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Post 25 Jan 2013, 8:44 am

Good point Mike. Having two leagues doesn't really make sense unless you separate the playoffs. Each league would be seeded separately 1-3. One wildcard from each league, which is different than the two best non-division winners getting in. No interleague playoffs until the finals.

I think that's well outside the scope of what we did when we voted yes to divisions. I also think it's serious overkill to do this for 16 teams.
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 10:36 am

I calculated divisions based on Freeman's formula, accounting for lifetime record weighted by years in league and then used Andrew's suggestion for placement. I put the new owners (Steve, Freeman, & Michael) at the bottom of the list and ordered them based on years of experience. I did not consider their RBL records since none of them have played for many years.

Matt (0.586)
Nick (0.462)
Barry (0.461)
Michael (1 yr exp)

George (0.584)
John (0.472)
Alexander (0.428)
Freeman (2 yr exp)

Mike (0.551)
Brad Ba (0.491)
Ryan (0.425)
Steve (5 yr exp)

Todd (0.534)
Andrew (0.496)
Brad S (0.417)
Brad Bu (0.417)

I think D3 might be tough considering Ryan's recent success & Steve is coming in with some nice contracts. I don't think his learning curve is as steep as he lets on.
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 11:04 am

Yeah, I don't think Steve should be considered a newbie--he played in the league for five years, he played in it after the auction process started (and won!),he got some under-priced contracts, and he is über--competitive (just try debating with him...) I think he should go in Matt's division... :razz:
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 11:10 am

I wonder what you get if you do this for past three years? I'm not sure our records 8-10 years ago matter that much when talking about the current strength of teams.

I also think we should consider using Steve's recent franchise performance when making his seeding, since he's bringing in those contracts. (Perhaps if we are using all 10 years, then do the first 5 for the Cool E's and the last 5 for the 10K?)

Makes more sense to put Michael and Freeman at the bottom since they're coming in with blank slates and were in the league for short stints a long time ago.

Are we pitching the geography idea? I kind of liked that as well.
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 11:18 am

I would also like to suggest that if we don't do geography, we name our leagues after players.

I propose the following four, who are a good mix of the best players of all time in different eras and facets of the game:

Barry Bonds (LH hitter, OF)
Honus Wagner (RH hitter, IF)
Brooks Robinson (fielder)
Pedro Martinez (pitcher)
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 11:31 am

I'd sooner play in a division called Satan then one named after Bonds. I don't care so much about the PED's - fact is, he's just an @#$!.
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 12:09 pm

Here's division based on last three years record. For Steve I used David's record, both a reflection of the team he inherited and handicapping him for five years of success.

Todd (0.602)
Barry (0.495)
Steve (0.491)
Michael (n/a)

Matt (0.590)
John (0.513)
Nick (0.465)
Freeman (n/a)

George (0.578)
Andrew (0.516)
Ryan (0.442)
Brad Bu (0.394)

Brad Ba (0.529)
Mike (0.523)
Alexander (0.434)
Brad S (0.428)
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 12:11 pm

Matt, I'm still considering geography as a driver. I'm still partial to it since it seems more in line with real leagues.
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 12:55 pm

freeman2 wrote:Yeah, I don't think Steve should be considered a newbie--he played in the league for five years, he played in it after the auction process started (and won!),he got some under-priced contracts, and he is über--competitive (just try debating with him...) I think he should go in Matt's division... :razz:

Um, I stopped playing because I couldn't keep up. I don't think that should count as a "plus."
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 2:02 pm

Well, we're definitely going to 21 weeks. How has yet to be determined. Either way, I'm going to lock in a scheduling set-up:

Play division rivals twice.
Play one team from every other division twice.
Play all other teams once.

Sorry Steve, I just don't like the 'triple-play'.
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 2:06 pm

This sounds like a conglomerate of the NFL, and the MLB. You play every team at least once in home and away in the MLB, but in the NFL, you play one division in each conference each year, rotating. I like the mix of both that Mike has brought up. Also, the Geographical is fine with me, but when we have an ownership change, will that re-arrange the divisions?
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 2:08 pm

Haven't gotten your vote on 21-weeks. Did you get your amendment email?

You work fast...
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 2:15 pm

Regarding geography: If we go in that direction, I think we have to accept more potential imbalance with the divisions. You can't really justify an occasional realignment based on balance when that was not a criteria in the first place. You could certainly justify a realignment with new ownership or owner relocation (as you suggest, Brad).
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 2:39 pm

Oh for Pete's sake! Just set some divisions and be done with it, already!
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Post 25 Jan 2013, 2:47 pm

Pick a bad week to quit smoking?