Copied from old boards (originally posted about three weeks ago)
Time to start thinking about baseball (part winter meetings, part knocked out of RFL playoffs).
Final rosters are being reconciled & verified by Matt and myself and should be ready soon. Auction date options sent out shortly.
Ideas for 2011:
Expansion to 16 teams. The current wait list has four players (Steve being one of them - I knew he'd be back...).
I can't think of anything else too important though if we expand, a revisit to a divisional format might be worth a look.
Amendment proposals to date
1) Expand to 16 teams. New teams start from scratch.
The one rule I really don't like in this league is no adds during the playoffs. It's just silly that if your catcher or SS gets hurt, you've got to play a guy down. It's a terrible way to lose and a lousy way to win in the playoffs. I honestly don't even understand the rationale for it. If someone who likes this rule could explain why it exists, in a way that would convince me of its worth, I'd be much obliged. Otherwise I'd like to discuss an amendment.
I'd be OK expanding the league. I'm OK not expanding the league too.
I vaguely remember some discussion about that rule but not the specifics. My thinking was and is along these lines:
1) FA deadline set before season is over to minimize owners dumping valuable non-keepers for potential keepers.
2) Playoff teams are not given an exception. It would be anti-competitive to allow the best teams more opportunities to obtain keepers.
Happy to discuss and look at alternatives.
I think a supplemental draft would be cool (like the MLB 40-man roster on Sept 1). Playoff bound teams could add some depth and non-playoff teams could take some flyers for next year. There would be lots of questions to deal with but I think it'd be doable. You could finish an email draft or auction in a week or so. I've actually seen an email-based auction service that might work very nicely for something like this.
Now that's something I can get behind. An expansion of the rosters. The guys in the Playoffs can focus on adding backups in case of injury, while the guys not in the playoffs can focus on next year and see if they can pick up a keeper or two. Like it.
Ok, so let's start thinking about some details.
1. Number of players. I think about 2 or 3 each.
2. Method. I'm inclined towards an email draft. Check this site out:
3. Timing. My preference would be at the FA closing date.
4. Limits on use. Will roster expansion lead to some pitcher churning in the playoffs? Do we care?
5. How do we accommodate the extra players? ESPN did not allow for roster expansion once the season started. Maybe that will be different this year but I'm not banking on it.
Perhaps we only allow the additional players to replace others on the roster - i.e. You call up one of your draftees but have to release another player. That solves the technical problem with #5 and at the same time addresses #4.
I can understand the rationale for expanded late-season rosters, but I think the logistical headache probably makes it not worth the trouble.
Time to start thinking about baseball (part winter meetings, part knocked out of RFL playoffs).
Final rosters are being reconciled & verified by Matt and myself and should be ready soon. Auction date options sent out shortly.
Ideas for 2011:
Expansion to 16 teams. The current wait list has four players (Steve being one of them - I knew he'd be back...).
I can't think of anything else too important though if we expand, a revisit to a divisional format might be worth a look.
Amendment proposals to date
1) Expand to 16 teams. New teams start from scratch.
The one rule I really don't like in this league is no adds during the playoffs. It's just silly that if your catcher or SS gets hurt, you've got to play a guy down. It's a terrible way to lose and a lousy way to win in the playoffs. I honestly don't even understand the rationale for it. If someone who likes this rule could explain why it exists, in a way that would convince me of its worth, I'd be much obliged. Otherwise I'd like to discuss an amendment.
I'd be OK expanding the league. I'm OK not expanding the league too.
I vaguely remember some discussion about that rule but not the specifics. My thinking was and is along these lines:
1) FA deadline set before season is over to minimize owners dumping valuable non-keepers for potential keepers.
2) Playoff teams are not given an exception. It would be anti-competitive to allow the best teams more opportunities to obtain keepers.
Happy to discuss and look at alternatives.
I think a supplemental draft would be cool (like the MLB 40-man roster on Sept 1). Playoff bound teams could add some depth and non-playoff teams could take some flyers for next year. There would be lots of questions to deal with but I think it'd be doable. You could finish an email draft or auction in a week or so. I've actually seen an email-based auction service that might work very nicely for something like this.
Now that's something I can get behind. An expansion of the rosters. The guys in the Playoffs can focus on adding backups in case of injury, while the guys not in the playoffs can focus on next year and see if they can pick up a keeper or two. Like it.
Ok, so let's start thinking about some details.
1. Number of players. I think about 2 or 3 each.
2. Method. I'm inclined towards an email draft. Check this site out:
3. Timing. My preference would be at the FA closing date.
4. Limits on use. Will roster expansion lead to some pitcher churning in the playoffs? Do we care?
5. How do we accommodate the extra players? ESPN did not allow for roster expansion once the season started. Maybe that will be different this year but I'm not banking on it.
Perhaps we only allow the additional players to replace others on the roster - i.e. You call up one of your draftees but have to release another player. That solves the technical problem with #5 and at the same time addresses #4.
I can understand the rationale for expanded late-season rosters, but I think the logistical headache probably makes it not worth the trouble.