnett plays it safe at 120 but loses contact with the primary chase pack.

Haskell shows off his big engine, racing down the straight at 180.

Hoyt, at 160, stays on the inner rail as he passes the S/F line. Harrington, also at 160, must accept the longer middle lane.

Snouffer uses one of his big chips (x3) to push his car to 180. He pulls up alongside the #6 on the outer rail. Bauska crosses the S/F line at 160.

Turn 18 Deadline: Thursday, August 10th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 08 Aug 2017, 2:55 pm

Rae had a huge lead at the line but it already seems to be shrinking.
Rouen C4 summary.png
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Post 10 Aug 2017, 6:20 am

The chase pack is stalking the leader...

Turn 18 Summary

Rae plays it patiently at 100 for free on the Six Freres inner rail.

Munies, at 140, clips a tire in the Six Freres outer rail. Scarpino pulls back his horses at 120 and tucks in behind the #29.

Swaine, at 140, slides to the inside of the #17. Burnett runs the D938 120's at 140 for a wear before grabbing the tailpipe on the #25.

Haskell takes the D938 for free at 120 but has to over-brake to get there. Based on his preference form, that'll cost a wear.

Hoyt runs into the D938 120's at 140 for a wear. Harrington scrapes off a tire as he follows the #14 into the D938 at 140.

Snouffer dives into the run-off lane in D938 at 140, spending a wear for the privilege. Bauska regains contact with the peleton at 160.

Turn 19 Deadline: Saturday, August 12th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 12 Aug 2017, 7:00 am

A quiet turn as the cars ready for the big hairpin...

Turn 19 Summary

Rae pulls up to Nouveau Monde at 140 on the inside. Munies drops to 120 as he preps his brakes for the hairpin.

Scarpino has the initiative at 120 and runs the outer rail for free before tucking in behind the #29. Swaine, takes the inner rail on Six Freres for free.

Burnett also runs the Six Freres for free at 100 then grabs the tailpipe on the #17. Haskell dives into Six Freres on the outside at 120 for free.

Hoyts continiues at 140 and knocks down a wear in the Six Freres 120's. He's on the wing of the #38.

Harrington and Snouffer both continue D938 at 140 (wear already paid) and stay side-by-side in front of the next corner. Bauska clips a tire at 140 through the D938 120's before tapping the bumper on the #6.

Turn 20 Deadline: Monday, August 14th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 14 Aug 2017, 7:03 am

Rae gets to push out his lead again while the chasers congregate in front of Nouveau Monde.

Turn 20 Summary

Rae burns off 2 wear at 80 in the Nouveau Monde 40's.

Munies pulls up to Nouveau Monde on the inner rail at 80. Scarpino, at 100, slides in next to the #29.

Swaine, also at 100, is left on the outer rail as the cars set up 3-wide. Burnett grabs the tailpipe on the #17 at 100 with all options open.

Haskell finishes out Six Freres at 120. Hoyt continues the corner at 140 and pulls abreast of the #38.

Snouffer clips a tire at 140 on the Six Freres outer rail. Harrington takes the inner rail at 100 for free. Bauska runs the Six Freres 120's at the speed limit and completes the conga line.

Turn 21 Deadline: Wednesday, August 16th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
Adjudication will most likely be Wednesday afternoon although I could go tomorrow if all plots are in.
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Post 15 Aug 2017, 1:55 pm

Race fans cheer some bold moves by the M&M's Ford!

Turn 21 Summary

Rae runs up to D132 at 140.

Munies and Scarpino take turns through the inner lane of Nouveau Monde at 80, shedding 2 tires apiece.

Swaine clips a tire at 80 on the outer rail. Burnett, at 80, burns 2 wear in the Nouveau Monde 40's before hauling in the bumper on the #29.

Haskell plots 120 then brakes down to 100 before the corner (naked 3). He then dives into Nouveau Monde on the inner rail for 2 wear and 3s on the chance roll (modified 3). The #38 car has no problem sticking to the pavement.

Hoyt runs into the hairpin at 80 for 2 tokens but forgets about his weak brakes and tosses in another to slow himself down. Snouffer, at 100, dives into Nouveau Monde for 2 tires. He tacks on the bonus by virtue of Franklin's risky driving.

Harrington pulls up to the hairpin at 100 on the inside. Bauska plays it safe at 100 and sits on the outer rail.

Turn 22 Deadline: Thursday, August 17th @ 9 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 15 Aug 2017, 3:49 pm

Good numbers for sector 1 this lap.
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